Build 565

Enhancements 19

E68639 - Request to pass ShipRush Account number through SDK so end user does not have to manually select in ShipRush Interface

E68639     12/17/2015

Request to pass ShipRush Account number through SDK so end user does not have to manually select in ShipRush Interface

Symptoms: The customer's customer needs the FedEx/UPS tracking number on the label and the return address on the label to belong to the originating UPS/FedEx account number. Currently the only way to accomplish this is to use the Special Shipment flag and then select the correct 'From' account number from the drop down list at the top of the ShipRush screen. The request is to automatically pass the correct FedEx/UPS account number to ShipRush through the SDK so the end user does not have to select it.

E74111 - Only 1 return label prints in ShipRush - new 1 label per package

E74111     12/17/2015

Only 1 return label prints in ShipRush - new 1 label per package

Symptoms: ShipRush will only print 1 Return Label per UPS shipment. They need to print 1 label per package We cannot do this because the SDK interface will only print one label per shipment. We are changing this request to be able to do one return label based on individual Customers. The return label option is Global in the shipping settings. We are looking into being able to control this Global setting. If we cannot then we will have to reject this request. [bhollinger 03/09/2015 10:26 (GMT -04:00)]

E75959 - SF Activity Transaction with a ByProduct in the BOM

E75959     12/17/2015

SF Activity Transaction with a ByProduct in the BOM

Symptoms: When performing a SF Activity Transaction that contains a binned backflushed item with a negative qty per A check rules error will occur. Add support for SF Activity Transactions that produce a byproduct.

E78016 - adding users with active directory difficult since update

E78016     12/17/2015

adding users with active directory difficult since update

Symptoms: When looking to add or change a user, the first step is to look to the active directory. Pulling this data takes a very long time.

E79107 - Assign Order Number to iminvtrx_sql.doc_ord_no when Ship Staging

E79107     12/17/2015

Assign Order Number to iminvtrx_sql.doc_ord_no when Ship Staging

Symptoms: ship staging form does not write the Order number to the Doc_ord_no field in the iminvtrx table. The Staging object being used has an order no field passed to it but it does not write to the iminvtrx table. This leads to the inability to trace an issue back to an order.

E81672 - Add support for non-inventory item when using Agility Explorer Line Import

E81672     12/17/2015

Add support for non-inventory item when using Agility Explorer Line Import

Symptoms: Add support for non-inventory items when using Agility Explorer Line Import

E81730 - Agility OE Pick Tickets Add properties to hide print message and hide order line status message

E81730     12/17/2015

Agility OE Pick Tickets Add properties to hide print message and hide order line status message

Symptoms: Added property HidePrintOKMessage to hide the "Did the pick tickets print correctly" message. Added property HideStatusMessage to hide the Print Status message from displaying.

E81748 - Agility LaunchPad fill the entire screen

E81748     12/17/2015

Agility LaunchPad fill the entire screen

Symptoms: Agility LaunchPad fill the entire screen

E81773 - Add POP Add New Components To Captured Bill method to Form Studio and Agility Mobile

E81773     12/17/2015

Add POP Add New Components To Captured Bill method to Form Studio and Agility Mobile

Symptoms: Need ability to add new components to released POP orders to allow for substitute items in Form Studio. New object transaction POPAddComponentsToCapturedBill added to FS/AM.

E81829 - validating the ship-to-address when put different orders in one shipment

E81829     12/17/2015

validating the ship-to-address when put different orders in one shipment

Symptoms:customer would like us to drop spaces before comparing addresses for address validation. Some people use an extra space in some names and between city or zip.

E82732 - Pallet transactions do not use pallet status

E82732     12/17/2015

Pallet transactions do not use pallet status

Symptoms: Pallet transactions (transfer, delete, etc) do not use the pallet status. When status on "H"old, should prevent transactions from occurring.

E82849 - Add IF NOT EXISTS option to Wisys Utility Script Builder

E82849     12/17/2015

Add IF NOT EXISTS option to Wisys Utility Script Builder

Symptoms: Add an option to include an IF NOT EXISTS query to the Wisys Utility Script Builder. This can be used by supplying a select statement to the InsertIfNotExistsSQL property. Example Wisys.AllSystem.ScriptBuilder.InsertIfNotExistsSQL = "Select count(1) from TABLENAME where Column1 = @Column1 and Column2 = @Column2"

