APS Object to Remove Package Lines & Packages from a Shipment by Sales Order No & Shipment No
[dbeer 03/30/2012 13:53 (GMT -04:00)] The Customer APS project is in need of a new APS (PP4) object that I can use in Agility to pass the Shipment No and Order No to and have the object delete the wsPkgLin records regardless of the line_no associated with that order #. If when all of the wsPKGLin records have been deleted, the wsPKG record no longer has any associated wsPKGLin records, the wsPKG record should be deleted as well.
Add Property to Add Items to Floating Pkgs to consolidate the Item if it already exists on the Pkg
APS request. On the Itemaddtopkg object there is a consolidate flag. However that is for shipping and requires an order. We have a need for that same functionality on the floating pallets. If I add an item to a floating package that is the same item and same lot that already exists on the pallet it creates another line. It really should add to the existing line.
When two people are concurrently logged into the same job and one of the two employees closes the operation the other record is deleted
Symptoms: When two people are concurrently logged into the same job and one of the two employees closes the operation the other record is deleted. Please change this so that if another user is currently clocked into the same operation the operation cannot be closed until the other employee has clocked out.
Cut and Past Agility Process Grids when in Lock Format Mode and Grids
Symptoms: Can we copy both cells and rows. For a Process grid we could copy the row or in format mode we do get focus on a cell. Need to make a final decision on capability [bhollinger 11/01/2012 14:57 (GMT -04:00)]
Right Mouse Click on the PP4 Tree exposes the Delete Package option which needs to be better controlled
Symptoms: Delete Package can delete all inner packs and items and very hard to reverse on user error Two new options to turn off the Delete Globaly for the site Add Warning message if the Delete Package is selected [bhollinger 11/20/2012 10:38 (GMT -05:00)]
Pick Ticket Allocations are not managing the selling UOM for Bin and Lot Allocations
Symptoms: Enter a Selling UOM Item on an order that that is binned or lotted. The Allocation logic does not manage the Bin and lot qty adjustment for the selling UOM. The error is a check rules error of Detail does not match the header qty. [bhollinger 06/19/2012 12:05 (GMT -04:00)]
POST POLINHSTINSERT-cPOordlin:InsertLineHistory:CmdInsertHistory:ProcessSQL:String or binary data would be truncated
Symptoms: User gets the following error when trying to receive against an item using standard PO Receiving in PocketES. Error: Post: POLINHST Insert - cPoordlin:InsertLineHistory:CmdInsertHistory:ProcessSQL:String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Log into PocketES with a user id greather than 10 characters (ie Administrator) 2. Try to receive against an item from an open PO. 3. Receive above error.
Update to Pick Pack Message "Serial Lot will go negative" to include the Item and Serial/Lot
Symptoms: When there is not enough material in a stage bin and the material has a serial lot number, the error message includes "Serial Lot will go Negatvie". Please update this message to include the item # and serial lot # that is going to go negative. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Create an order with a serial/lot part # 2. Build a shipment for that order in pick pack (either 3 or 4) 3. Add ther serial lot item to the shipment but do not transfer the inventory into the stage bin 3. Try to confirm ship & receive message
Package line not calulating weight properly when consolidatinig added Lines
Symptoms: When adding items to a package with the consolidate flag = true the weight at the PKG level does not get recalculated correctly to reflect the added weight. To duplicate add a binned, lotted item to a package on a shipment. Then add the same item, bin and lot with the consolidate flag = true. The weight on the PKG (wsPKG) will not equal the total weight of the line(s) (wsPKGLIN) on the package.
difficulty printing labels to ues1aplbl1 from scanner gun wisys05
Symptoms: User reported a case where they are getting a printing error when doing PO receipts on the gun. they do a PO receipt and it sends the label to the queue. However, before that label prints, they do another PO receipt and receive this error: "Save reports to local: the process cannot accept the file 'c:\documents and settings\wisys05\appliationdata\wisys\agility\docs\recvpicpo.rpt'because it is being used by another process."
If I put the same line item on 2 separate cartons for a serialized item, the detail qty is doubling upe line item on 2 separate cartons for a serialized item, the detail qty is doubling up
Symptoms:. If I put the same line item on 2 separate cartons for a serialized item, the detail qty is doubling up and causes the confirm ship to fail.
Out of Memory Exception Error causing Pick tickets not to clear & line items to drop off
Symptoms: When loading prior to the CR engine rendering the print job the error message "Update:oUpdateForChange:UpdateHeaderTotalsForOrderCreate:iBilling:PostBillingUpdates:cOerdhdr Read:GetDetailRecords:ReturnValues :Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. The error in the past happened after printing. The memory error can seen be seen when Reprinting a large number of picktickets multiple times.
