Build 569.5

Hot Fixes 3

B191304 - Named User Contract missing Shop Floor SQL Scripts

B191304     1/1/0001

Named User Contract missing Shop Floor SQL Scripts

Certain Shop Floor and POP SQL scripts might not download when Contract is a Named User

B209140 - Agility 360 Startup Information Messages are not displayed to the user

B209140     1/1/0001

Agility 360 Startup Information Messages are not displayed to the user

Form Studio Startup Event Messages are not being displayed to the user in Agility 360

B209173 - Closing a Grid that has a child grid on the detail section causes an error when closing

B209173     1/1/0001

Closing a Grid that has a child grid on the detail section causes an error when closing

Closing a Grid that has a child grid on the detail section causes an error when closing: AssignDataSet:Error updating display:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error point:61.3

Enhancements 16

E139445 - Log for tracking users who export

E139445     7/10/2023

Log for tracking users who export

Symptoms: Requesting that instead of preventing users from exporting, we create a log of the export, logging username, date stamp and the SQL query used to create the data exported. Solution: Now registers in WsTrxLog table with related or selected export method

E190447 - Add ability to not refresh grid on form cancel

E190447     7/10/2023

Add ability to not refresh grid on form cancel

Grids no longer refresh when the users hits cancel on a form opened from a button

E195241 - Request - change "Alert" title on top of grids to "Alert Key"

E195241     7/10/2023

Request - change "Alert" title on top of grids to "Alert Key"

Request to change verbiage at top of grid when alert legend is shown. Currently reads "Alerts" and users see that and think that there is a problem in the data. Would like it to read "Alert Key" so it is less confusing for users.

E202199 - Add Can Build Button to POP Desktop Console Ribbon bar

E202199     7/10/2023

Add Can Build Button to POP Desktop Console Ribbon bar

Symptoms: Add CanBuild button to the POP Desktop Console Ribbon bar Solution:

E204842 - Add Return Label functionality to Agility Shipping

E204842     7/10/2023

Add Return Label functionality to Agility Shipping

Add Options and UI changes to support the creation of Return Labels in Agility Shipping

E205006 - Agility design studio enhancements in process grids and transaction designer

E205006     7/10/2023

Agility design studio enhancements in process grids and transaction designer

In Transaction Designer add a visual indication if a parameter or property has been set,Process grids, when grouping is enabled, add an option that prevents the user from changing the grouping and add an option so that the user can only click on the checkbox in the group header – disable the checkbox in the group’s rows (but still show checked/unchecked). ,For process grids, add option to enable/disable selection of a row’s checkbox

E208928 - Separate the Agility Shipping Label by Carrier

E208928     7/10/2023

Separate the Agility Shipping Label by Carrier

Split the Agility Label print function by carrier so the labels can be sent to different printers if needed.

E208988 - Agility Shipping - Add International Shipping

E208988     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping - Add International Shipping

Add support to Agility Shipping to ship from the United States to Canada as phase 1 of support for international shipping.

E209001 - Copy view should make use the right-mouse click button to copy the currently selected Agility element

E209001     7/10/2023

Copy view should make use the right-mouse click button to copy the currently selected Agility element

When in Agility Design studio the user should be able to highlight an Agility element on the list and by doing a right-click begin the copy process for that item

E209014 - Create a daily shipment summary grid in Fulfillment manager

E209014     7/10/2023

Create a daily shipment summary grid in Fulfillment manager

Added a Daily Shipment Summary grid to Fulfillment Manager to view shipments by date.

E209015 - Create a daily shipment summary Crystal Report to print from daily shipment summary grid

E209015     7/10/2023

Create a daily shipment summary Crystal Report to print from daily shipment summary grid

Added a Daily Shipment Summary Crystal Report that can be printed from the Daily Shipment Summary grid.

E209047 - Shipping Ship-Via and Payment Type mapping

E209047     7/10/2023

Shipping Ship-Via and Payment Type mapping

When setting up ShipVia mapping using Freight Pay Code. You can map an invalid Service\Payment type combination (FedEx Priority Overnight\Collect.) Add validation prior to shipping and passing information to Carrier.

E209057 - Agility Shipping - Carrier Return Labels

E209057     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping - Carrier Return Labels

Add support to generate, print, and archive UPS, FedEx, and USPS carrier return labels during the initial shipment process.

E209101 - Updated UPS API Security

E209101     7/10/2023

Updated UPS API Security

Add support for UPS OAuth Security Token when accessing the APIs

E209102 - Add option to allow negative receipts, current forms must be modifed to allow negative number in PO Receipt form.

