Build 569.4

Hot Fixes 4

B208931 - Agility Shipping having incorrect Carrier credentials returns blank error message when shipping

B208931     1/1/0001

Agility Shipping having incorrect Carrier credentials returns blank error message when shipping

When shipping UPS and Account User Name\Password combination was incorrect, users would get a blank error message that Shipment Failed with no details.

B201216 - USPS Carton weight multiplying input ounce weight by 16 when displaying in Shiprush

B201216     1/1/0001

USPS Carton weight multiplying input ounce weight by 16 when displaying in Shiprush

USPS Carton weight multiplying input ounce weight by 16 when displaying in Shiprush


B202749     1/1/0001


When trying to use the Item No Filter for the PO Open Order List View Grid it returns an error "Filter field @Orderno was not found in your passed in data..."

B208938 - Shipvia not coming across correctly in Shiprush

B208938     1/1/0001

Shipvia not coming across correctly in Shiprush

ShipVia code is associated with UPS Ground, but when shipping with Shiprush, it comes across as next day air. SQL Profiler shows it pulling correct data from wsPkgShipMapping table. It looks like the Carrier_SDK_Cd (0) for UPS may be getting interchanged with Service_SDK_Cd (0) for Next Day Air vs Ground service_sdk_cd (6.) Did a little more testing and any ShipVia associated to UPS is coming across as NextDayAir.

Enhancements 17

E182357 - Add query search capability to drop down edit field in grids

E182357     1/22/2022

Add query search capability to drop down edit field in grids

Add the ability to use a data query in addition to hard coded values when using a drop down in an edit field on a grid.

E187004 - Create versions of Directed Staging forms to support a batch of order for OE, POP, SF

E187004     1/22/2022

Create versions of Directed Staging forms to support a batch of order for OE, POP, SF

Added Macola forms to support staging a batch of orders based on the current single order Directed Staging Forms.

E194517 - Agility 360 Add options to print to printers seen by the native device

E194517     1/22/2022

Agility 360 Add options to print to printers seen by the native device

Agility 360 - Add options to print to printers seen by the native device. A new WMS option will be available to define IP Printers. When an IP Printer is selected for printing the document will be returned to the Android device where it will send ZPL Labels directly to the device's local IP Printer.

E194939 - Pack Cartons and Pack Standard Cartons - Update to Serial Preload

E194939     1/22/2022

Pack Cartons and Pack Standard Cartons - Update to Serial Preload

Pack Cartons and Pack Standard Cartons - Updated forms for Serial Preload functionality

E194940 - Pack Cartons and Pack Standard cartons need updated to Agility Object Transactions

E194940     1/22/2022

Pack Cartons and Pack Standard cartons need updated to Agility Object Transactions

Pack Cartons and Pack Standard cartons updated to Agility Object Transactions

E194971 - Add comments to standard "IMInv Trx History" grid

E194971     1/22/2022

Add comments to standard "IMInv Trx History" grid

Comments field added to standard "IM Inv Trx History" grid in Agility Desktop

E195097 - New install - initial user is added as AW user instead of AE user.

E195097     1/22/2022

New install - initial user is added as AW user instead of AE user.

New install - initial user is added as AW user instead of AE user.

E196549 - Create method to reprint Carrier shipping labels with button in Fulfillment Manager

E196549     1/22/2022

Create method to reprint Carrier shipping labels with button in Fulfillment Manager

Added the ability to reprint Agility Shipping carrier shipping labels in Fulfillment Manager

E199165 - Use Shiprush for Workstation Setting

E199165     1/22/2022

Use Shiprush for Workstation Setting

Added a setting to use ShipRush by workstation when using Agility Shipping.

