Build 570.0

Hot Fixes 9

Release Date 11/11/2024

B209639 - AP Reserve Invoice Preload does not Associate the Goods Receipt Document to the AP Reserve Invoice Doc

B209639     11/11/2024

AP Reserve Invoice Preload does not Associate the Goods Receipt Document to the AP Reserve Invoice Doc

AP Reserve Invoice Preload does not associate the Goods Receipt Document to the AP Reserve Invoice document

B200931 - Create new form to receive on GRPO against AP Reserve Invoice

B200931     11/11/2024

Create new form to receive on GRPO against AP Reserve Invoice

Create new form to receive on GRPO against AP Reserve Invoice

Release Date 11/5/2024

E209685 - Added enhancements to Pallet Production form

E209685     11/5/2024

Added enhancements to Pallet Production form

Enhancements added to Pallet Production include automatically assigning the value from the Production Bin setting and also utilizing the Serial Batch builder to autogenerate batches

Release Date 10/31/2024

B209680 - USPS Silent Shipping Invalid ZipCode when extended zip includes a hyphen

B209680     10/31/2024

USPS Silent Shipping Invalid ZipCode when extended zip includes a hyphen

When Ship To ZipCode includes a extended zip separated by a hyphen (#####-####), an error will be returned by Endicia that the ToPostalCode is invalid. The ZipCodes will now be formatted prior to shipment to remove the hyphen.

Release Date 10/18/2024

B209671 - Fedex Error Message " Failed : Pickup Service Type is Required"

B209671     10/18/2024

Fedex Error Message " Failed : Pickup Service Type is Required"

When using FedEx Rest API shipping in Silent Mode, users were receiving an error because the Pickup Service Type was not explicitly set. An object property was added to the ship object to allow users to set this. Additionally, if this property is not set, it will default to {0}USE_SCHEDULED_PICKUP. Other options include {1}CALL_FEDEX_TO_SCHEDULE and {2}DROPOFF_AT_FEDEX_LOCATION

Release Date 10/14/2024

B209645 - Capturing an Agility Object in Form Studio can generate a SQL syntax "Union" error message

B209645     10/14/2024

Capturing an Agility Object in Form Studio can generate a SQL syntax "Union" error message

When capturing an Agility object that contains an enumeration in a Hana environment, a SQL syntax error “ProcessSQL :sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near “union” will be thrown.

Release Date 10/7/2024

B209644 - Inventory Transfer warehouse error when using branches

B209644     10/7/2024

Inventory Transfer warehouse error when using branches

ERROR: 5002: Warehouse is not assigned to the same branch as the document. ,Solution: The warehouse on the header sets the BPLId on the SAP transfer object. These were not being explicitly set causing the error. The To and From warehouse will now be explicitly set by the transfer object which then sets the BPLId.

Release Date 10/2/2024

E209635 - Create Pick Analytics for SAP Picking

E209635     10/2/2024

Create Pick Analytics for SAP Picking

Created tables and objects to capture pick analytics. Created a simple grid to display basic picking analytics.

Release Date 9/4/2024

B209273 - Undership and Overship warning no longer work

B209273     9/4/2024

Undership and Overship warning no longer work

AE\Pick Pack settings for Overship and Undership no longer work for shipments other than ShipRush shipments in Macola

Enhancements 8

E200939 - Add Agility Essentials Option for Hard/Soft/Warning if over receiving

E200939     9/4/2024

Add Agility Essentials Option for Hard/Soft/Warning if over receiving

Add Agility Essentials Option for Hard/Soft Warning if over receiving

E202977 - DLN7 UDF Mapping in Fulfillment Manager

E202977     9/4/2024

DLN7 UDF Mapping in Fulfillment Manager

Added an enhancement to map specific information from the wsPkg table to DLN7 UDFs when creating a delivery while shipping through the Fulfillment Manager. Data that can be mapped included SSCC, EAN18, EAN14, and small package shipping values List Freight, Contract Freight, Tracking No, Return Tracking No

E209300 - Retrieve and print UPS High Value Report from Carrier API

E209300     9/4/2024

Retrieve and print UPS High Value Report from Carrier API

Retrieve and print High Value Reports from the carrier API response when customers are shipping high value packages.