E82949 - Menu changes for EM10

E82949     12/17/2015

Menu changes for EM10

Symptoms: When we insert into pwfunc the Option_exp value needs to be null. At the same time we insert into pwfunc we need to make inserts into two tables if not exists (select 1 from pwrole where role_id = 2000) begin set IDENTITY_INSERT pwrole on EXEC sp_executesql N'insert into pwrole([role_id],[role_name],[descr64],[rb_id],[job_group],[visible]) values (2000,''Agility'',''Agility Applications'',0,null,1)' set IDENTITY_INSERT pwrole off end EXEC sp_executesql N'insert into pwrprm(role_id,fnc_id,right_id) values(2000,fnc_id,2)

E83012 - Add ConvertPackageToFloat object transaction to Form Studio / Agility Mobile

E83012     12/17/2015

Add ConvertPackageToFloat object transaction to Form Studio / Agility Mobile

Symptoms: Add ConvertPackageToFloat object transaction to Form Studio / Agility Mobile

E83636 - SF.IssueValidateItem when same component is on shop order more than once

E83636     12/17/2015

SF.IssueValidateItem when same component is on shop order more than once

Symptoms: When a SF Item has the same component multiple times in a build the SF Issue and Receipt validations will display a component selection screen. Two additional SF Validations will be added that will allow a component's build sequence number to be passed into the validation to avoid displaying the component selection screen. SF.IssueValidateItemBySeq SF.ReturnValidateItemBySeq

E84059 - Add AP Voucher Offset Override Account Properties

E84059     12/17/2015

Add AP Voucher Offset Override Account Properties

Symptoms: Add AP Voucher Offset Override Account Properties to the VoucherDistributionTrx and VoucherHeaderTrx classes. This will allow you to override the Vendor Type Discount account that the voucher balance is applied to.

E84178 - Removed any Registry Entries for AE and DS

E84178     12/17/2015

Removed any Registry Entries for AE and DS

Symptoms: Review code for any Registry entries and write to an alternative XML file [bhollinger 09/17/2015 18:00 (GMT -04:00)]

E84609 - SFWCR error logging two employees in same shop order and same opp

E84609     12/17/2015

SFWCR error logging two employees in same shop order and same opp

Symptoms: When clocking in multiple employees in Shop Floor workcenter reporting application user receives error message that elapsed time does not belong to table preventing to have more than one employee clocked in to the same order and same operation

E85490 - Agility Order Line Import Add Option To Bypass PO Create

E85490     12/17/2015

Agility Order Line Import Add Option To Bypass PO Create

Symptoms: Add the SuppressPOCreate property to the Agility Order Line Import. This will prevent the creation of a PO Order from being created from an OE Order Line.

Resolved Issues 74

B70678 - OE Create Order add the ability to override the Bill To No

B70678     12/17/2015

OE Create Order add the ability to override the Bill To No

Symptoms: When creating an OE Order Header there is currently no way to override the Bill To No. It will always default to the Customer Number.

B75874 - Non-Stock / Non-Controlled issue-auto select will double qty shipped

B75874     12/17/2015

Non-Stock / Non-Controlled issue-auto select will double qty shipped

Symptoms: Pick Pack Options "Auto Select Non-Stocked/Non-Controlled Items" selected. If the item is added to the shipment in Pick Pack, when the order is shipped, it will double the non-stocked/non-controlled shipped qty if a shipper selects the non-stocked/non-controlled item to ship, when it is processed, the Ship qty will double on the oeordlin and bill incorrectly. Qty will double the qty to ship in the oeordlin_sql table. Qty does not double on the wspkglin table.

B76907 - Update ForceFieldStop to overrride default value if alphanumeric key is pressed

B76907     12/17/2015

Update ForceFieldStop to overrride default value if alphanumeric key is pressed

Symptoms: The default behavior of the ForceFieldStop property requires you to backspace to clear out any default text. The default behavior will be updated to clear the value if an alphanumeric value is selected.

B77026 - Shipping Tree requires bin but item is not binned when adding an Item OEORDLIN Bin_fg is null

B77026     12/17/2015

Shipping Tree requires bin but item is not binned when adding an Item OEORDLIN Bin_fg is null

Symptoms: Shipping Tree requires bin but item is not binned when adding an Item OEORDLIN Bin_fg is null to Duplicate make a non-binned item in the oeordlin_sql table null. You will have to do this through SQL. Macola intermittently does not write this field and it is null. Try to ship the non-binned item by adding to a shipment. Notice that it is requiring a Bin Entry.

B77279 - Negative Receipts are allowed on Receiving Inspection Items

B77279     12/17/2015

Negative Receipts are allowed on Receiving Inspection Items

Symptoms: When receiving an item marked for Receiving Inspection, the transaction allows a negative receipt.

