Form Studio - Add a Form Property to give a button focus after form has been completed
Symptoms: Form Studio - Add a Form Property to give a button focus after the form data has been entered. This would function similar to the Forms DefaultButton but rather than execute the button action it would give the button focus. This would give the user time to review and then just hit the Enter key to complete.
Need additional PKG objects for Issue/Receipt without Macola transactions
Symptoms: [eaguirre 08/13/2012 12:58 (GMT -04:00)]I am in need of the ability to Adjust the quantity in the PKG tables without affecting Macola Inventory. For example I currently have a customer who does Shop Floor Issues and Returns, but the items are in PKG (Rolls). So I do a Shop Floor Issue, but then have to update the Package Layer using SQL. I would like to be able to do a Composite transaction to call the Shop Floor Issue object and then another call to adjust the pakage layer. This new object needs to be able to handle, non-lotted and lotted (binned of course) items. The same would be for Shop Floor returns.
Need object for changing an order to status 4 and eligible rows to picked_dt populated in FS
Symptoms:Need object for changing an order to status 4 and eligible rows to picked_dt populated to be called from Form Studio. I am doing more and more paperless picking and in this scenario i am using SQL to change the order status to 4. Really need this to be object based.
Enhance Product Updater to create a record in Synergy when Product Updater completes an update operation
Symptoms: When customers perform an update on their servers we need to store a record in eSynergy that provides us more information on how that operation went. Any information like duration, server, ip, bytes transfered, etc. [fperez 01/30/2013 15:56 (GMT -06:00)]
Cycle Counting for Pallets or Serial Numbered Items is in General Release
WiSys now supports doing a physical or cycle count for Pallets of items, including items that are lot-traceable. In addition, support has been added for counting serialized items on the handheld. There are also seven new Variance Analysis Views in Agility to assist in auditing and reconciling your cycle or physical count.
Form Studio - Button with multiple SQL Business Transactions will process all transactions SQL before the object calls
Symptoms: When a form contains multiple SQL Business Transactions on the same button all SQL statements will execute before before the underlying object calls. They should be processed sequentially.
The expiration date is not set in the wspkgsl when creating floating pallets
Symptoms:Not having the expiration date print from the wsPKGSL Also, when we create floating pallets the exp_dt field is not set in the wsPKGSL table. Looks like mfg Serial lot number and the other two dates are being populated.
Package Transfer Object is NOT writing back comments
Symptoms: The Comment 1 and Comment 2 fields on the serial lot screen in form studio are not being updated by the Package Transfer Object. Steps to duplicate: 1. Create a Form Studio form and add package number and bin to the form 2. Add a button and link it to the Package Transfer Object & set some hardcoded values for comment 1 and comment 2 on the serial lot screen of the object properties 3. Select a package with a lot # and a 'To Bin' and click the button to transfer 4. After the transfer, review the imlsmst_sql record and note the comments have not been updated
Shipped orders are getting the order status set to 7 but they are not being selected for billing following update
Symptoms: Shipped Orders are not being selected for billing and also getting an error 'Method not found: 'Int32 WiSys.Ar.cArShtFil.GetFreightCosts (System.String.Boolean, Double By Ref, Boolean ByRef, System.String ByRef)'. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Go into WMS Setup, Pick Pack, Extra Tab and make sure the 'Select for Billing after Shipping' setting is checked. 2. Add new order to Macola using Progression. 3. Print Pick Ticket for Order 4. Open Pick Pack 3 and build a shipment for the order. 5. Ship the Shipment and receive error noted above. 6. Click through the error and the shipment will still ship. 7. Go view the order status in Macola and it will be 7 instead of 8.
Order Entry - an invalid alternate address code does not return a validation message
Symptoms: Order Entry - when an invalid alternate address code is passed to the object the object does not return a validation message. The primary address will be used and the invalid alternate address code will be saved to the order header.
Unable to confirm ship items that are binned using Agility
Symptoms: Steps to Duplicate: 1. Open OE Confirm Ship/Bill Process in Agility using ES Demo data 2. Try to confirm ship an order line for an item with a bin (Horn). 3. Click the lookup button in the Bin field in the grid and receive the error in the screenshot attached.
PP4 Agility Shipping Grid issuing Partially Shipped Warning/Errors when order is fully shipped.