Validaiton Message is displayed when adding a component to a BOM with a Qty Per Parent = 0 / BulkIssue Flag prevented on OE MFG item
Symptoms: When adding a component to a BOM Product Structure you will receive a validation message if the Qty per Parent is = 0 Bulk Issue Flag should be available for OE Mfg items (Macola Documentation states that this is not valid; however, they do allow it)
COD amt does not include tax
Symptoms: When shipping an order COD, sales tax does not carry through to the total in ShipRush Steps to Duplicate: 1. Add an Order in Macola and add sales tax to the amount. 2. Set the Ship Via code to UPS 3. Make sure the terms used on the order is set up in the terms code mapping for COD 4. Print the pick ticket 5. Build a shipment and add the item to the order 6. Click the UPS button to ship the order 7. Select the 'special shipment' button to bring up the Ship Rush interface 8. View the COD Amount field does not include sales tax
Setup Management for 9190 Has been Created and Field Deployed
Symptoms: Control Setup for 9190 for initial setup and cold reboot [bhollinger 10/08/2012 10:21 (GMT -04:00)] Symptoms: Cold boot resetting date Wireless network is disabled on setup Data Wedge set to no sound Data Wedge speed needs to be set The interlacing speed is set to the lowest setting we cannot send over 50-100 characters. This would eliminate the support of 2d bar code labels.
if the cus_alt_adr_cd is blank in the ARALTADR_SQL table code is adding cus_name to oeordhdr table
Symptoms: [jnicol 10/08/2012 13:03 (GMT -04:00)]in Progression if the cus_alt_adr_cd in the ARALTADR_SQL is blank (the OE object will use the cus_name value as the cus_atl_adr_cd in the OEORDHDR table when creating a new order. It should be left blank and so the OEORDHDR table is written with a null for ARALTADR_SQL.
when Using a display field and flagging it as User Entered Default assignation does not work
Symptoms:[asonnenschein 10/16/2012 08:13 (GMT -05:00)]Flag Display field as user entered. Go to the default and see that you can select variable. However, after selecting variable you can not pick the variable to use.
Issue with PO Receiving when doing a negative receipt
Symptoms: When doing a negative PO Receipt against a Purchase order with a negative quantity ordered the qty remaining is calculating as a positive number instead of remaining at zero which affects MRP. Steps to duplicate: 1. Add a PO with a negative quantity 2. Do a negative PO Receipt against the line that has the negative quantity. 3. The calculation for the qty remaining will be a positive number and should remain at zero.
Process Grid Not Populating Default Value
Symptoms: If you create a process grid which has user entered fields with a control type of MEMO and have a defaul value source from a view. The memo fields do not populate with the default value as they should. If you change this value to string they populate correctly. Please adjust this so the memo field will accept the default value like the text edit. [jlenkey 31-10-2012 16:24 (GMT -04:00)]
Pick ticket history prints to wrong printer
Symptoms: Pick Ticket History always prints to the windows default printer. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Set default printer in Windows to printer 'A' 2. Under Agility --> System --> System Manager --> Printer Definition, set the Pick Ticket to use 'Printer B' 3. Print a Pick Ticket using Agility WMS Pick Management - output should come out on Printer B 4. Open Agility WMS Pick Ticket History and select the order printed in step 3 and select the REPRINT button. - output will come out on the windows default printer 'A' instead of the printer defined for the pick ticket
Update Files - Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary'
Symptoms: Update Files - Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. at wsProdUpd.frmMain.CreateShortCut(String sShorcutCopy, String sShortcutCreate) at wsProdUpd.frmMain.GetShortcutFromServer(DataRow row, String& sRtnErr) Method: GetShortcutFromServer
Account numbers on shipment getting set to 0000-000 for 2nd shipment of an order
Symptoms: When a partial shipment is done, Macola resets the account fields to zero instead of Null and therefore the object views the zeros as a valid account number and doesn't set the correct account number as a result.
Customer Insert fails with "cCustomer:Insert:New Customer was not added" and a -1 return code.
Symptoms: Internal logic was looking for a single record inserted returned by from the SQLDataClient. If a Trigger exists, for audit purposes for example, it's possible that more than 1 record can be inserted.
Print Pick Tickets - Order Line Cleanup
Symptoms: If an error occurs during the PrintPicktickets method call, a cleanup routine will be executed to try and remove any allocations created, clear the extra_6/filler_0004 field, and clear the picked_dt on the selected lines. If an error occurs during the ReprintPickTickets method call, a cleanup routine will be executed to clear the extra_6/filler_0004 from the marked lines.