E201163 - Agility Shipping - Option to use Retail rates vs Contract Rates

E201163     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping - Option to use Retail rates vs Contract Rates

Enhancement: Agility Shipping - Ability to select "Use list Price Rates" or "Use Contract Rates"

E201355 - Agility Shipping - option to set rates to pull and pass "Contract" rate or "Retail' rate

E201355     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping - option to set rates to pull and pass "Contract" rate or "Retail' rate

Create a process to return "Contract rates" or "Retail rates" in the setup tables from UPS, FedEx webservices.

E203902 - Add Pallet Transfer Location form to WMS Pallet Management

E203902     1/22/2022

Add Pallet Transfer Location form to WMS Pallet Management

Added a new form, Pallet Transfer Location, in Pallet Management to transfer a pallet from its current location to another location

E205073 - Agility Shipping - require direct signature

E205073     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping - require direct signature

Add functionality to allow users to require a signature for a shipment.

E208507 - Auto-check Residential for FedEx Home Delivery shipments

E208507     1/22/2022

Auto-check Residential for FedEx Home Delivery shipments

Add functionality to auto-check the Residential check box when the ship type mapping is set to Home Delivery when the Agility Shipping UI opens.

E208962 - Integrate Contact Name and Contact Phone mapping with Agility Shipping

E208962     1/22/2022

Integrate Contact Name and Contact Phone mapping with Agility Shipping

Integrated Contact Name and Contact Phone mapping from the Agility Option settings to Agility Shipping

E208987 - OE order status Grid is not showing orders in status 'I'

E208987     1/22/2022

OE order status Grid is not showing orders in status 'I'

Updated the function in the SQL query that was determining the status. The status of ‘I’ will show when an order has a header but no lines. The Order status is ‘ ’ and the selection_cd = 'I’.

E209094 - OE Directed Stage Form - Can only unstage partially completed lines

E209094     1/22/2022

OE Directed Stage Form - Can only unstage partially completed lines

Update the OE Directed Stage Form to not close batches automatically. Unstage functionality only works when line is Status ‘R.' When item is fully Staged, the line Status will = ‘C’ and therefore it wouldn’t allow you to Unstage

Resolved Issues 71

B171447 - POP Pull created with incorrect qty when selling UOM is used

B171447     1/22/2022

POP Pull created with incorrect qty when selling UOM is used

When creating an OE order for a POP Pull item that contains a selling UOM the POP order is not created with the selling UOM ratio applied

B172145 - Refresh in dashboard does not work

B172145     1/22/2022

Refresh in dashboard does not work

Symptoms: Created a dashboard with two process grids in Agility Designer. When you hit refresh in the upper right or in the data tab; the grids do not refresh. If you set the dashboard to auto-refresh, the dashboard will not auto-refresh. If you close and reopen the dashboard, it will update. Solution:

B172146 - Toolbar button is disabled when grid is empty

B172146     1/22/2022

Toolbar button is disabled when grid is empty

Symptoms: A button in the Toolbar (Top) is disabled on an empty grid regardless if you have "Allow if Empty Grid" checked or not. A button on the Link Bar (Bottom) works properly.

B182169 - Pro Number cannot enter 30 characters

B182169     1/22/2022

Pro Number cannot enter 30 characters

Symptoms: Solution:

B186926 - Production Reporting closing order when left zero

B186926     1/22/2022

Production Reporting closing order when left zero

When you do a POP Production - Zero quantity it is closing the order short. Even when the AE POP set-up is set to manual control the close. PreventOrderCompletion property has been added to Wisys.POPTrx.ReportProduction that will give the option to prevent the order from being completed based on the AE Settings.,When the settings is set to NEVER complete, the prevent closing flag is set on the object to not allow the POP order to close. If any other settings is chosen and zero is reported, the POP order will close.

B187909 - Form Studio Agility Objects That Contain Overloads Are Not Being Selected Properly

B187909     1/22/2022

Form Studio Agility Objects That Contain Overloads Are Not Being Selected Properly

When selecting an Agility Object in Form Studio that contains an optional overload method the method parameters are not being returned based off of the selection. An example is the Wisys.Shipping.Ship class Pkg Ship Shipment and Pkg Ship Shipment 2. The incorrect method is selected when viewing the New Object Definition form. Also when browsing and selecting a new Agility Object Transaction, properties and parameters are appended to the existing list; existing values should be cleared.