B77494 - ShipRush package weight not passing

B77494     12/17/2015

ShipRush package weight not passing

Symptoms: ShipRush - weight is entered in oz for postage and comes in at 0. When the user enters the weight and selects SHIP, they still receive and error "A package weights is required. Please enter a package weight". User must click ok, the shipRush screen opens highlighting weight, and user must enter the weight again. Screen shots attached

B77501 - ShipRush unable to backout shipment

B77501     12/17/2015

ShipRush unable to backout shipment

Symptoms: ShipRush - Unable to backout shipment. Error received: Backout failed:PostTrx:UnConfirmShipShipment:Error unconfirm shipping the shipment:Error trying to make a connection to Shiprush:Account configuration required (wizard dialog) but ShowLogin is disabled. call ShowWizard or set ShowLogin to TRUE

B78215 - Agility Mobile Label Qty form should default to Quantity field

B78215     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile Label Qty form should default to Quantity field

Symptoms: When printing a label that has the prompt enabled. The screen to enter the amount of copies does not have the qty on focus, instead the "ok" button is highlighted. The system should default to the quantity field with focus so the user can just enter a value.

B78216 - Agility Mobile should prevent saving blank device name

B78216     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile should prevent saving blank device name

Symptoms: When logging in to agility mobile the user was always prompted to enter a device name. If this value is left blank, any future logins also prompt for a device name and the system continues to create records in the device license table. The system should not allow you to enter a blank value for the device name.

B78308 - Progression PO Line Create does not honor Divide Factor Currency Codes

B78308     12/17/2015

Progression PO Line Create does not honor Divide Factor Currency Codes

Symptoms: Progression PO Line Create is not honoring Currency Calculations based on Currency Manager Divide Factor.

B78737 - Move the Agility Mobile company list from the registry to standard XML

B78737     12/17/2015

Move the Agility Mobile company list from the registry to standard XML

Symptoms: The Agility Mobile company list should be stored and loaded from the common C:\ProgramData\Wisys\Agility\CompanyList.XML

B79202 - When using the WiSfActTrx application to report against Shop Floor orders with backflush labor will not set the status to ended

B79202     12/17/2015

When using the WiSfActTrx application to report against Shop Floor orders with backflush labor will not set the status to ended

Symptoms: When using the WiSfActTrx application to report against Shop Floor orders. If an operation has backflush labor checked the WiSfActTrx application will NOT set the status of the shop order to Ended after all operations have been completed and marked as completed. It will set the status to ended if no operation has backflush labor checked and all operations are marked as complete.

B79509 - Progression POINSHDR cost fields not updated based on currency rate

B79509     12/17/2015

Progression POINSHDR cost fields not updated based on currency rate

Symptoms: Progression POINSHDR cost fields not updated based on currency rate

B79631 - no option for FedEx 2 Day AM

B79631     12/17/2015

no option for FedEx 2 Day AM

Symptoms: FedEx 2 Day AM missing from shipping codes for FeEx.

B79670 - Progression multi currency issue for R/I item during a PO receipt.

B79670     12/17/2015

Progression multi currency issue for R/I item during a PO receipt.

Symptoms:' Loc_avg_cost, loc_std_cost,loc_po_price and adj_po_price are not writing correctly when using currency code on a PO receipt. To duplicate this create a vendor in Canada and set their vendor type to have a Canadian currency code. Create two po’s. One to receive with Macola The other is to receive using our PO Receiving Form. Use an item and note the std and average cost in Macola. use cnd currency code note the conversion conversion Rate(i.e0.751800 ) after doing the receipt notice these fields in the POINSHDR_SQL In The POINSHDR_SQL The Receipt trough Macola will receive with a converted loc_avg_cost , Std_cost and loc_po_price, and it uses home currency for the adj_po_Price. The second record is received through the PO Receiving form. It will use the macola avg and std for the loc_avg and std , but also converted the adj_po_price where Macola did not.

B79706 - Shipping through PP4 does not properly populate Remit to information

B79706     12/17/2015

Shipping through PP4 does not properly populate Remit to information

Symptoms: Shipping through PP4 does not properly populate Remit to information

B80120 - Reporting Negative Qty during POP Reporting calculates an incorrect adjustment to the allocation records.

B80120     12/17/2015

Reporting Negative Qty during POP Reporting calculates an incorrect adjustment to the allocation records.

