Pick forms not working for anything other then Sales Order
Symptoms: ,Order picking form looks like it should work for multiple pick list types (Production, Transfer, Sales Order.) ,Sales Order validation step is running for all types causing "Picklist not found" error for anything but Sales Orders. ,Transfer Order Pick looks like a copy of and still contains the Sales Order Validation. ,Verify Serial Number lookup on all forms (should show allocated serial number.) , Directed Pick form - Verify ability to partial pick item and move on to next item. ,Solution:
Closing a Grid that has a child grid on the detail section causes an error when closing
Closing a Grid that has a child grid on the detail section causes an error when closing: AssignDataSet:Error updating display:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error point:61.3
Request - change "Alert" title on top of grids to "Alert Key"
Request to change verbiage at top of grid when alert legend is shown. Currently reads "Alerts" and users see that and think that there is a problem in the data. Would like it to read "Alert Key" so it is less confusing for users.
Create Object to create multiple packages and add to a shipment
This can be an overload of wisys.pkgtrx.pkgadd.addfloatpackageswithitems. or wisys.pkgtrx.pkgadd.addpackagewithitems.,The wisys.pkgtrx.pkgadd.addpackagewithitems may be best option adding qty per and allow partial method parameters.
Unable to Save settings in the Shipping Freight Write-Back menu when opened from inside of SAP
The Wisys Packing and Shipping option, "Shipping Freight Write-Back", will not save any changes when accessed through the SAP menu. The problem is caused by the “Save” button on the pop up, which is not currently functioning. The bug exists in both SQL and Hana.
Serial Lot builder and Item Validation in same Action Sequence cause a SQL Lock
The Serial Lot Builder is using the Non-Transaction SQL Connection when executed from FS/AM/Agility360. The lock occurs when you use the Serial Lot Builder Seq Global option which updates the wsSettings and an item validation which checks the wsSettings table for the alternate items using a DoQuery ForBrowse. The Serial Lot Builder will now use the Transactional Connection (Agility 360 was already) and the query that returns the list of Alternate Items will no longer use a SAP DoQuery.
SAP Validations Join Wisys and SAP Tables
Some Form Studio Validations Join Wisys and SAP Tables which may lead to unexpected locking during a transaction. The following validations have been modified. BoBatch.PalletBuilderValidateBatch; BoBin.PalletBuilderValidateBin; BoSerial.PalletBuilderValidateSerial
Agility Shipping - International Shipping button DBNull to type String error when opening
Receive error when clicking the International Button in Agility Shipping LoadData: Conversion from type ‘DBNull to type 'String’ is not valid.,UPS International Form will open after that. Upon closing you will receive an Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.
Agility Shipping Options Capture Producer Plugin
Design Studio Wisys.Options Project should be updated to include a new options screen for “Producers” or "International Producers" used when filing an international documents such as USMCA Certificate of Origin, etc.,The user control to be captured is Wisys.Options.v5.0.dll | ucAgilityShippingProducers,New WsOptionDetail record in Create WsOptionDetail.sql (Macola) and Load WsOptionDetail.sql (SAP),insert into wsOptionDetail (OptionsGroupName, ButtonName, ButtonText,SeqNo,Enabled,SecurityLvl,LicenseCode,BeginGroup,ExtraText,ProcessID),values ('AS-OPTIONS','Producers','Producers',71,1,50,null,0,null,'NEW_PROCESS_ID_HERE')
When using Standard Fullfillment and shipping consolidated order. Receive SQL error regarding docentry not found in table.
SAP appears to be adding additional code to the query to obtain the document key. To mitigate this, I have removed the nolock directives (not needed) and added a primary key to the fields returned. Although I was unable to replicate this on my system, I suspect this may due to a setting in SAP for the GPDR compliance in the EU for customers records in the EU.
When a Default Carrier is not set in the Agility Shipping Settings an unexpected error occurs
When a Default Carrier is not set in the Agility Shipping Settings an unexpected error: Failed getting starting for EDI package types is thrown. Eliminated the error message by setting the Default Carrier to an empty string if it has not been set.
Agility Designer Format on SQL Script component throws an error that the statement can't be formatted
The format button will no longer throw an error on SQL Scripts that cannot executed/parsed into Schema based queries that are used with Grids/Process Grids. A message will be displayed stating that it cannot be properly parsed, but will allow you to continue.
Transfer request picking fails on the Order lookup because it uses the Doc Entry return field instead of Doc Num. Also validation being used to validated the sales order is incorrect.
Transfer request picking fails on the Order lookup because it uses the Doc Entry return field instead of Doc Num. Also validation being used to validated the sales order is incorrect. The Validation that runs on the Sales Order should use BOInv.TransferRequestValidateOrderNumber
User gets prompted twice for the number of copies
When selecting the prompt property in Document library, user gets prompted twice for the number of copies. Code to to honor the No of copies passed into the print method when bypassing the new Copies screen that was created for Desktop applications.
Transfer Serial Number - Add Serial Validation to serial field, improve error messages
When scanning serial number it will allow you to scan any data. Only when you try to post do you get an error that serial number doesn't exist. New validations were written to improve error messaging at the time of scanning.
Load pallets validation fails on the Item No in A360 for the BOPackingShipping.PkgValidateSalesOrderItem
,Users would receive an “Index was outside the bounds of the array” error message if they entered a pallet and pressed Save without entering through the Pallet field. This action would cause issues in the processing of the transaction. The message box was relocated in the action sequence to prevent this error message.