Need to Ship in PP4 with Shipping Unit of Measure
Symptoms:Wisys only ships by Stock UOM. Need to enhance object to use Ship UOM, and do so in PP4 tables as well. Recommend that PP4 tables stay at Stock UOM since that is how iminvtrx stores the qty. Also, needs to support Binned and LOTTED items.
Passing a space character (0x020) to the Ship-To fields should prevent them from being defaulted
Symptoms: When creating an OE Order and passing a space character (0x020) to the Ship-To fields the Ship-To fields will be defaulted by the corresponding Bill-To field. Add new functionality that will prevent the Ship-To field from being defualted when a space is assinged to the property.
Expose the Username property in the OE OrderEntryTables class
Symptoms: Expose the Username property in the OE OrderEntryTables class. This allows Agility and SDK calls to easily set the Username property which is used for the creation of Audit records when calling the AdvanceToInvoice and VoidInvoice methods.
In form Studio when comparing values in Formulas, will need to trim trailing spaces from values
Symptoms: In Form Studio when comparing values in Formulas, the application must trim trailing spaces from values (caused by CHAR fields) or the comparison will fail and the result of the formula will be unpredicatable.
Fairbanks R9000 USB scales do not read correctly in Pick Pack
USB Fairbanks scales do not read the proper weight inside of Pick pack but do inside of Ship rush. This appears to be an issue with the reading of the USB dll. In order to test we are trying to obtain a scale for john to test with.
The package number is not getting embedded in the EAN18 with object call wisys.PkgTrx.PackageAdd AddFloatingInnerPack
[eaguirre 03/13/2012 14:25 (GMT -04:00)]The package number is not getting embedded in the EAN18 and EAN14 with object call wisys.PkgTrx.PackageAdd AddFloatingInnerPack.
Pull Items in OE are not allowed to over-ship in PP4, they were allowed in PP3
[eaguirre 03/28/2012 11:54 (GMT -04:00)]Pull Items in OE are not allowed to over-ship in PP4, they were allowed in PP3 [jnicol 06/27/2012 23:20 (GMT -04:00)] It was determined that this problem was not related to APS. The issue was with Shop Floor desktop. By default Shop Floor report production will only update the OEORDLIN.qty_to_ship up to the amount of the OEPRDLIN.qty_ordered. The shop floor report object has a property (UpdateOEWithFullProduction) which will allow the object to change this behavior to update the OEORDLIN.qty_to_ship with the full quantity of the shop order production transaction. The shop floor desktop application did not use this property. The fix for this issue was to add this property and set it to True which will allow full quantity updates.
Form Studio issues
1. If Form Studio is closed in a minimized state, on the next launch the form will be returned to a minized state after selecting the company. * Form Studio will now be opened in a normal state instead of minimized 2. When form is first loaded and button contents are changed without selecting an item on the field, the contents will not be saved * Modifying the "Current Button" when the form is first loaded will now save the results 3. Reorder Actions - in some instances the order is not being saved/updated as defined * This could not be duplicated by myself or Enrique; a new task will be opened when it can be duplicated 4. Copy Form should open the new form that has been created * When Copying a Form you will now be given the option to open the new form 5. Data - Variables, Constants, Parameters Clean Up Button is not removing all/correct values * Clean up will now do a comprehensive search and only remove the variable if it is no longer referenced in any part of the form 6. Data - Variables, Constants, Parameters Delete Button is not present on SQL Events, Formula Editor * This will need to be added as a futrue enhancement 7. Formula Editor - conditions where Criteria is being deleted * This issue occurred when deleting a SQL Event that has a dependent formula. Other Formula Criteria will no longer be deleted.
Error ConfirmShipping a binned item with a Qty greater than 0 that has been previously ConfirmShipped with a Qty of 0
[blester 06/07/2012 16:49 (GMT -04:00)] To Reproduce: Create an OE Order for a binned item with a qty ordered = 2 and a qty to ship = 0. Confirm Ship the order with 0 qty to ship. Confirm Ship the order a second time with a qty to ship of 2 for the binned item. An error will be thrown CheckRules: Bins Required for this Transaction, none were included.
