Agility Design Business Trx > POP Order Report Production does not allow expire/effective date override
Symptoms: DS Bus Transaction "PPO Order Report Production" does not allow ability to set/override the effectiveDate or ExpirationDate values like ability in FS. New public properties have been added to the POP Reporting Object SLFlatEntryMfgSerialLotNumber SLFlatEntryEffectiveDate SLFlatEntryExpirationDate SLFlatEntryComment1 SLFlatEntryComment2 SLFlatEntryMfgBatchNo SLFlatEntryHoldFlag SLFlatEntryHoldReason
*New Option: Lot Effective and Expiration date changing from original create dat
Symptoms: We follow Macola rules but apparently both are incorrect for FDA compliant regulations. When a lot is created it gets stamped with an effective date. FDA rules state that date should never change for an existing serial/lot. Our receiving transactions do not, by default, carry forward the lot effective and expiration dates to an existing lot no that is received into a new location or bin. **** Solution: A new option "Enforce SerialLot Effective And Expiration Dates" is now available under Agility Explorer | Options | WMS | Enterprise. When this option is turned on, existing Lots that are received into a new location or bin will retain their original Effective and Expiration dates.
AWE ListView Search Panel - New WebDeploy file
Symptoms: A search panel has been added to the AWE ListView component that allows filtering results more easily on mobile devices. The search panel appears at the top of the ListView and allows the user to search for any text that is in the ListView. Solution: Easy top row full text search now available. ******************* The web files will need to be refreshed. Solution: Follow steps to import website to refresh (probably should run product updater to get latest code prior.) 1. Open IIS (type IIS in Windows Search) 2. In left pane under connections expand until you see the Agility website (depends on how you set it up on where it's located in tree, my example \Servername\Sites\Default Web Site\) 3. Click on website name (AWE) 4. Right hand side you should see option to import application, click it 5. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\WiSys\WebDeploy 6. Select, click 'Open', Click 'Next' 7. Click 'Next' (Screen should be titled 'Select the Contents of the Package') 8. Remove 'AWE' from Default Web Site/AWE/, Click 'Next' 9. Select option 'Yes, delete all extra files and folders on the destination that are not in the application package.'
Item Validations not finding records due to wsPKG.Status check in where clause
Symptoms: Item Validations not finding records due to wsPKG.Status check in where clause Move wsPkg.status not in ('S', 'C') from the where clause to the left outer join in the validation as this can cause records to not be included. Solution: Error no longer received when new package for item
AE Billing Grid does not allow you to zero out Freight and/or Misc amounts
Symptoms: AE Billing Grid does not allow you to zero out Freight and/or Misc amounts. Solution: ClearFreightAmount and ClearMiscAmount properties were added to the Billing object. Because of how the Billing object works ClearFreightAmount and ClearMiscAmount properties were added to the object. An IF Condition, a button, or a specific edit column within the Edit Row will need to be added to the AE Billing grids to determine if the clear properties will need to be set.
EDI integration - we are not correctly place the SSCC package no when a pallet is used and cartons are set as the edi type
Symptoms: EDI integration - we are not correctly place the SSCC package no when a pallet is used and cartons are set as the edi type Solution: Corrected to write orderP and orderl records for pallets with items.
Remove Third Party Payment type from FedEx Smartpost
Symptoms: Agility Options > Pick Pack > Ship Via allows a Service Type/Payment Type relationship that is not supported by Ship Rush/FedEx Solution: Updated to exclude - Create wsPkgShipPmtMapping.sql script (commented and noted insert statement for noted service type/payment)
Manual Labor Reporting Screen Error Preventing SFCWR-generic valication received
Symptoms Manual Labor Reporting Screen Error Preventing SFCWR - generic error received on first add hours data field: "Validation:Failed:Object reference not set to an instance of an object: Error point = 13" This is an issue where a user entered field, with a date type of shoporder no, being passed to a data validation fails with an Object reference error. Solution: Validation fixed [Angela Wilson 02/20/2018 12:21 (GMT -05:00)] To Support The newest version of WiSys seems to have wreaked some havoc on my ADS reports We aren't able to use the Manual Labor Reporting process created by Todd Vesper Error is generic on first add hours data field: Validation:Failed:Object reference not set to an instance of an object: Error point = 13 This process is daily critical as direct production personnel use it to enter their shop floor transactions Please contact me immediately to resolve Thank you -- Matthew C. Fresh, CPIM
Empty Client Server Categories pane
Symptoms: clicking on Agility Menu option will open an empty Client Server Categories pane that can't be closed. Closing and reopening AD does clear any empty panes that are open. 565.2 the Client Server Categories pane would close and reopen normally. Solution: menu tree is now better hidden and displayed to prevent empty client server panes
Report indirect labor is not updating the lptrxfil_sql.hrs_type field in lptrx records or accumulating the indirect hours into lpcctrx_sql.lbr_trx_hrs
Symptoms: Report indirect labor is not updating the lptrxfil_sql.hrs_type field in lptrx records. It is also not accumulating the indirect labor hours into the lpcctrx_sql.lbr_trx_hrs field Solution: Corrected
AD - Clicking "Edit" in empty project brings up Design Elements ribbon with all choices
Symptoms: Agility Designer - Clicking "Edit" in empty project brings up "Design Elements" ribbon with all choices. Clicking on some will bring up the expected screen, some will display an error, some display an error and can't recover from it. Solution:
Landed Costs not distributing to GLwith proper Currency code
Symptoms: When using landed costs with different currency codes the gl distributions being made are using the currency code of the PO Solution: It was found that if the currency code on the PO was the same as on the landed cost that it would not recalculate the landed cost when macola was set to calculate xchg rates on receipt date. This was corrected and has verified now to calculate exchange rates correctly and write the proper Currency code to gbkmut. code update to Wisys.xMatAdj.v4.1.dll
Unable to Delete Line Item from I Type Order using SDK
Symptoms: Unable to Delete I Type Order Line Item with SDK. SDK Does not support the following item types for I Type Orders and also can not delete these type of line items from an I Type Order Kit/Feat Bin Serial/Lot Solution: Added
Buttons - If you click on 'X' by linked columns it deletes the button.