B188161 - Add to SAP Screen shows in Macola Environment

B188161     1/22/2022

Add to SAP Screen shows in Macola Environment

Symptoms: Add to SAP Screen shows in Macola Environment Solution:

B192971 - IM Transfer Bin error

B192971     1/22/2022

IM Transfer Bin error

Symptoms: When packing a non-binned item and with a Staging Bin set in the Options Menu; users will receive an error that the item is not setup as a binned item. Solution: Added conditional logic to pass an empty string to the Agility Object in the case when the item is a non-binned item.

B194544 - User Setup loading time is slow with large Active Directory

B194544     1/22/2022

User Setup loading time is slow with large Active Directory

User Setup loading time is slow with large Active Directory

B194564 - Agility Launch from desktop does not pass connection to Transaction Buttons

B194564     1/22/2022

Agility Launch from desktop does not pass connection to Transaction Buttons

Symptoms: Agility Launch from desktop does not pass connection to Transaction Buttons and you are forced to run the browser as administrator. orrected the security issues ; Code Signing, App.Manifest, and Assembly name in the executables. Also uploaded the latest version of XDMessaging (i.e. XDMessaging.Lite.dll) and updated the synergy item so it's installed to the ExactSoftware\Bin directory. Code has also been updated to look at the v5 objects vs the v4.1 objects.

B196119 - Change PO Rcpt grid to not populate bin number if the item requires inspection.

B196119     1/22/2022

Change PO Rcpt grid to not populate bin number if the item requires inspection.

Symptoms: PO Rcpt grid produces error "This item requires inspection Bins not allowed" when default receiving bin is populated and the item requires inspection. Solution: Change to not populate bin field for those items requiring inspection.

B196298 - Serial Preload not displaying scanned serial numbers in Progression

B196298     1/22/2022

Serial Preload not displaying scanned serial numbers in Progression

Symptoms: Serial Preload form grids are not displaying scanned serial numbers in Progression

B196545 - Address field limit in UPS/FedEx

B196545     1/22/2022

Address field limit in UPS/FedEx

Symptoms: When shipping the address is being truncated to 35 characters without warning. Solution: Produce warning for address if lines exceed 35 characters and allow user to edit prior to processing shipment. Possibly prevent user from shipping until field is corrected. Wisys.AgilityShipUI.v5.0 and Wisys.AgilityShip.v5.0 have been updated.

B196631 - User Company Access options screen updates

B196631     1/22/2022

User Company Access options screen updates

The arrow images on the move company left and right buttons are missing from the User Company Access options screen. ,An unhandled error could occur if the WsUsers.ISAwUser was Null in the database when adding a company to that user.

B196925 - Reference Field option menu has wrong title

B196925     1/22/2022

Reference Field option menu has wrong title

Reference Field option title was showing as Serial Lot vs Reference Field Mapping

B196962 - Bin errors on non-serialized items after serial items

B196962     1/22/2022

Bin errors on non-serialized items after serial items

Symptoms: Users are sometimes present with a Bin error if you run a transaction with a non-serialized, binned item after running a transaction with a serialized, binned item. Solution: Found that the Serial Preload flag was not resetting after the transaction and the transaction was attempting to pull data from the Preload tables instead of the form. A reset was added to the end of the transaction to change it to False.

B196971 - PP.PutAwayValidateSerialItem missing WsValMetaTables records

B196971     1/22/2022

PP.PutAwayValidateSerialItem missing WsValMetaTables records

PP.PutAwayValidateSerialItem is missing the associated WsValMetaTables records

B198281 - Serial number Exp Dt not allowing blank space in Agility 360

B198281     1/22/2022

Serial number Exp Dt not allowing blank space in Agility 360

Symptoms: When using Agility 360 and trying to enter past the Exp Dt in the Receive Serial Numbers or Return Serial Numbers form, user would receive Conversion from string " " to type 'Date' is not valid.