E209406 - Changes made to the SAPBusinessOneSDK in SAP V10 FP2402 result in WiSys incompatability

E209406     9/4/2024

Changes made to the SAPBusinessOneSDK in SAP V10 FP2402 result in WiSys incompatability

Made updates to support SAP V10 FP2402 as a result of changes made to the SAPBusinessOneSDK

E209434 - .NET 4.7.2 to .NET 4.8

E209434     9/4/2024

.NET 4.7.2 to .NET 4.8

Upgrade Wisys Libraries from .NET 4.7.2 to .NET 4.8

E209584 - Create object to update DLN7 on a delivery

E209584     9/4/2024

Create object to update DLN7 on a delivery

New object allows users to update UDF fields on DLN7 records

E209592 - Add enhancement to save Agility Shipping labels in file directory as PDF, PNG or JPG.

E209592     9/4/2024

Add enhancement to save Agility Shipping labels in file directory as PDF, PNG or JPG.

Added an enhancement to allow users to save Agility Shipping labels to a file directory as PDF, PNG or JPG.

E209608 - Add object to create new items in SAP

E209608     9/4/2024

Add object to create new items in SAP

Created a new method too add items in SAP

Resolved Issues 11

B202342 - Agility 360 - An issue occurred during the Action Setup message

B202342     9/4/2024

Agility 360 - An issue occurred during the Action Setup message

When an Agility 360 Form loads and an error occurs during the Action Setup the message "An issue occurred during the Action Setup". Additional information will be returned to the user in addition to the detailed information in the Notifications section of the form.

B209544 - Form Studio Grid Layouts are not being restored properly

B209544     9/4/2024

Form Studio Grid Layouts are not being restored properly

When modifying a Grid Layout in Form Studio the layout is not being restored with applied changes

B209560 - Agility Mobile - Layout Tablet (-LT) formatting issues

B209560     9/4/2024

Agility Mobile - Layout Tablet (-LT) formatting issues

The -LT option was not formatting child forms opened with the Open Form action, Grids were also not being formatted for Tablet mode.

B209571 - Adding Favorites in SAP Agility Explorer

B209571     9/4/2024

Adding Favorites in SAP Agility Explorer

Users would get an error when trying to add favorites in the SAP Agility Explorer menu

B209577 - Agility 360 Sync SAP B1 SSO Password

B209577     9/4/2024

Agility 360 Sync SAP B1 SSO Password

Updates to syncing a user’s SAP B1 SSO Password in Agility 360 have been added to help streamline password changes that include notifications, prompts, application screens, and server-side validations. 

B209580 - Agility Mobile unhandled exception when Logging Out

B209580     9/4/2024

Agility Mobile unhandled exception when Logging Out

An unhandled expection can be thrown when you Logout of Agility Mobile.

B209595 - Agility Apps in SAP will crash if you answer No to SSO Password update message box

B209595     9/4/2024

Agility Apps in SAP will crash if you answer No to SSO Password update message box

When your SSO password is out of sync and prompted to change update your password, Agility Applications will crash if you answer No to the update password message.

B209606 - Sales BOM Quantity Calculation Issue when shipping in Fulfillment Manager

B209606     9/4/2024

Sales BOM Quantity Calculation Issue when shipping in Fulfillment Manager

When shipping a Sales BOM with a component that has a Quantity Per Package other than 1, the Parent Sales BOM shipped quantity is incorrect.

B209611 - SAP Bin Transfer To Bin Lookup error in Agility 360

B209611     9/4/2024

SAP Bin Transfer To Bin Lookup error in Agility 360

The ToBin lookup might return an error “An unexpected issue occurred retrieving the lookup data” when using Agility 360 but it will work in Agility Mobile. The SQL has a calculation that had no Alias that is causing the issue. The alias “OnHand” was added to the formula to correct the issue.

B209612 - Form Studio Form Properties Not Updating As Expected

B209612     9/4/2024

Form Studio Form Properties Not Updating As Expected

The Form Studio Agility 360 Camera Enabled form property was unintentionally updating the Form Name Property with a value of True/False, and the Form Description was not reflecting its value when updated.

B209613 - UPS Paperless shipments not returning the proper shipment label

B209613     9/4/2024

UPS Paperless shipments not returning the proper shipment label

When shipping UPS paperless commercial invoice, labels were being returned with the tag “INV - Non-document shipment where paper invoice is required and all information, including invoice line detail, is keyed. Pull the customs copy of the Commercial Invoice.” which requires the commercial invoice to be physically attached to the package. The issue has been corrected and will return either EDI or EDI-PULL based on the paperless documents selected and shipping requirements per customs.