User cannot export a Crystal Report if run as an SDI report - Agility Hangs
Symptoms: When the user clicks the export option after running a Crystal Report within Agility the program hangs and must be terminated with Task Manager. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Start Agility Explorer 2. Browse to Inventory/BOM/PO --> Reports --> IM Stock Status Report 3. Set Report Filter for the following: Item=ALL, Product Category=ALL, Location=Starting=CA & Ending=CA, Material Cost=ALL 4. Preferences = Print By=Item No, Print Detail=unchecked, Print Summary=Checked, Exclude Zero Quantity=Checked, Exclude Non Stock=Checked, Exclude Obsolete=Checked, everything else = unchecked (Note report options do not seem to matter to the outcome of this test) 5. After Report Opens in Agility, select the first icon from the top menu bar 'Export Report' which is to the left of the printer icon. 6. Nothing will happen and Agility will hang 7. Note: Other Crystal Report in Agility to reprint invoices (Order Processing-->Reports-->OE Invoice Reprint) Pops up a menu and allows an export but the .CSV format is not listed as an option.
Form Studio PO Receiving does not recognize when a PO line has been cancelled.
Symptoms: Create a purchase order and print. Cancel the line and enter another line for the same item no. Print the PO Try to receive the item in the form studio Purchase Order Receiving App. Application pulls up the first line and shows a Qty remaining of 0. Line has been cancelled and should be ignored by the application or at the very least provide the user with a choice of which line item.
Package Transfer does not retain mfg ser lot no.
Symptoms:When using the Package Transfer Business object the mfg ser lot no is maintained in the wspkgsl table but the information is not being used for the imlstrx or the imlsmst table. The actual inventory transfer has the mfg ser lot no on the lev 0 record of the imlstrx table but does not have it for the lev 1 record. The imlsmst_sql record is then updated setting the mfg ser lot no to blank.
account number for misc charges changes on confirm ship
Symptoms: When changing the misc charges account on the billing screen during order entry to an acount other than the default account, when the order is shipped in Pick Pack, it still writes that amount to the default account instead of the account entered on the order during order entry.
Order Entry Updates for Q Type Orders
Symptoms: Expand support for Q Type Orders. When updating an OE Line Item you receive a message that "Only an O type order can be changed". Correctly populate the OrderLine Qty Allocated, Qty Backordered Flag, & Back Order quantities. No longer updating Active Orders when creating a quote.
Form Studio - Special Data Types may not be formatted correctly when referenced in another field's SQL Event
Symptoms: If a field with a Special Data Type is referenced in the SQL Event of another field with out a special data type or with a different Special Data Type, no padding or incorrect padding will be applied.
CheckRules: The sum of the detail Bin quantities Does Not Match Header Trx Qty:
Symptoms: Customer is trying to ship a shipment packed on the handheld in Agility using the PP4 Tree and receives the following message: CheckRules: The sum of the detail Bin quantities Does Not Match Header Trx Qty: Header Qty:168 Detail Qty = 504 Steps to Duplicate: Create Packages with the same lot in 3 different bins, add to a shipment and try to confirm ship. The issue seems to be because there is the same lot in three different bins. Item Horn, lot 12123 bin 100, lot 12123 bin 200
Confirm Ship duplicate key error on amutak insert
Symptoms: Post :CreateDistributions :cAmutak:Insert:ProcessSQL :Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo.amutak’ with unique index ‘amutak’. During high levels of DB contention it is possible to receive a duplciate key error when creating distributions during a confirm ship.
Imitmidx.Read:Record Not Found:Item No = 101192-48000 wrong error message
Symptoms: Getting error : Imitmidx.Read:Record Not Found:Item No = 101192-48000, when doing a object call to do an inventory receipt. The error is misleading because the item does exist in item master. the problem is that the item does not exist in the iminvloc for the passed loc.