Symptoms: Grid\Button\Post Trx Linked Component > Linked Columns - if Properties for "Linked Columns" are defined and the user clicks X to remove the Linked Columns definition, the ENTIRE button is deleted. Defined a linked component with linked columns, saved, remove the linked columns by clicking 'x' next to Define button deletes the button itself. Clicked Apply to verify that it would delete the button.
FS/AM - Error printing two documents with different parameters on one action
Symptoms: User receives a missing parameter when prompting for copies if printing 2 documents. The error occurs when printing two documents with different parameters/doc types in the action sequence. Also, the label qty screen does not give an indication of which report you're selecting the qty to print. Solution: Parameters will now be properly passed to each report. Also the Label Qty screen will now display the report name in the header if the wsDocuments.DocTitle column is blank.
Indirect codes repeat in drop down list in wisfacttrx.exe
Symptoms: Indirect codes repeats in drop down list on the indirect labor code dropdown in wisfacttrx.exe desktop program This is seen after entering the employee number, Click on the indirect labor button, open the shop order and report hours, Now enter the employee number multiple times and click the indirect labor button. Notice that all the codes have duplicated. For each time an employee enters the Indirect Codes button, the list multiplies. It appears there is not clearing of this dropdown before populating it again. Solution: Corrected
Copies Variable not being honored in Form Studio Agility Mobile
Symptoms: When printing a Nicelabel from Form Studio and sending a copies variable, the proper number of copies are not printing. Nicelabel 5 - the value being set for the copies parameter is being overwritten by the number of Copies defined in AE Document Management. If a numeric value has been assigned to the copies report parameter it will be used to set the label's copies parameter vs the number of copies defined for the label in AE Document Management. Solution: The report parameter copies variable is no longer being overwritten for the AE Doc Management number of copies.
POP Material Return can change the serial lot effective when fully issuing the serial lot quantity on hand
Symptoms: POP Material return will change the effective date to the current date of a serial lot when serial lot qty on hand has been fully issued. When issuing out the full qty on hand, the serial lot master record is deleted. When returning the serial lot a new serial lot master record is created incorrectly with the current date as the effective date. It should use the value from serial lot transaction record.
FS Item Validations can collide with open Macola Transactions
Symptoms: FS Item Validations can collide with open Macola Transactions. This can occur when open transactions exist on the POP Disassembly and Confirm Ship Bin Serial/Lot selection screens. IM.ReceiptValidateItemLocation IM.IssueValidateItemLocation IM.InTransitShipValidateItemNo IM.InTransitUnShipValidateItemNo IM.InTransitReceiveValidateItemNo IM.InTransitReceiveValidateItemNo IM.InTransitUnReceiveValidateItemNo PO.PutAwayValidateItem PO.PutAwayValidateItemByBin PP.IssueValidateItem PP.ReturnValidateItem PP.PutAwayValidateItem PS.PalletBuilderValidateItem SF.IssueValidateItem SF.IssueValidateItemBySeq SF.PutAwayValidateItem SF.ReturnValidateItem SF.ReturnValidateItemBySeq
POP Reverse Production - error on backflush with qty difference
Symptoms: An error can occur when Reversing a POP order with a Backflush component with a fractional qty when the order is not reports for the same quantity that was entered. The component qty returned is being compared against a rounded iminvtrx quantity. Qty Returned .0523 is greater than the Qty Issued .05 Solution: changed to reverse backflush component for the non rounded amout vs the round amount that was being used in inv trx
New installtion on new db does not create the msllockdb view. File info does not show version data.
Symptoms: On a brand new db and new install of WiSys, Views are not created in the Msllockdb database. Because of this the Info screen in Agility does not show a version for client(NA) or server(blank) Solution: Sql script will run during install to create views in MSLLockdB which reference WiSys database tables.