Symptoms: When using POPReportProduction in FormStudio, and reporting a negative quantity, the allocation records for all components are being set to the exact same value, regardless of different qty_per in IMORDBLD file. To recreate: Create a POP order and report production for more than the original order, causing the allocation records to be deleted. Then, report a negative quantity to reduce the total report quantity to less than the qty ordered. Looking at the allocation records in IMINVTRX, all components have been assigned the same allocation quantity.

B80209 - PO Currency Multily works but divide does not when doing PO Receiving on Inspection item.

B80209     12/17/2015

PO Currency Multily works but divide does not when doing PO Receiving on Inspection item.

Symptoms: PO Multi Currency Multiply works but divide does not when doing PO Receiving on Inspection item. The fields loc_std_cost, loc_avg_cost and loc_po_price in the POINSHDR_SQL table do not calculate correctly when using multi currency and doing a receipt of an inspection item using the divide factor capability in Progression..

B80416 - POP Report FG on the guns does not honor Agility Option for Closing POP Orders

B80416     12/17/2015

POP Report FG on the guns does not honor Agility Option for Closing POP Orders

Symptoms: The Agility WMS form for POP Report FG does not honor the Agility - File - Options - WMS - POP Reporting - Order Completion Options. Form Studio needs to be modified to return the appropriate value to the variable designated for these values. The Agility Explorer WMS option "Over Production Warning" was set to use the string value in Form Studio and Agility Mobile. It has been updated to use the numeric value that's stored in the DB (0,1,2) vs (None, Soft, Hard). This is because any change in the description text would break setting variable condition.

B80739 - Order Entry Tax Codes are not being calculated based on the Order Header Tax Code Percent

B80739     12/17/2015

Order Entry Tax Codes are not being calculated based on the Order Header Tax Code Percent

Symptoms: OE Tax Codes are not being calculated based on the Order Header Tax Code Percent. If the tax code percent is modified on the order the SDK tax calculations continue to use the original tax code percentage.

B80742 - Agility PO Receipts - Same receiver number being used when passing to a SQL Script in a process grid

B80742     12/17/2015

Agility PO Receipts - Same receiver number being used when passing to a SQL Script in a process grid

Symptoms: to duplicate use the PO Receipt Grid. Create an insert sql script to a table with one field( I create a table called _rec with a field called rec_no) Insert into _rec (rec_no) values (@rec_no) On the PO Receipt button transaction add this SQL script. In the method parameter use the variable ReceiverNoUser from the PO Receipt transaction. Now receive a few lines from the grid. Notice that the insert @rec returns the same receiver number for all the lines.

B80769 - A timeout error can occur when modifying a job and creating an OE order with the same job

B80769     12/17/2015

A timeout error can occur when modifying a job and creating an OE order with the same job

Symptoms: A timeout error can occur when modifying a job via the custom SQLProcessor and then creating an OE order with the same job in the same transaction.

B80802 - Agility Mobile - Number of labels to print is no longer focused on a form

B80802     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile - Number of labels to print is no longer focused on a form

Symptoms:Number of labels to print no longer receives the focus on the form

B80986 - Agility Mobile / Form Studio should no longer write to the Registry

B80986     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile / Form Studio should no longer write to the Registry

Symptoms: Agility Mobile / Form Studio should no longer write to the Registry. Registry entries will be migrated to XML in programdata and appdata folders

B81019 - Progression Add OE Kit Line Item ImOrdBld_sql.Decimal_6_Fg set to Y

B81019     12/17/2015

Progression Add OE Kit Line Item ImOrdBld_sql.Decimal_6_Fg set to Y

Symptoms: Progression Add OE Kit Line Item ImOrdBld_sql.Decimal_6_Fg set to Y. If the order is processed through Progression, inventory will be relieved @ 1/100.

B81021 - Getting warning on grids with linked components on update. - "Focus is not on a data row, please select a valid row on the grid."

B81021     12/17/2015

Getting warning on grids with linked components on update. - "Focus is not on a data row, please select a valid row on the grid."

Symptoms: Seeing the warning message, (Focus is not on a data row, please select a valid row on the grid.) show up every time focus is moved to the filter row of the parent grid with a linked component grid still open.

B81125 - Update AE WMS POP Reporting Options SettingGroup

B81125     12/17/2015

Update AE WMS POP Reporting Options SettingGroup

Symptoms: Update the AE WMS POP Reporting options screen to write the following options to the 'ws setup' SettingGroup 'POPCompIssueProdWarn' 'POPCompleteMethod' 'POPCompOverIssueWarn' 'POPQtyReportOpt'

B81359 - traking number in wsPKG is to short - 20 char - needs to be 30 char

B81359     12/17/2015

traking number in wsPKG is to short - 20 char - needs to be 30 char

Symptoms: Tracking number field in wsPkg table is only 20 characters. FedEx is producing a 22 character tracking number and it is cutting off at 20 characters.