Symptoms: When the Partial Ship Orders warning indicator is set to anything other than NONE, the message is thrown even if the order is fully shipped. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Open Agility -- File --> Options --> APS Options --> Shipping and set the Partial Ship Orders Warning to 'SOFT' 2. Enter a sales order in Macola. 3. Print the Pick Ticket 4. Open Pkg Pack and Ship under Pick Pack --> Packing section of Agility. 5. Create a new Shipment and add the items to fully ship the order (Select the Lines to Pack tab at the bottom of the grid to be sure there is nothing left to pack). 6. Click the BOL button to ship the order and receive the 'Soft' error 'Order XXX is not fully shipped on this shipment is that okay?'. Error should not occur because the order is fully shipped.
PO Receiving in Agility not adding Project to GL
Symptoms: If the project/job exists on the PO Line then it should be written to the imdisfil_sql and gbkmut tables in Macola. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Create a PO and add a job # to the PO Line. 2. Use the Agility PO Receipts to receive in the PO. 3. Check the imdisfil_sql and gbkmut tables and job # is blank.
Enhance Product Updater to detect layouts with custom name and not marked as private
Symptoms: Enhance Product Updater when importing projects to detect layouts with custom names on 'userforms' and warn users if those layouts are not marked as protected (private flag). Ultimately ask and allow the users to mark those custom layouts as protected. This is the Layout filter SELECT * FROM wsLayout inner join wsprocess on wsLayout.ProcessID = wsprocess.ProcessID WHERE wsLayout.Name not in ('[default]','standard') and wsprocess.[TYPE] <> 'UserForm' [fperez 01/22/2013 10:33 (GMT -06:00)]
SF.ReportValidateOrderNo add return value for Y Count Point Oper No
Symptoms: The validation SF.ReportValidateOrderNo should return the Y count point operation number since most Gun SFC applications will be for reporting the Y-count point. This avoids having to do a SQL query to get that information.
updatedisplay error getting view
Symptoms: PO Master Order List when clicking 'Next' to see the next 50 rows returned, the SQL error message attached occurs. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Open Agility for a Progression database 2. Open PO Master Order List in Agility 3. Set Rows = 50 in the Filter 4. Click search to populate grid with data 5. Click 'Next' button 6. Receive error
PO printing from custom menu
Symptoms: WiSys Print PO Object (POTrx.Print) is not updating the print_dt field when the PO is printed. This is causing the PO Receiving application to throw an error that the PO has not been printed. The Print method should also allow you to print a PO that is in a status of 'P' in the event new line has been added
When creating a new O type order the method that retrieves the next order no does not take into consideration I or C t ype orders with the same Order Number.
Symptoms: When creating a new O type order the method that retrieves the next order no does not take into consideration I or C t ype orders with the same Order Number.
Unconfirm Ship Kit Component - SQL syntax error cmdreadForCompAllocationQTY
Symptoms: The SQL syntax error below occurs in PocketES Standard Shipping when trying to unconfirm ship a kit item. Post: Imordbld Read: clmordbld Read For Allocation QTY: cmdreadForCompAllocation QTY: ReturnSingleRow: incorrect Syntax near lmordbld_sql
Problems with 3rd party logic PP4 see details
Symptoms:2 issues with 3rd party shipping. 1) If Ship via mapping was set to Freight Pay Code and the Freight Pay Code used was defined as 3rd party its was not getting picked up in the code as 3rd party and would never read the WsPkgThirdPartyAcct table for the account. 2) If no cus_alt_adr_cd was defined in the oeordhdr table when the 3rd party account was queried the cus_alt_adr_cd used in the search was "SAME" not [DEFAULT] as it should be.
Error when viewing all agility components under utilities: 'UpdateDisplay:Error getting view data:ReturnValues:Invalid object name 'wsprocess_wv'.
Symptoms: When trying to View All Agility Components under the Utilities-->Agility Projects section in Agility, if the session is connected to a Progression database, the user gets the following error: 'UpdateDisplay:Error getting view data:ReturnValues:Invalid object name 'wsprocess_wv''. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Connect to a Progression database 2. Open Agility and run Utilities --> Agility Projects --> View All Agility Components 3. Receive error noted above.