Add Form Studio startup formulas option to execute item actions
A new option, Execute Item Actions, is available when setting a field items value in a startup formula. If the checkbox is set, the item's action sequence will be processed during startup*. *For the item's Action Sequence to be executed any previous required items in the form also need to be set
Create Inventory Count Document on the fly during physical count process
In order to add counts using our handheld application, we need a document number (i.e. a physical/cycle count created in b1) They want to be able to add it on the fly. Agility Transaction - IM CycleCount Create Count Document is now available.
Add option to Cycle Count to override existing quantity counted
A new option has been added to SAPInventory.CycleCount.PostToSAP that will allow you to override the existing quantity counted with the passed in quantity. Agility Transaction - IM CycleCount Post Count with Qty Adjust
FS not disconnecting from original company when changing company.
Symptoms: In SAP SQL and HANA, when you open FS in one company then change to another company all DI API related process are still connecting to the original company opened when the design tool opens. All queries/processes occurring outside of the DI API appear to be properly connecting to the new company selected. Solution:
Arithmetic Operation Resulted in an Overflow - Error on SAP Client Updater during DLL registration
Symptoms: SAP SQL Client updater returns Unhandled exception. Arithmetic Operation Resulted in an Overflow. This occurs during DLL registration. The do appear to register correctly. Solution:
Agility Label Designer Keep Parent Property Expanded After Change
Symptoms: When changing font on properties, change and tab collapses the "Font" section. So if anything else needs changed, it has to be reexpanded. Would like to keep expanded until the user closes. Solution: Expandable areas now stay open. Also each area is outlined which makes the properties area much easier to use.
FS Crash When Saving A New Form With Title And Icon Only
Symptoms: Creating a new form with only a title (no entry fields, buttons, or girds), and selecting an icon can cause Form Studio to crash. When selecting the form icon, you will be prompted to save the form which will cause Form Studio to throw an exception.
Can't ship a shipment for Kits in B1
Symptoms: After packing the shipment, the object will not ship. Error: There was a problem with the deliver Document process. The complete Sales BOM, not just some of the components, must be copied to an A/R Invoice or a Deliver. DLN1 treetype line:1 Solution:
Agility Grid stays open after Business One is closed
Symptoms: Agility for Business One is staying open after Business One has been closed. In this case it was a grid opened on the B1 menu that failed to close when B1 was closed. Solution: Changed to be sure any open Agility grids are closing also when Business One is closed.
SQL Errors occur during Document Import on HANA 64 Bit AddOn
When importing documents through Options | Document Management | Import Document an invalid SQL syntax errors occur related to ISNull/IfNull. The Wisys x86 document directory was also in accessible in the HANA 64-Bit Addon
Hot Fix - SAP Addon HANA Concurrency License Fails
When loading the Wisys AddOn for SAP HANA the error - "Wisys Agility: Error applying License - OpenCurrencyConnection: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server." The system type was not being identified properly.
Agility 360 Lookups were not using device defaults in query
Agility 360 Lookups were pulling the default values (such as Default Location) from the saved Form Studio default value when used in the query. They should be obtained the device settings. This change requires an update to IIS AgilityAPI This has been applied with Jim & Bryce 3/31/21 - tell Scott they put on and tested