B81393 - Creating a POP Order using Last Cost setup uses Standard Cost

B81393     12/17/2015

Creating a POP Order using Last Cost setup uses Standard Cost

Symptoms: Creating a POP Order using Last Cost uses Standard Cost

B81468 - print prompt for BOL - not honoring copies = in doc manager

B81468     12/17/2015

print prompt for BOL - not honoring copies = in doc manager

Symptoms: BOL document is setup in Doc management. The Copies is set to = 3. But only one copy prints regardless of what the doc mgmt. copies = is set to

B81491 - Agility Mobile add functionality to support negative receipts for serialized items

B81491     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile add functionality to support negative receipts for serialized items

Symptoms: to Duplicate this, Create a purchase order for a serialized item using our form "Po Receiving" receive a qty of -1 of the item. When the serial lot collection box pops up notice that you should be able to select a serial number but any serial number will respond serial number already in use.

B81552 - Saturday, not a regular work day per the shop calendar, are being recorded by WiSys as regular time, not OT.

B81552     12/17/2015

Saturday, not a regular work day per the shop calendar, are being recorded by WiSys as regular time, not OT.

Symptoms: [rcortes 07/15/2015 17:15 (GMT -04:00)] SF Work Center Reporting app does not register hours worked on Saturday as OT. It registers as regular time instead

B81615 - Agility Designer - on the button design properties, the Disable/Enable Rule does not appear to be working unless you are able to use an = or <>. If the criteria is set to contains, begins with, ends with - it is not reading properly

B81615     12/17/2015

Agility Designer - on the button design properties, the Disable/Enable Rule does not appear to be working unless you are able to use an = or <>. If the criteria is set to contains, begins with, ends with - it is not reading properly

Symptoms: Agility Designer - on the button design properties, the Disable/Enable Rule does not appear to be working unless you are able to use and = or <>. If the criteria is set to contains, begins with, ends with - it is not reading properly and disabling the button.

B81669 - Form Studio unhandled exception occurs when cancelling out of lookup

B81669     12/17/2015

Form Studio unhandled exception occurs when cancelling out of lookup

Symptoms: Form Studio unhandled exception occurs when cancelling out of lookup without completely defining the lookup

B82002 - OE Order Header Totals are zeroed out when an Update method is called against a Status 4 order

B82002     12/17/2015

OE Order Header Totals are zeroed out when an Update method is called against a Status 4 order

Symptoms: When using the SDK to update a status 4 header, the Tot_sls_amt, and other calculated fields becomes zero. This can be duplicated by creating a status 4 order and then using SDK OE Order Header update method.

B82049 - Improve performance when printing Pick Tickets from AE

B82049     12/17/2015

Improve performance when printing Pick Tickets from AE

Symptoms: Improve performance when printing Pick Tickets from Agility Explorer by removing some of the overhead in the printing and selection object calls

B82075 - Deleting an Order Line in a Confirm Bill Environment is not clearing the allocations

B82075     12/17/2015

Deleting an Order Line in a Confirm Bill Environment is not clearing the allocations

Symptoms: Deleting an Order Line in a Confirm Bill Environment is not clearing the allocations. Updating an Order Line in a Confirm Bill Environment is not updating allocations

B82177 - wsPkgShipment-Backout Shipment resets Truck company to null but leaves Trailer and ProNo intact

B82177     12/17/2015

wsPkgShipment-Backout Shipment resets Truck company to null but leaves Trailer and ProNo intact

Symptoms: When a shipment is backed out, in the wsPkgShipment table, the TruckCompany is set back to Null. The Trailer and Pro_No field remains the same and are not set back to null. Correct so that the TruckCompany does not get set back to Null to match and works the same as the Trailer and Pro_No

B82388 - Wisys SDK add function to return enum name based on Type / Value

B82388     12/17/2015

Wisys SDK add function to return enum name based on Type / Value

Symptoms: Wisys SDK add function to return enum name based on Type / Value. Example: Wisys.AllSystem.TrxEnums.GetEnumName(GetType(TrxEnums.InTransitTransferRoute), integerValue, nothing)

B82427 - Wisys SDK Update internal Connection method calls

B82427     12/17/2015

Wisys SDK Update internal Connection method calls

Symptoms: Internal Connection method calls were updated to follow standards.