E209102     7/10/2023

Add option to allow negative receipts, current forms must be modifed to allow negative number in PO Receipt form.

PO Receiving and PO Item Receiving now allow user to enter a negative receipt qty. If Agility is setup to autogenerate Lot/Serial Numbers, the users may have to clear auto generated numbers to enter a negative receipt of a specific Lot or Serial No. On the PO Item Receiving form, autogenerated Lot No must be turned off as clear button clears the whole form. At this time, logic is not being added to the form to allow Clear Stops to be used on the Lot and Bin fields.

E209135 - Add ability to reprint carrier labels per package in Fulfillment Manager (Pick Pack)

E209135     7/10/2023

Add ability to reprint carrier labels per package in Fulfillment Manager (Pick Pack)

Buttons were added to Reprint Agility Shipping Carrier Labels in Fulfillment Manager

Resolved Issues 42

B184638 - View Agility Components Preview Button

B184638     7/10/2023

View Agility Components Preview Button

Symptoms: When clicking Preview on the View Agility Components Preview grid, a window will briefly open and then close. Preview is not able to be viewed by user.

B187750 - Edit Control Type doesn't change after updating filter

B187750     7/10/2023

Edit Control Type doesn't change after updating filter

This fix will adjust the edit control type to match and changes to a SQL script data type. It will still be necessary to go into the button definition screen to select that desired edit type. The fixes changes the datatype when loading the transaction definition screen. You will need to press the Save button when done.

B189762 - Process grid layout changes by adding columns

B189762     7/10/2023

Process grid layout changes by adding columns

Child grid columns will now appear without having to reset the layout if additional table fields are added to the child process grid SQL query.

B189764 - Execute All Rows in Process Grid doesn't change for all layouts

B189764     7/10/2023

Execute All Rows in Process Grid doesn't change for all layouts

When changing a Process Grid from Execute Check Rows to Execute All Rows, selection checkboxes will now hide on all layouts.

B189779 - Add Document Type Print to Footer puts the action in the Detail

B189779     7/10/2023

Add Document Type Print to Footer puts the action in the Detail

Symptoms: When trying to add a Document Type Print to the Footer section of a transaction in a process grid button; it will add it into the Detail section.

B193138 - Wisys.Shipping can deadlock in Agility 360

B193138     7/10/2023

Wisys.Shipping can deadlock in Agility 360

Wisys.Shipping can deadlock in Agility 360 when multiple users are performing shipping based transactions on the handheld

B195118 - Shipping Tree Integrate ASN not available with Agility Shipping

B195118     7/10/2023

Shipping Tree Integrate ASN not available with Agility Shipping

When Agility Shipping is turned on the Integrate ASN process tab will now be visible.

B200456 - Shipping Accounts - NEW Form field focus order

B200456     7/10/2023

Shipping Accounts - NEW Form field focus order

Symptoms: Field sequence order did not allow user to tab through fields in order. Solution: Sequence has been adjusted so users can tab through the fields in order from top to bottom.

B200503 - WisysLauncherSysTray is not passing filter parameters

B200503     7/10/2023

WisysLauncherSysTray is not passing filter parameters

The WisysLauncherSysTray is not passing filter parameters from Macola Workspace to the Agility View. The Agility Filter Fields need to be supplied in the same order as defined in Design Studio. Filter Parameters need to be prefixed with -AP in the Workspace Action URL. If the Workspace does not supply prefix the value automatically then it needs to supplied when defining the Agility Launch URL For example: Manual 9999999|-AP{1}|-AP{2}

B201772 - A blank question pops up when using if-then-else statement even if a question is not used

B201772     7/10/2023

A blank question pops up when using if-then-else statement even if a question is not used

In Agility Explorer, A blank question pops up when using if-then-else statement even if a question is not used.

B203895 - Agility Shipping Carton Weight Screen does not save height on last pacakge

B203895     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping Carton Weight Screen does not save height on last pacakge

You cannot tab or enter past the last HEIGHT entry in the Agility Shipping Carton Weight Screen to save any updated package dimensions. Users have to ALT-TAB

B204241 - Agility 360 - Device Settings Filter Returns Wrong Row

B204241     7/10/2023

Agility 360 - Device Settings Filter Returns Wrong Row

When using the search to filter a Device Settings grid such as Warehouse or Bins, the wrong row is being selected.