B198314 - Fulfillment manager Shipment Lookup causing Out of Memory Error

B198314     1/22/2022

Fulfillment manager Shipment Lookup causing Out of Memory Error

Fulfillment manager Shipment Lookup causing Out of Memory Error

B198827 - Terms Import is deleting unrelated Terms Type and System Types

B198827     1/22/2022

Terms Import is deleting unrelated Terms Type and System Types

When importing terms non matching Terms Type and System Type codes are being deleted preventing you from importing multiple terms xml from the Wisys Terms directory. For example, you can not import Terms_en_US_SAP.xml and Terms_en_US_SAP_Common.xml. When importing the second terms file all terms from the first file are deleted.

B199371 - Progression Shipping Error - Zip Code can not be blank

B199371     1/22/2022

Progression Shipping Error - Zip Code can not be blank

In Progression there is not a field for the ship to zip code in the order header. Shipping LTL returns an error that the ship to zip code can not be blank. Failed: Ship:LoadAlloShipmentData:-1500:LoadShippingDataObject:Zip code can not be blank ( This is actually a problem with the pkg add. In progression it is not setting the Ship_to_City, Ship_to_state and the ship_to_zip in the wspkgshipment record like it should when It adds the first package to the shipmentP

B199563 - Also From and To Addresses are not mapping correctly when ATTN is added.

B199563     1/22/2022

Also From and To Addresses are not mapping correctly when ATTN is added.

Also From and To Addresses are not mapping correctly when ATTN is added.

B199564 - Blank error message when cancelling out of shipment and print options

B199564     1/22/2022

Blank error message when cancelling out of shipment and print options

Blank error message when cancelling out of shipment and print options.

B199592 - USPS Agility Shipping Label prints upside through Document Type Print

B199592     1/22/2022

USPS Agility Shipping Label prints upside through Document Type Print

When printing an USPS label using the Document Type Print: Agility Shipping Package Label object, the label is oriented upside-down.

B199675 - Failed to load Country Codes - invalid StateCode when adding broker

B199675     1/22/2022

Failed to load Country Codes - invalid StateCode when adding broker

Symptoms: Failed to load Country Codes ReturnValues: Invalid column name 'STATECODE', Invalid column name 'STATENAME', when entering a new international broker.

B199822 - Add Broker OK button missing commands

B199822     1/22/2022

Add Broker OK button missing commands

Add Broker OK button missing commands

B199957 - WsTrxLog entries should not be rolled back if the associated transaction is rolledback

B199957     1/22/2022

WsTrxLog entries should not be rolled back if the associated transaction is rolledback

There are cases when the WsTrxLog entries are being removed when a transaction is rolled back. WsTrxLog entries should be written without commit or rollback.

B200458 - LTL Shipping is clearing out the tracking number if previously set

B200458     1/22/2022

LTL Shipping is clearing out the tracking number if previously set

The Tracking No will be preserved on LTL shipments if the Tracking No was previously set on the wsPkg record.

B201042 - Wisys.Query Connection Issues

B201042     1/22/2022

Wisys.Query Connection Issues

The Wisys.Query tool was not updated for v5. Also added support for SAP HANA Multitenant.

B201588 - Add order to shipment exceptions are not being trapped

B201588     1/22/2022

Add order to shipment exceptions are not being trapped

When associating an order to a shipment there are instances where an error is not being trapped and the process can fail with out any detail.

B201655 - Form Studio GS1 Mapping is not working as expected

B201655     1/22/2022

Form Studio GS1 Mapping is not working as expected

Form Studio GS1 Mapping is not working as expected. Unable to save mapped values. Items are not parsed as expected.