B82447 - POP WIP Return object re-allocates the wrong amount on return

B82447     12/17/2015

POP WIP Return object re-allocates the wrong amount on return

Symptoms: WIP Return of components with varying qty per values result in reallocating an incorrect qty on the second - nth component. The first components qty per value is used for all other components. To duplicate Create a pop order that has components that have different qty's per. Once created look in the iminvtrx table and notice that the components are allocated correctly. Issue the components to the pop order and again notice that the allocations are turned into issues correctly. Using the POP return form, return the issued components. Notice in the iminvtrx_sql that all issues are reversed out correctly but that the new allocations are both for the quantity of the first component. My example had issues of 20 for component 1 and 160 for component 2 upon return the allocations are now for 20 for the first component and 20 for the second component.

B82571 - SDK Macola ES Customer insert fails when customer numbers exceed 10000

B82571     12/17/2015

SDK Macola ES Customer insert fails when customer numbers exceed 10000

Symptoms: SDK Customer insert fails when customer numbers exceed 10000. A temp table is created during the customer insert process that provides 10000 customer numbers. If all of those customer numbers are used, a new customer cannot be inserted

B82798 - Shop Floor workcenter question/issue

B82798     12/17/2015

Shop Floor workcenter question/issue

Symptoms: [rcortes 08/12/2015 11:17 (GMT -04:00)] The Bill of Material look up tab in the Shop Order Information screen has an error. Stating that Column FORC_ECM_FG does not exist

B82887 - Workcenter Reporting - Backflushing scrap Negative quantity

B82887     12/17/2015

Workcenter Reporting - Backflushing scrap Negative quantity

Symptoms: [rcortes 08/13/2015 18:18 (GMT -04:00)] When a user has reported scrap against an operation that has back flush materials assigned to it, The material qty for the amount scrapped are backflushed out of inventory. However if the user commited an error and wants to correct the entry by entering a negative number then the qty that was backflushed does not put the material back in to inventory.

B82888 - When Clicking on the Shop Order Information button no Shop Orders are displayed.

B82888     12/17/2015

When Clicking on the Shop Order Information button no Shop Orders are displayed.

Symptoms: [rcortes 08/13/2015 18:51 (GMT -04:00)] When Clicking on the Shop Order Information button no Shop Orders are displayed.

B82920 - Add pkg_no to wsPkgLinTrx

B82920     12/17/2015

Add pkg_no to wsPkgLinTrx

Symptoms: These fields are needed to create proper links. The wsPkgLinTrx clearly needs the pkg id

B82967 - Remove the unused Agility Mobile About Button

B82967     12/17/2015

Remove the unused Agility Mobile About Button

Symptoms: The About button in Agility Mobile Does not display any data. Remove the unused Agility Mobile About Button.

B82972 - cannot report more than 999 quantity complete for an operation

B82972     12/17/2015

cannot report more than 999 quantity complete for an operation

Symptoms: Shop Floor WorK Center reporting app does not allow quantity complete entry to be greater than 3 digits

B83397 - Create OE RMA Validations

B83397     12/17/2015

Create OE RMA Validations

Symptoms: Need to create OE RMA Validation so that the rms form can be re-written to not use sql events.

B83407 - AE Process Grid-Edit field with lookup-Lookup will not work if Alert is put on edit field

B83407     12/17/2015

AE Process Grid-Edit field with lookup-Lookup will not work if Alert is put on edit field

Symptoms: AE Process Grid - If edit field has a lookup on it and an alert is added to the lookup field, the lookup will no longer work

B83659 - Agility Mobile Help Button

B83659     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile Help Button

Symptoms: Agility Mobile Help Button should load support site Table of Contents. Clicking the help button causes emulator and the Agility Mobile browser window to snap to the top of screen.

B83789 - IMLSTRX comments were not being retained on multiple confirm ship

B83789     12/17/2015

IMLSTRX comments were not being retained on multiple confirm ship

Symptoms: To duplicate create an order using a lotted item. I create an order for an item called Lotted_item with a qty_ordered of 15. Print the pick ticket. Modify our Ship form, and on the save button, on the confirmship/serial/Lot Properties tab select any text field on the form to go to comments_1 Using that form Confirm the created order. In the lot section chose a lot but only confirm ship part of the order, I confirm shipped 5 of the first lot. In sql notice that the comments_1 field is populated as expected. Now select the same item to be shipped and chose a second different lot. I select 10 of another lot. In sql notice that the comments_1 field has now reverted back to nulls.

