Build 569.9

Hot Fixes 23

Release Date 7/26/2024

B209593 - International Shipping Comparison when location and company countries are different

B209593     7/26/2024

International Shipping Comparison when location and company countries are different

When shipping from a location that is in a different country than what is found in the company file, a comparison can wrongly identify the shipment as international when it should be domestic.

Release Date 7/23/2024

B209522 - Calculation of what is available to pack is incorrect

B209522     7/23/2024

Calculation of what is available to pack is incorrect

When packing an item in a package and flagging the object to Require Qty available, the object calculates On Hand+On Order-Committed. Calculation changed to look at just on hand quantity less open quantities on packages.

B209567 - IM Goods Receipt Preload with Pkg Number

B209567     7/23/2024

IM Goods Receipt Preload with Pkg Number

When using the IM Goods Receipt Preload with a Pkg Number, the line and binsnb do not properly consolidate and some entries are ignored. Queries to determine if a record should be inserted or updated were not including a Pkg Number which was causing the issue.

B209568 - Third Party button not working for LTL Shipment

B209568     7/23/2024

Third Party button not working for LTL Shipment

Third Party button is not working in the BOL screen when processing LTL shipments. Button will now be enabled when the payment type is 3rd party and data entered in this screen will write to the wsPkgShipment table.

B209590 - SAP Pallet Cycle Count Serial Number Counting Issue

B209590     7/23/2024

SAP Pallet Cycle Count Serial Number Counting Issue

SAP Pallet Cycle Count would not allow counting more than 1 serial number per pallet.

E209578 - Add UDF update to Create Delivery from PickList

E209578     7/23/2024

Add UDF update to Create Delivery from PickList

Added the ability to update UDFs on the Delivery header when using the Create Delivery from PickList object.

Release Date 7/22/2024

E209562 - Pick List - Enable picking from unallocated pick lists from all 4 SAP document sources

E209562     7/22/2024

Pick List - Enable picking from unallocated pick lists from all 4 SAP document sources

Added functionality to the PickList.Pick method to allow for all 4 SAP document types that are currently available for picking in SAP. Added the ability for each of these to automatically allocate if they are not allocated on the pick list and/or the source document. This method will not adjust bin/batch/serial allocations that are already set on the pick list or change the batch/serial allocation on the source document if they are already set. Additional methods exist that can be used to add and remove those assignments.

Release Date 7/16/2024

E209583 - Add Pallet Delete form to the out of the box Pallet Project

E209583     7/16/2024

Add Pallet Delete form to the out of the box Pallet Project

Added a handheld form to delete pallets to the WMS Pallet Project.

Release Date 6/28/2024

B209575 - SAP Inventory Transfer Post from Preload fails when existing records exist for the same bin/serial/batch record

B209575     6/28/2024

SAP Inventory Transfer Post from Preload fails when existing records exist for the same bin/serial/batch record

The preload process was corrected to read/write the WSSAPTRANSFERBINSNB records correctly. Some of the validation code was also improved to improve performance.

Release Date 6/27/2024

B209574 - Goods Receipt PO Form in hana server throws an error message when using the lookup for the order field.

B209574     6/27/2024

Goods Receipt PO Form in hana server throws an error message when using the lookup for the order field.

Query formatted to be compatible with both SQL and HANA

B209555 - SAP Hana GRPO Order lookup query is incorrect due to quotes being added by SQL Editor

B209555     6/27/2024

SAP Hana GRPO Order lookup query is incorrect due to quotes being added by SQL Editor

Query that works: ,SELECT CASE , WHEN "OPOR"."Segment" = 0 THEN Cast("OPOR"."DocNum" AS NVARCHAR) , ELSE CONCAT(CONCAT("OPOR"."DocNum" ,'-' ),"OPOR"."Segment"), END AS "DocNum", , "OPOR"."CardName" ,FROM "OPOR" ,WHERE "OPOR"."DocStatus" = 'O' , AND "OPOR"."CANCELED" <> 'Y' ,ORDER BY "OPOR"."DocEntry"

Release Date 6/4/2024

B209462 - SAP HANA Updater keeps prompting to update the software even though it was just updated

B209462     6/4/2024

SAP HANA Updater keeps prompting to update the software even though it was just updated

The renewal process was not translating the last update date of the updater correctly due to the system localization. This has been corrected to consider the localization when checking the last update date and time.

Release Date 5/30/2024

B209506 - Inventory Count Post improve count performance

B209506     5/30/2024

Inventory Count Post improve count performance

Refactored internal validations to improve performance

Release Date 5/17/2024

B209536 - Update code in SAP and Macola to support third party billing by warehouse/location

B209536     5/17/2024

Update code in SAP and Macola to support third party billing by warehouse/location

Add backend support for Third Party Shipping with specific carrier accounts based on Customer, Carrier, Warehouse Location, and Customer Ship To Code allowing a Default value for both Warehouse Locations and/or Customer Ship-To Code.

E209532 - Add ability to set up third party accounts by warehouse in addition by customer

E209532     5/17/2024

Add ability to set up third party accounts by warehouse in addition by customer

Add the ability to map third party and recipient billing accounts by warehouse in addition to by customer.

