Create inventory count preload clean up grid
A new grid called “Inventory Count Preload Clean Up” will identify, and easily delete, bad inventory count preload records. The grid will identify the following bad records.,1 - Preload line record that is missing from the count sheet, 2 - Preload header records associated with a closed count sheet, 3 - Orphaned SnB preload records, 4 - Orphaned Line preload records, and 5 - Orphaned Header preload records. Users can choose to delete single or all records by using the selection checkboxes.,An empty grid indicates that no bad preload records were found.
Allow for an Agility item to be in multiple menus on SAP Client
When adding an item to multiple menus, some menu items will either not appear or the entire SAP menu will disappear, depending on the version and patch level of SAP. Items can now be added into multiple menu folders in the SAP client.
Adding a menu group in Agility Designer displays in SAP but not in AE
When adding a menu group in Agility Designer, the menu group will display in the SAP Client, but it does not display in Agility Explorer. The menu group and associated applications should display in both the SAP Client and Agility Explorer.
A360 Displays Orange Box On Lookup Grids
Intermittent display of an orange box over Grids in Agility 360 required the application cache to be cleared. This issue has not been reliably reproducible in Agility 360; however, current DevExpress mobile grid components appear to alleviate the issue.
SAP DI API not copying Sales Order Line SlpCode to Delivery Line SlpCode in Fulfillment Manager
The SalesPersonCode will now be set when creating deliveries through the Fulfillment Manager based on the sales order line. In cases that the sales order line has a SalePersonCode = No Sales Employee (-1), the SAP DI API automatically sets the line SalesPersonCode to the header SalesPersonCode. This is a different operation than creating a delivery in the SAP UI where the SalesPersonCode on the delivery line is set to No Sales Employee.