B83961 - Non stocked items can be included and posted in inventory

B83961     12/17/2015

Non stocked items can be included and posted in inventory

Symptoms: Cycle Count allows non-stocked/non-controlled items to entered with an extra tag and posted. IM.CountByItemValidateItem has been updated to throw an error when a non stocked item has been entered. The SDK inventory count and extra tag methods have also been updated to prevent non inventory items from being added

B84332 - Concurrency record not clearing when logging out of Agility Mobile

B84332     12/17/2015

Concurrency record not clearing when logging out of Agility Mobile

Symptoms: the concurrency record does not go away until the PocketESServer.exe form is closed. The concurrency record should remove on logout. To duplicate this use two guns login to one and notice the concurrency record. Login to the other gun and notice the concurrency record. Now try to log in as a different user on one of the guns. Notice that the currency record remains for the previous user. In this customers scenario, this prompt a license exceeded message because they only have two device license.

B84357 - Pkg Package Add Multiple Pkg With Items Trx not available in Form Studio

B84357     12/17/2015

Pkg Package Add Multiple Pkg With Items Trx not available in Form Studio

Symptoms: The OBJ_TRX object available in the WiSys Object Transactions project called 'Pkg Package Add Multiple Pkg With Items' does not have an equivalent Transaction available in Form Studio. The 'Pkg Package Add Multiple Pkg With Items' object uses the AddMultiPackageWithItems method of the wisys.PkgTrx.PackageAdd class in the Wisys.PkgTrx.v4.1.dll.

B84360 - Endicia error when trying to ship from PP for USPS

B84360     12/17/2015

Endicia error when trying to ship from PP for USPS

Symptoms: ProcessAllShipRussh:Error trying to make connection to Shiprush:Account configuration required (wizard dialog) but ShowLogin is disabled. Call ShowWizard or set ShowLogin to TRUE: Error point:6

B84412 - Agility Mobile SQLBusinessTransaction times out if using selecting previous updated rows

B84412     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile SQLBusinessTransaction times out if using selecting previous updated rows

Symptoms: Agility Mobile SQLBusinessTransaction times out if using locked rows. If the select statement of a SQLBusinessTransaction contains rows that were modified in a previous business transaction the query will time out due to not using the same transaction connection object.

B84736 - The Selling UOM is no longer calculating correctly when processing a shipment in Pkg Pack and Ship. Worked correctly in 561, error occurs in 564.

B84736     12/17/2015

The Selling UOM is no longer calculating correctly when processing a shipment in Pkg Pack and Ship. Worked correctly in 561, error occurs in 564.

Symptoms: When attempting to process a shipment that has an item with a Selling UOM, we receive the following error: "There was a problem with the Confirm Shipping process. Problem confirm shipping 26952 line 1 :CheckRules :60050 - The sum of detail Bin quantities Does not Match Header Trx Qty:Header qty=1000 - Detail qty = 100"

B85071 - POP Order Create/Release updates

B85071     12/17/2015

POP Order Create/Release updates

Symptoms: When assigning a customer number to a POP order that has multiple levels it is not being propagated to the dependent orders. Also, the customer was not formatted correctly. The ppordfil_sql.org_multiplier was not being written correctly at the parent level when released and was also different as compared to Macola at the dependent order level. Although the calculations were correct when creating / reporting exclusively in the SDK or Macola when reporting across the different mediums it could cause over/understated inventory transactions at the dependent level.

B85232 - Add PutPackageOnHold and RemovePackageFromHold Object Transactions to Form Studio

B85232     12/17/2015

Add PutPackageOnHold and RemovePackageFromHold Object Transactions to Form Studio

Symptoms: Add PutPackageOnHold and RemovePackageFromHold Object Transactions to Form Studio

B85271 - duplicated BOL #

B85271     12/17/2015

duplicated BOL #

Symptoms: Pick Pack 4 - Shipment create set the BOL number the same on 2 different shipments.

B85549 - pick pack 4 issues

B85549     12/17/2015

pick pack 4 issues

Symptoms: to duplicate Set Over Shipping to Hard in File/Options/Pick Pack/Shipping. Create a Macola order for any item for a qty_to_ship of 10 In PP4 create a shipment and add that order/Item to a carton with a quantity of 1. Then notice that you can replicate that Package past the qty_to_ship of 10. in my case I created 11 packages. On the other hand , after deleting all those replicated packages, try just adding one package with a qty of 11. Notice that you receive the Failed: You can only receive 10 message box. Honoring the flag in setup.

