SAP Crystal Report Library for Agility
A collection of Crystal Reports that can be upload to SAP Business One using the Print Layout functions. The reports have bar codes on the key fields and can be used as a starting point within Business One Report - Agility Back Order - Agility Bill of Lading - Agility Order Fulfillment - Agility Paperless Sales Order List Form - Agility Counting Sheet - Agility Pick and Pack Manager Pick List - Agility Production Order Pick List - Agility Sales Order Delivery Order - Agility Sales Order Pick List - Agility Sales Order Pick List with Weights - Agility Inventory Transfer Request Pick List
Need option to turn off pkg audit
Symptoms: Please provide away to turn off the PKG audit. When building 900 cartons the system comes to a crawl. Likewise when transferring a pallet with 900 cartons the system comes to a stop. Solution: Options has been added to turn off "Package Audit" transaction records to the wspkgaud and wspkglinaud tables. File > Options > Pick Pack - Shipping > Shipping Options "Turn Off Package Audit" options selection
Private Document Assignmets not functioning properly
Symptoms: Document Assignment not working for public/private - HANA. When a document is set to private and assigned to specific customers/CardCodes, printing documents is always printing the public document for customer/CardCode. Solution: Corrected and Document Assignment working for Hana.