B201700 - Fulfillment Manager Plugin setting does not hold in the Pick Pack Settings

B201700     1/22/2022

Fulfillment Manager Plugin setting does not hold in the Pick Pack Settings

Symptoms: When setting up the plugin under File/Options/Packing and Shipping/General/Fulfillment Manager Plugin the Plugin value does not hold Solution:

B201888 - Unable to assign Fulfillment Manager Plugin in AE Options

B201888     1/22/2022

Unable to assign Fulfillment Manager Plugin in AE Options

Unable to assign Fulfillment Manager Plugin in the Options. This goes undetected because of a suppressed error on the staging bin when saving the options. The staging bin error should be corrected and the error should not be supressed.

B202191 - Cannot PO Receive a Negative Qty for Serailized Item

B202191     1/22/2022

Cannot PO Receive a Negative Qty for Serailized Item

Symptoms: Receive an error that the serial number already exists in the SL master when trying to receive a negative qty of a serialized item using the handheld PO Receiving form. Solution:

B202242 - AM InitializeAutoRetryActionValues can throw object reference error

B202242     1/22/2022

AM InitializeAutoRetryActionValues can throw object reference error

In certain cases, the InitializeAutoRetryActionValues can throw object reference error. Better error handling and logging should be added to mitigate and document the issue.

B202252 - FS Formula Visibility can cause object reference error

B202252     1/22/2022

FS Formula Visibility can cause object reference error

FS Formula Visibility can cause object reference error if the Item was renamed or removed and the underlying formulas were not deleted. The error should be trapped and an entry added to the wsTrxLog.

B202433 - Default Alternate Addres and Thrird Party Accounts not being found

B202433     1/22/2022

Default Alternate Addres and Thrird Party Accounts not being found

Setting a DEFAULT Third Party Accounts and Alternate Address Account for a customer is not functioning in SAP. The code is looking for '[DEFAULT]' value in the table, however, in SAP the value is 'DEFAULT'

B202451 - Weight rounding adjustment

B202451     1/22/2022

Weight rounding adjustment

Symptoms: Weights were being rounded on standard rounding rules. Solution: Weights are now rounded based on carrier rules. Anything over X (ex X.1) will round to the next whole number.

B202523 - Shipping LTL will throw a Bad Data error when password for Carriers has not been set

B202523     1/22/2022

Shipping LTL will throw a Bad Data error when password for Carriers has not been set

Shipping LTL will throw a Bad Data error when passwords from Agility Shipping carriers have not been set.

B202541 - Third Party State Drop lists only Ohio

B202541     1/22/2022

Third Party State Drop lists only Ohio

Ohio is the only stated listed in the State dropdown on Third Party Accounts. This needs updated to include all states

B202542 - Address Header wrong when shipping Third Party

B202542     1/22/2022

Address Header wrong when shipping Third Party

When shipping third party and you open the Agility Shipping screen the first time, the To Address is on the screen but the header says From Address. When you click on the To or From button, this is resolved.

B202543 - Labels do not update properly in Shipping Account > New

B202543     1/22/2022

Labels do not update properly in Shipping Account > New

File > Options > Agility Shipping > Shipping Account > New When switching from FedEx to UPS or USPS, the label for License Number/Meter does not change. Once it becomes Meter number by selecting FedEx, the only way to get it to change is to exit and reopen the window.

B202544 - Agility Shipping Zip code needs to allow extended zip

B202544     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping Zip code needs to allow extended zip

When entering a zip code with an extra zip separated by a hyphen (#####-####); you will receive Unable to ship:ProcessShipment:Input string was not in a correct format. Solution: FedEx and UPS do not allowed the 9 digits zip code. The zip is now truncation even with hyphen in both Shipping Form and Silent Mode.

B202663 - Shipments are not voided with the carrier when backing out

B202663     1/22/2022

Shipments are not voided with the carrier when backing out

When cancelling (or backing out) a Shipment that was shipped using Agility Shipment, the shipment is not cancelled with the carrier.