B85632 - UpdateDisplay:Error getting view data:ReturnValues : The connection string property has not been initialized

B85632     12/17/2015

UpdateDisplay:Error getting view data:ReturnValues : The connection string property has not been initialized

Symptoms: When open Agility Designer, select Project > Copy Project - Receive error: UpdateDisplay:Error getting view data:ReturnValues : The connection string property has not been initialized

B85721 - POP Reporting should prevent reporting Dependent orders if Parent Level reporting selected

B85721     12/17/2015

POP Reporting should prevent reporting Dependent orders if Parent Level reporting selected

Symptoms: POP Reporting should prevent reporting Dependent orders if Parent Level reporting selected.

B85798 - Agility Mobile POP Reporting Serial/Lot collection should display Mfg Ser/Lot field

B85798     12/17/2015

Agility Mobile POP Reporting Serial/Lot collection should display Mfg Ser/Lot field

Symptoms: In Agility Mobile, the POP Reporting Serial/Lot collection screen should display the Mfg Ser/Lot as an enterable field and map to the serial lot collections

B86635 - Overshipping at hard shipping kits calculates overshipping incorrectly

B86635     12/17/2015

Overshipping at hard shipping kits calculates overshipping incorrectly

Symptoms: To duplicate this add a kit it to an order. Set over shipping to Hard ship the item in for the qty_to_ship PP4. You will get the message box that over shipping is not allowed. Notice that the sum for the line of the order is the sum of all component parts.

B86707 - Error on any iff condition placed on a detail of a button in design studio

B86707     12/17/2015

Error on any iff condition placed on a detail of a button in design studio

Symptoms: To duplicate If you go into the File Import component training and go to lesson 2. go to the buttons and on the create order button click transaction define. Click the if condition in the detail. You will get an error. HostViewGuid is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table.

B86960 - Cannot add multiple items to same carton in PP4 without selecting add item again

B86960     12/17/2015

Cannot add multiple items to same carton in PP4 without selecting add item again

Symptoms: When adding an item to a carton using the PKG Pack and Ship grid in Agility, after the first item is added to the carton, the screen closes and it returns you to the shipping tree where you have to choose add item again for that same carton to add a second item. The project was missing the repetitive transaction check box for the add item button. After that was enabled, the following error surfaced: "CommonValidated Failed:Conversion from type 'DBNULL' to type 'DOUBLE' is not valid. Error point 6.5"

B86984 - Pick Pack 4 repetitive transactions on item add fails

B86984     12/17/2015

Pick Pack 4 repetitive transactions on item add fails

Symptoms: Customer will not move to PP4 until they can repetitively add items from an order. John says this is a switch in the Repetitive transaction checkbox on the Add button in the Pkg PP4 Grid in the Pkg Pack and Ship Project. When this box is checked the clicking of OK button produces the error CommonValidated Failed:Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Double' is not valid Error point:6.5

B87325 - POP Reporting - not using Printer definations from Agility Explorer

B87325     12/17/2015

POP Reporting - not using Printer definations from Agility Explorer

Symptoms: POP Reporting desktop application is using report setup from within the application and not using the Agility Explorer Desktop Printers setting to define which printer to use and print settings. If multiple reports to print, no way to direct them to different prints. Also does not allow passing of printer size definitions.

B87374 - OEORDHDR.UnselectForBilling not clearing billed_dt in Progression

B87374     12/17/2015

OEORDHDR.UnselectForBilling not clearing billed_dt in Progression

Symptoms: When unselecting an order from billing in Pik Pak the OEORDHDR.UnselectForBilling method is not clearing the oeordhdr_sql.billed_dt in Progression based systems.

B87375 - Non Inventory Items will have a negative oeordlin_sql.tot_cost when confirm shipping

B87375     12/17/2015

Non Inventory Items will have a negative oeordlin_sql.tot_cost when confirm shipping

Symptoms: When confirm shipping a non inventory item the oeordlin_sql.tot_cost will be a negative value.

B87515 - SDK Auto Add OE Components fix

B87515     12/17/2015

SDK Auto Add OE Components fix

Symptoms: When using the AutoAddOEComponents property when adding a OE line item, allocations can be incorrectly created for a non OE MFG Item such as a POP or SF Mfg Item.

B89591 - Time out error when adding a binned and lotted item

B89591     12/17/2015

Time out error when adding a binned and lotted item

Symptoms: When Using the Pack Pallets application, the AddItemtoPallet transaction is failing when a new pallet is created and the item is a Lotted Item.