B204243 - Start Up Query not populating document variable

B204243     7/10/2023

Start Up Query not populating document variable

When printing documents and passing a variable such as customer number from a grid button startup query, the variable(s) were not being passed to the Print Doc Type Actions in Agility Explorer.

B204434 - Pop Production Close Button doesn't work unless you add zero quantity

B204434     7/10/2023

Pop Production Close Button doesn't work unless you add zero quantity

This issue has been fixed in both POP Production Forms. However, the user must enter a quantity and tab/enter through the quantity field AFTER making the checkbox selection. There is a validation that runs on the quantity field that checks the value of the checkbox.

B204704 - Can't login to A360 using the Active Directory password

B204704     7/10/2023

Can't login to A360 using the Active Directory password

The application pool user requires domain credentials to properly validate the domain

B206735 - Form Studio reorder actions

B206735     7/10/2023

Form Studio reorder actions

When reordering actions in Form Studio attributes of the action may not be reordered correctly. For example, changing the sequence of the Serial Lot Builder, GeoLocation, etc... the action will lose it's mapped properties.

B206868 - Design Studio Startup Queries lose Variables and Field Mapping after being added

B206868     7/10/2023

Design Studio Startup Queries lose Variables and Field Mapping after being added

Design Studio Startup Queries lose Variables and Field Mapping after being added [Akram Mahmoud 07/28/2022 14:20 (GMT +02:00)] fixed

B208147 - Agility Shipping UPS Itemized Charges error on single package shipment

B208147     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping UPS Itemized Charges error on single package shipment

When doing a single package shipment in Agility Shipping UPS an error will occur on the itemized charges returned from the UPS API. The API response will now be properly handled by Agility Shipping

B208939 - Unable to see all form fields in DS for when working with a dekstop form.

B208939     7/10/2023

Unable to see all form fields in DS for when working with a dekstop form.

Bug fixed in Design Studio, now all available form fields are visible.

B208942 - Agility Shipping label is not voided after backing out shipment

B208942     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping label is not voided after backing out shipment

After backing out shipment in Agility Shipping, the label is not voided in the wsDocRepository table. Upon shipment of this shipment again, you will get the additional labels to print.

B208957 - Disable Add Item/Add Item(s) buttons in Fulfillment Manager unless a package is on the shipment

B208957     7/10/2023

Disable Add Item/Add Item(s) buttons in Fulfillment Manager unless a package is on the shipment

Disable Add Item/Add Item(s) buttons in Fulfillment Manager unless a package is on the shipment

B208960 - Add Floating Package to Shipment Column 'Ship_To_Contact' does not belong to table

B208960     7/10/2023

Add Floating Package to Shipment Column 'Ship_To_Contact' does not belong to table

When adding a floating pallet to a shipment, you will receive an error “Shipment:AddFloatingPackageToShipment:CompareShipToAddressesByShipment:ComparShipToAddresses:cWsPKGLIN:ReadAllOrdersByPackage:Column Ship_To_Contact” does not belong to the table. ,Also receiving this error on Shipment Add Floating Inner Pkg

B208979 - Agility Shipping - International Shipping button DBNull to type String error when opening

B208979     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping - International Shipping button DBNull to type String error when opening

Receive error when clicking the International Button in Agility Shipping LoadData: Conversion from type ‘DBNull to type 'String’ is not valid.,UPS International Form will open after that. Upon closing you will receive an Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.

B208997 - Layout selection dropdown duplicated

B208997     7/10/2023

Layout selection dropdown duplicated

The dropdown used to select layouts had a duplicated down arrow button that has now been removed

B209008 - Pack Pallets Form :- The save button passing zero as the package number

B209008     7/10/2023

Pack Pallets Form :- The save button passing zero as the package number

Corrected the Pack Pallet form to pass the appropriate value to the object instead of zero.