Release Date 5/3/2024

B209528 - SAP Objects error when writing into the "FreeText" field

B209528     5/3/2024

SAP Objects error when writing into the "FreeText" field

SAP Objects were not writing properly into the Preload field FreeText. SQL Syntax errors were corrected to fix the issue.

E209499 - Add support for Disassembly in SAP

E209499     5/3/2024

Add support for Disassembly in SAP

Created new objects to Issue and Receive against Disassembly Production Orders. Also, created two new Production forms to Issue and Receive against Disassembly Production Orders

Release Date 4/29/2024

B209569 - Load Pallet form fails with Loc error

B209569     4/29/2024

Load Pallet form fails with Loc error

Load Pallet form is failing with an error stating that Loc does not belong to the table.

Release Date 4/29/2024

B209533 - Add Location column to 3rd party billing tables

B209533     4/29/2024

Add Location column to 3rd party billing tables

Add Location column to 3rd party and recipient billing accounts

Release Date 4/29/2024

B209534 - Create scripts to copy current table data to appropriate rows after adding warehouse/location column

B209534     4/29/2024

Create scripts to copy current table data to appropriate rows after adding warehouse/location column

Create scripts to copy current table data to appropriate rows after adding warehouse/location column. This will prevent current customer from experiencing any issues after an update.

Release Date 4/29/2024

B209535 - Update Third Party billing grids

B209535     4/29/2024

Update Third Party billing grids

Update Third Party and Recipient billing grids to only show data that exists in the tables. Additional, a form should be created to input new data. Grids will be a process grid to allow easy update/delete of current records.

Release Date 4/29/2024

B209565 - Update wsPkgCountryCodes table

B209565     4/29/2024

Update wsPkgCountryCodes table

Update wsPkgCountryCode table to include a list of all countries based on ISO standards

Release Date 4/29/2024

B209566 - Fix circular reference in Wisys.SAPDocument and Wisys.SAPHelper

B209566     4/29/2024

Fix circular reference in Wisys.SAPDocument and Wisys.SAPHelper

Enhancements 11

E208934 - Create UPS Address Validation Object

E208934     4/29/2024

Create UPS Address Validation Object

Created UPS Address Validation object

E209191 - Create methods to delete preload records (Document & Transfer) by Table ID

E209191     4/29/2024

Create methods to delete preload records (Document & Transfer) by Table ID

Create methods to delete preload records by table Id number

E209274 - Convert FedEx from SOAP to REST API

E209274     4/29/2024

Convert FedEx from SOAP to REST API

Add new code to support FedEx REST APIs

E209366 - Create a Goods Return Request Form

E209366     4/29/2024

Create a Goods Return Request Form

New Goods Return Request form has been added that will create either a Goods Return or AP Credit Memo from a Goods Return Request

E209400 - Create standard SAP objects for capturing images and attaching them to documents.

E209400     4/29/2024

Create standard SAP objects for capturing images and attaching them to documents.

Expanded image/signature capture objects in SAP for the following documents,Sales Quote, Sales Order, Delivery, Sales Return Request, Sales Return, AR Down Payment Invoice, AR Invoice and Reserve Invoice, AR Credit Memo,Purchase Request, Purchase Quote, Purchase Order, Goods Receipt PO, Goods Return Request, Goods Return, AP Down Payment Invoice, AP Invoice and Reserve Invoice, AP Credit Memo,Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, Inventory Transfer Request, Inventory Transfer

E209403 - Add Print functionality for Pack List to Fullfilment manager

E209403     4/29/2024

Add Print functionality for Pack List to Fullfilment manager

Add button to print Pack List on Fulfillment Manger and Pkg Pick\Pack Ship

E209405 - Develop International Documents for FedEx International Shipping

E209405     4/29/2024

Develop International Documents for FedEx International Shipping

Develop Commercial Invoice and Certificate of Origin Crystal Reports for FedEx International Shipping. Added buttons in the Fulfillment Manager (SAP) and Shipping Tree (Macola) to print the documents for FedEx International Shipments

E209448 - Copy Header Freight from PO to GRPO

E209448     4/29/2024

Copy Header Freight from PO to GRPO

Header Freight from PO is now copied to GRPO

E209472 - Create AP Goods Return Object

E209472     4/29/2024

Create AP Goods Return Object

New object added to create a Goods Return

E209474 - Create AP Credit Memo Object

E209474     4/29/2024

Create AP Credit Memo Object

New object added to create an AP Credit Memo

E209475 - Add a object to update Batches

E209475     4/29/2024

Add a object to update Batches

Created new objects to update the batch attributes; Batch Update by AbsEntry and Batch Update by ItemCode and Batch Number,Batch Status is passed as an Integer (0-Released, 1-Not Accessible, 2-Locked)

Resolved Issues 20

B202447 - Fulfillment manager Shipment Details window adjustments

B202447     4/29/2024

Fulfillment manager Shipment Details window adjustments

The Shipment Details panel section will now fill the container and is better sized for the labels and content.  The container size will be persisted while in the Fulfillment Manager. When closing the Shipment Details Panel with the associated “X” button you can restore the Shipment Details by clicking on the View  tab and selecting “Shipment Details”.

