Agility International Shipping using export code write back "All Other Exports"
Agility International Shipping using export code tries to write back "All Other Exports" in wsPkgShipment table when it should write back OS or OI. Updated the value in the wsOptionList table to an appropriate value.
UPS Silent Shipping Incorrect Billing Location Account Number
When silent shipping with a pre-paid location based shipping account in UPS, a validation error can be thrown that there are mismatched accounts. 120415: BillShipper/AccountNumber must be the same shipper number as Shipper/ShipperNumber.
Fullfillment Mgr - UOM not being converted correctly when binned or batched\serial item.
Sales UOM 2 bags (25lb) should have Inventory UOM of 50. Fullfillment MGR ships this without issue if non-binned warehouse. If a binned warehouse user receives “Item must be fully allocated in bin…” error message or “Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers.”
SAP Add Item to Package Batch Records are not correct in HANA
When adding a batch managed item to a package, the Line record is not being updated. This is the same if the Batch number is the same or different. This leads to problems in the Fulfillment Manager as the main grid will only show that part of the items are packed.
Create a grid to review shipment order information
Create a grid so users can review shipment order information by shipment. Grid should alert users of possible issues with order data in SAP versus the order data in the package tables.,Main Grid is Check Shipment Order Information and can alert users to issues if the order has been delete, closed, or cancelled; if a line number has changed on the order, or if the item numbers no longer match on an order; or if the RDR12 records does not exist.
Desktop applications will retrieve Client Version information from Wisys.AllSystem
Desktop Applications that display the Build Info versions will now retrieve the current Client Version from Wisys.AllSystem. ,Desktop Applications: Agility Design Studio, Agility Explorer, Form Studio
SAP Hana product updater cannot update multiple companies at a time
When running the SAP HANA product updater against multiple companies, a connection error is displayed by the updater several times while updating projects and tables. ,The connection issue has been resolved and multiple companies can now be updated at a time in the SAP HANA product updater.
SAP Add-on Licensing allowing users to use grids within SAP when seat licenses have been exceeded.
SAP Add-on Licensing allowing users to use grids within SAP even when seat license has been exceeded. Users will be prompted with a red message at the bottom of the screen that the seat licenses has been exceeded but it allows them to continue using the grids. Licensing when launching AE and other desktop programs outside of SAP, works properly.
SAP Issue Serial form does not allow selection of serial allocated to order you are processing
Issue Serials needs to allow the selection of a serial number that is allocated to the specific order you are working on. Currently a SQL validation is considering the committed qty and failing. It should allow successful validation of the serial is allocated to the order in sap.
Agility Shipping International All Other Exports error
Error when settings a commodity code to All Other Exports in Commodity Code setup or in the International Shipping Screen. All Other Exports should be either export code OS or OI. All Other Exports has been removed and OI has been added. OS already existed.