B202716 - Agility Shipping Accounts from address

B202716     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping Accounts from address

When using additional shipping accounts setup in Options > Agility Shipping > Agility Shipping Accounts, the From Address is not pulling from the location/warehouse table.

B202717 - Agility Shipping Account password not populating when opening saved entry

B202717     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping Account password not populating when opening saved entry

When opening a saved entry in the Agility Shipping Accounts option screen, the password field is not populated with the saved information. This will then cause a blank password to be saved if it is not re-entered.

B202759 - UPS Ship error with a serial and non-serial item

B202759     1/22/2022

UPS Ship error with a serial and non-serial item

When shipping two packages in Fulfillment Manager, one with a serialized item and one with a non-serialized item; you will receive an Object not set to an instance of an object. Error point:20

B203432 - BOL re-print does not pass the BOL number.

B203432     1/22/2022

BOL re-print does not pass the BOL number.

Symptoms: When printing a BOL from Fulfillment Manager, the users were prompted to enter the BOL No. Solution: Recaptured the print BOL command to pass the appropriate variables to the report.

B203510 - Design Studio method parameters may not be set during a transaction

B203510     1/22/2022

Design Studio method parameters may not be set during a transaction

When executing a Design Studio transaction method parameters may not be set if the parameters in the XML are in a different sequence than defined on the transaction

B203615 - USPS Reference Fields not showing on labels

B203615     1/22/2022

USPS Reference Fields not showing on labels

Symptoms: Reference fields are not showing on USPS labels Solution: Solved in Wisys.CarrierShip.v5.0.dll

B204196 - Shipments with Ship To Extended Zip Code fails in Silent Shipping

B204196     1/22/2022

Shipments with Ship To Extended Zip Code fails in Silent Shipping

Symptoms: When shipping in Silent Mode and the Ship To zip code has an extended zip (zip + 4); shipments will fail with an index error.

B204659 - AE User unable to access AE due to Options Menu Error

B204659     1/22/2022

AE User unable to access AE due to Options Menu Error

Symptoms: When a non Admin users logs into Agility Explorer they receive an error stating " The was a problem reading the Options menu table: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

B204818 - PickPack Option Screen Error When Pressing Ok Button

B204818     1/22/2022

PickPack Option Screen Error When Pressing Ok Button

Symptoms: In agility explorer>file>options>pick pack when changing any option in any tab in pick pack then press ok button an error message is thrown ( as a warning message in the attached screenshot ) but the changes are saved normally . Customer is facing this issue after the update to 569.4 on live and test companies .Code updated in 3.0 569.4 Wisys.Options.v5.0.dll

B204904 - Agility Shipping Error when select for billing

B204904     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping Error when select for billing

Symptoms: When using Select for Billing with Agility Shipping, the shipment will error out 'Unable to ship: ...Failed reading for all orders... Solution:

B206566 - Pkg Shipment Add Floating Package Ship_To_Contact error

B206566     1/22/2022

Pkg Shipment Add Floating Package Ship_To_Contact error

When Add a Floating Package to a Shipment, you may receive an error stating Ship_To_Contact does not belong to table

B206833 - Agility Label Designer through AD or AE

B206833     1/22/2022

Agility Label Designer through AD or AE

Symptoms: Receiving Invalid Parameter when executing Agility Label designer from Agility Explorer or Agility Designer. When viewing in SQL Profiler it's treating the parameter as a text field. Solution:

B206843 - Agility Shipping weight and dimension rounding

B206843     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping weight and dimension rounding

Symptoms: Package weight rounding in the Agility Shipping UI is causing an overweight error when shipping USPS packages that have a 13 ounce limit. Solution: Agility Shipping UI will no longer round to the whole number but will display and pass a decimal value to the carrier APIs.