B209054 - Agility Shipping Options | Shipping Accounts should not have an option to enter by customer

B209054     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping Options | Shipping Accounts should not have an option to enter by customer

B209060 - Agility Shipping Billing and Freight not reset when cancelling shipment

B209060     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping Billing and Freight not reset when cancelling shipment

Billing And Freight Amounts were not being subtracted when cancelling a small package shipment in Macola

B209061 - Agility Shipping Options Capture Producer Plugin

B209061     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping Options Capture Producer Plugin

Design Studio Wisys.Options Project should be updated to include a new options screen for “Producers” or "International Producers" used when filing an international documents such as USMCA Certificate of Origin, etc.,The user control to be captured is Wisys.Options.v5.0.dll | ucAgilityShippingProducers,New WsOptionDetail record in Create WsOptionDetail.sql (Macola) and Load WsOptionDetail.sql (SAP),insert into wsOptionDetail (OptionsGroupName, ButtonName, ButtonText,SeqNo,Enabled,SecurityLvl,LicenseCode,BeginGroup,ExtraText,ProcessID),values ('AS-OPTIONS','Producers','Producers',71,1,50,null,0,null,'NEW_PROCESS_ID_HERE')

B209067 - Shipment Backout is not using Transactions Wrappers correctly

B209067     7/10/2023

Shipment Backout is not using Transactions Wrappers correctly

Agility Shipping back out was not using transactions wrappers correctly. Part of the transaction exists outside of transaction wrapper which had the potential for data inconsistencies.

B209072 - Current BOL prints one item per page and can get quite large.

B209072     7/10/2023

Current BOL prints one item per page and can get quite large.

Current BOL was fixed to print multiple items per page.

B209106 - EDI Licensing not working for named users

B209106     7/10/2023

EDI Licensing not working for named users

Validate EDI Licensing when using a named user license

B209107 - When a Default Carrier is not set in the Agility Shipping Settings an unexpected error occurs

B209107     7/10/2023

When a Default Carrier is not set in the Agility Shipping Settings an unexpected error occurs

When a Default Carrier is not set in the Agility Shipping Settings an unexpected error: Failed getting starting for EDI package types is thrown. Eliminated the error message by setting the Default Carrier to an empty string if it has not been set.

B209110 - Agility Designer Format on SQL Script component throws an error that the statement can't be formatted

B209110     7/10/2023

Agility Designer Format on SQL Script component throws an error that the statement can't be formatted

The format button will no longer throw an error on SQL Scripts that cannot executed/parsed into Schema based queries that are used with Grids/Process Grids. A message will be displayed stating that it cannot be properly parsed, but will allow you to continue.

B209114 - Unable to Copy Components in Design Studio

B209114     7/10/2023

Unable to Copy Components in Design Studio

Error Copying View:WsProcess:CopyView: Unrecognized Guid Format when copying components in Design Studio was fixed and the Guid is now returned when copying components.

B209115 - Grid Layouts not saving properly

B209115     7/10/2023

Grid Layouts not saving properly

Column Text and Expression Columns does not save when creating a layout. This Fix corrects the issue and saves any column text or expressions columns added.

B209121 - Progression Shipment Error - syntax error near Cross Join and address parsing

B209121     7/10/2023

Progression Shipment Error - syntax error near Cross Join and address parsing

Syntax error when attempting to ship in Progression in GetFromInfo. Updated SQL Syntax issues and corrected multiple address parsing functions.

B209130 - Shipping LTL with EDI causes locking

B209130     7/10/2023

Shipping LTL with EDI causes locking

When shipping LTL and the order contains an EDI customer a lock will occur

B209132 - Agility Shipping Location Accounts not working

B209132     7/10/2023

Agility Shipping Location Accounts not working

USPS and UPS location based shipping accounts were not being honored when creating a shipment. Location accounts were not functioning correctly when voiding a shipment for all carriers.

B209146 - PO Release Grid in the MRP+ Module does not Print when Print button is clicked

B209146     7/10/2023

PO Release Grid in the MRP+ Module does not Print when Print button is clicked

Updated the Print call on the PO Release Grid to new Document Print call

B209147 - User gets prompted twice for the number of copies

B209147     7/10/2023

User gets prompted twice for the number of copies

When selecting the prompt property in Document library, user gets prompted twice for the number of copies. Code to to honor the No of copies passed into the print method when bypassing the new Copies screen that was created for Desktop applications.

B209148 - Progression LTL Shipments Clear City State Zip fields

B209148     7/10/2023

Progression LTL Shipments Clear City State Zip fields

A Progression LTL Shipment clears the wsPkgShipment Ship_To_City, Ship_To_State, Ship_To_Zip columns when writing back to the wsPKGShipment table during shipping. This prevents the order from being backed out and reshipped during validations.

B209151 - Create wsPkgAgilityShipAcct script contains a dropping table if the table exists

B209151     7/10/2023

Create wsPkgAgilityShipAcct script contains a dropping table if the table exists

Create wsPkgAgilityShipAcct script will drop the table if the table already exists. This was unnecessarily clearing existing shipping accounts and recreating the table.