B208201 - Agility Shipping Error Window Formatting

B208201     4/29/2024

Agility Shipping Error Window Formatting

Errors returned from the Carriers could be truncated and/or unreadable.  The error window will now display the entire error message and better display the error message being returned from the carrier.

B209155 - Add additional option to clear a SQL Lookup in Form studio on the Lookup Property

B209155     4/29/2024

Add additional option to clear a SQL Lookup in Form studio on the Lookup Property

In addition to the Clear Lookup option in the Item properties header, a new method of clearing the Lookup SQL has been added next to the Lookup SQL property

B209257 - Correct Agility 360 Error Message

B209257     4/29/2024

Correct Agility 360 Error Message

Agility 360 error message had a common misspelling of the word “unexpected” across the application

B209447 - Agility Option Screens UI Updates

B209447     4/29/2024

Agility Option Screens UI Updates

Update UI inconsistencies in the Agility Option screens.

B209451 - Carrier International UoM not correct on returned Commerical Invoice

B209451     4/29/2024

Carrier International UoM not correct on returned Commerical Invoice

When processing a commercial invoice through UPS international shipping, the UoM is listed as LBS regardless of your item UoM. Additional carrier specific UoM has been added for International Shipping.

B209458 - Agility 360 Text Lookup Can Display Unexpectedly

B209458     4/29/2024

Agility 360 Text Lookup Can Display Unexpectedly

A Text Lookup can display in situations where an extra carriage return is imbedded into a bar code or when using a physical/virtual keyboard and the Enter key is quickly tapped multiple times.

B209459 - Hide email options for USPS shipment in Agility Shipping UI

B209459     4/29/2024

Hide email options for USPS shipment in Agility Shipping UI

When using USPS in Agility Shipping UI, the email and email notification fields should be hidden. Email Notifications are not currently supported in Agility Shipping with USPS.

B209482 - UPS Ship API Response can vary with Single Package Shipments

B209482     4/29/2024

UPS Ship API Response can vary with Single Package Shipments

UPS Ship API Response can return a single object and/or an array of objects when shipping a single package in a shipment. This had the potential for unexpected errors processing the carrier response.

B209493 - Transfer from Transfer Request object stops you from over transferring

B209493     4/29/2024

Transfer from Transfer Request object stops you from over transferring

Transfer from Transfer Request object stops you from over transferring. The object should allow this, the form should control the rules

B209507 - Conditional Formatting on a Grid is not persisted when saved to a Layout

B209507     4/29/2024

Conditional Formatting on a Grid is not persisted when saved to a Layout

When changing the formatting of a cell, for example highlighting a cell when a certain condition is met, the selected custom formatting does not remain when the grid is saved as a layout. This issue was found originally on the MRP Reorder Advice grid.

B209512 - Put Away form is not showing the correct remaining quantity.

B209512     4/29/2024

Put Away form is not showing the correct remaining quantity.

Qty Remaining was not being properly returned for batch managed items.

B209517 - Update Release Notes Page To Display HotFix Information

B209517     4/29/2024

Update Release Notes Page To Display HotFix Information

Update Release Notes page on ,, to include HotFix Releases grouped and ordered by the HotFix release date.

B209520 - Pick Pack Mapped Contact Values Are Not Being Written To The Shipment Record

B209520     4/29/2024

Pick Pack Mapped Contact Values Are Not Being Written To The Shipment Record

Ship To Address values whether mapped or entered through the Agility Shipping UI screen will now be updated on the shipment record.

B209529 - Pack Pallets is not transferring items to the staging bin

B209529     4/29/2024

Pack Pallets is not transferring items to the staging bin

Pack Pallets form was not transferring items to the Staging Bin

B209545 - Add Prolongation Check To Updater Web Service

B209545     4/29/2024

Add Prolongation Check To Updater Web Service

Add a check to review prolongation on a contract when using the B1 Prerequisite check

B209546 - From Bin field in Agility Package Transaction table has incorrect character cap

B209546     4/29/2024

From Bin field in Agility Package Transaction table has incorrect character cap

U_FROM_BIN field and U_TO_BIN in @AGYPKGTRX were set to nvarchar(20) which can cause errors when the BinCode exceed 20 characters. Fields were increased to 228 characters to match the SAP capacity

B209547 - Design Studio - Copying a Form is not copying the transaction definition

B209547     4/29/2024

Design Studio - Copying a Form is not copying the transaction definition

When copying a form in Design Studio the Transaction Definition is missing and an additional invalid version may be duplicated in the original project (when copying to a new project).

B209164 - Pallet Inventory Count with serial numbers

B209164     4/29/2024

Pallet Inventory Count with serial numbers

Form doesn't appear to work when serialized product on pallet. Error "CycleCountPallet: Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers."

B209487 - AP Invoice Preload and AP Invoice Create from Preload obj trx fail

B209487     4/29/2024

AP Invoice Preload and AP Invoice Create from Preload obj trx fail

AP Invoice Preload and AP Invoice Create from Preload obj trx fails.