B206930 - USPS tracking information not writing properly to Macola tables

B206930     1/22/2022

USPS tracking information not writing properly to Macola tables

Symptoms: USPS tracking information does not write back properly to the arshtfil and oelincmt tables.

B208295 - USPS Endpoints update across application

B208295     1/22/2022

USPS Endpoints update across application

USPS shipping throwing errors when using a live account. The USPS and FedEx endpoints were inconsistent across application config files should be updated.

B208296 - Agility Silent Shipping - FedEx error that Recipient phone number is required

B208296     1/22/2022

Agility Silent Shipping - FedEx error that Recipient phone number is required

When shipping FedEx in silent shipping mode, you will receive an error that the Recipient phone number is missing when the phone number is visible in Fulfillment Manager.

B208297 - Agility Shipping Contract vs List Price write back

B208297     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping Contract vs List Price write back

Symptoms: Only List Price will be written back to the ERP even when you select Contract in the option menu.

B208455 - Refresh in dashboard does not work

B208455     1/22/2022

Refresh in dashboard does not work

In Analytics Dashboard a graph will refresh but the grid doesn’t when refresh or auto-refresh is turned on.

B208494 - Orders are not closed when using the POP production close button checkbox.

B208494     1/22/2022

Orders are not closed when using the POP production close button checkbox.

Users must enter, or re-enter, the quantity after checking the box. A validation is ran on the quantity field which reads the value of the quantity, option setting and checkbox value to set the object property properly.

B208508 - Agility Shipping - Invalid Master Tracking ID Type

B208508     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping - Invalid Master Tracking ID Type

FedEx shipments using Home Delivery Residential are returning the error message "Shipment Failed Ship:Invalid Master Tracking ID Type"

B208932 - UPS Surepost less than 1 pound returning unit of measure error

B208932     1/22/2022

UPS Surepost less than 1 pound returning unit of measure error

When using UPS SurePost Less Than 1LB the unit of measure will be set to Ounces and the Weight will be converted from LBS/KGS to Ounces as necessary.

B208933 - Agility Shipping not passing Address Line 2 & 3

B208933     1/22/2022

Agility Shipping not passing Address Line 2 & 3

Agility Shipping is not passing Address Line 2 & 3 to the carrier API. Address Line 3 needs added to the Agility Shipping UI

B208943 - Macola - Agility Shipping/Shiprush Carrier label is ignoring contact information and duplicating Company Name.

B208943     1/22/2022

Macola - Agility Shipping/Shiprush Carrier label is ignoring contact information and duplicating Company Name.

Added contact information to Macola Ship To Contact in Agility Shipping and Shiprush

B208961 - Shipping error can occur when loading shipping data if weight was 0

B208961     1/22/2022

Shipping error can occur when loading shipping data if weight was 0

An error can occur when loading shipping data if weight was 0. Conversion from string to type double is not valid.

B208965 - EDI Integrate when refreshing grid receive "Unable to find the APS settings table."

B208965     1/22/2022

EDI Integrate when refreshing grid receive "Unable to find the APS settings table."

User is presented with “Unable to find the APS Settings table” error. Grid is launched in Pkg Pick/Pack and ship\Shipping Tree\EDI\Integrate EDI

B208991 - Agility Transaction for AE Batch Pick Group Maintenance errors out upon clicking Add button

B208991     1/22/2022

Agility Transaction for AE Batch Pick Group Maintenance errors out upon clicking Add button

User would get an error “Failed to create an instance of a transaction object. Wisys.Pkg.WsPkgBatchPickGrp After recapturing the objects in Design Studio, the error was resolved.

B208992 - AE Batch Pick Create - upon clicking "Add" button dialogue box lookup for staging bin returns no records even though default staging bin is setup correctly in AE pick/pack options

B208992     1/22/2022

AE Batch Pick Create - upon clicking "Add" button dialogue box lookup for staging bin returns no records even though default staging bin is setup correctly in AE pick/pack options

All Batch Pick grids and components were updated with new objects and work flow.