Build 564

Enhancements 21

E59895 - PO - Add the ability to include a Job No

E59895     5/5/2015

PO - Add the ability to include a Job No

Symptoms:Expose the Job No property when creating a PO via the Wisys SDK, Form Studio, and Agility Designer.

E63445 - Include SDK method to close an OE order

E63445     5/5/2015

Include SDK method to close an OE order

Symptoms: Include an SDK method to Close an OE Order. A new method, Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.CloseOrder, has been added to the Wisys.OE assembly.

E67316 - Add Method to Insert/Update OE Header and Line Comments

E67316     5/5/2015

Add Method to Insert/Update OE Header and Line Comments

Symptoms: Add Method to Insert/Update OE Header and Line Comments. New methods have been added to the Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.OrderHeader and Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.OrderHeader.Oeordlin classes that allow you to update the associated comments. You will now be able to call the Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.OrderHeader.GetHeaderComments method to return the OE Header Comments into the OrderHeader.HeaderComments property. The Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.OrderHeader.UpdateHeaderComments allows you to insert, update, and delete the comments from the header by modifying the OrderHeader.HeaderComments property. The Oeordlin class follows the same construct.

E69805 - LIke to add Wspkg to the file/options/pick pack/reference fields

E69805     5/5/2015

LIke to add Wspkg to the file/options/pick pack/reference fields

Symptoms: currently only fileds from oeordhdr_sql,oeordlin_sql or the wspkgshipment tables can be added as reference fields. The customer wants to be able to add the ean18 field from wspkg table to these fields so that they can be passed to ShipRush.

E71955 - Add the Confirm Billing object to Form Studio

E71955     5/5/2015

Add the Confirm Billing object to Form Studio

Symptoms: A reseller would like to develop a confirm billing form on the handheld and does not have access to the confirm bill object in Form Studio. They have requested this object be added to the list of available objects in Form Studio.

E72833 - Shipping integration for FedEx Freight

E72833     5/5/2015

Shipping integration for FedEx Freight

Symptoms: ShipRush Freight Options are not available in the Wisys Options ShipVia setup

E72955 - set up a custom dimensional weight divisor

E72955     5/5/2015

set up a custom dimensional weight divisor


E73075 - EAN-13 coded UPCs with leading '0' do not find the item number on scan

E73075     5/5/2015

EAN-13 coded UPCs with leading '0' do not find the item number on scan

Symptoms: When scanning an EAN-13 barcode that has a leading '0', the barcode is generated using the same logic as UPC-A. This causes barcode readers to ignore the leading '0' and return only 12 digits. If the full 13 digits are stored in the UPC_CD field in item master, then the validation objects are unable to match the UPC code causing the scan to fail to find the item.

E73083 - Enable pointing to a server as well as a database for EDI with Data Masons

E73083     5/5/2015

Enable pointing to a server as well as a database for EDI with Data Masons

Symptoms: Wisys assumes that it and EDI (Datamasons) run on the same server. This is not our situation, nor should it be for multiple reasons. We need to have multiple database servers. In Wisys, there is a setup to connect the Macola/Wisys database to the DataMasons database in order for Wisys to generate the 856 shipping transactions automatically. That requires a setup in Wisys which specifies the specific EDI database to connect to. The Wisys setup does not allow specifying the SQL server but instead assumes the EDI database is on the same server as the Macola/Wisys database.

E73584 - QA Add new Kits test case to Suite Pick Pack

E73584     5/5/2015

QA Add new Kits test case to Suite Pick Pack

Symptoms: QA Add new Kits test case to Suite Pick Pack

E74197 - Recompile Agility Outlook add-in to work with Wisys SDK objects v4.1

E74197     5/5/2015

Recompile Agility Outlook add-in to work with Wisys SDK objects v4.1

Symptoms:Recompile Agility Outlook add-in to work with Wisys SDK objects v4.1

E74255 - packing two orders going to same location onto one shipment Lowes EDI

E74255     5/5/2015

packing two orders going to same location onto one shipment Lowes EDI

Symptoms: Provide the ability for multiple ASN's for a single shipment.

E74287 - OE Order Line Create object and PO Line Create objects would return the line_no that was just created

E74287     5/5/2015

OE Order Line Create object and PO Line Create objects would return the line_no that was just created

Symptoms: OE Order Line Create object and PO Line Create objects should return the line_no that was just created

E74683 - Create a Print Object for DocType = PACK in Design Studio

E74683     5/5/2015

Create a Print Object for DocType = PACK in Design Studio

Symptoms: Create a print object for the PACK doc type in Agility Design Studio

E75280 - OE Manufactured Items and Kit Updates

E75280     5/5/2015

OE Manufactured Items and Kit Updates

Symptoms: OE MFG Items will now read the bmprdstr table directly to default corresponding values in the IMORDBLD table. Corrected issue with Progressions imordbld_sql.qty_per where it multiplies the actual value * 100 for OE MFG items. Added support for scrap factor. Added support for multi level OE MFG Item Product Structure. Added a new boolean property (AutoAddOEComponents) to the OEOrderLine Class to automatically populate Kit and OE Mfg Item components. Added a new overload to the OrderLine.Components.Add method that allows you to pass a parent item and level number to support a multi level bill if manually assigning product structure. when using our p_oOEOrderLine.Components.Add when adding an item to an order that has expected components, the qty_per field is not multiplied by 100 as it is when the same transaction is done in Macola Progression. We also do not populate the lvl_no, mfg_uom, backflush_fg, bulk_issue_fg, effective_dt as a zero and obsolete_dt as a zero as Macola Progression does in the imordbld_sql. We plan to manage this by adding a property to automatically add the imordbld_sql.

E75531 - For a plugin, "allow if empty grid" option workaround

E75531     5/5/2015

For a plugin, "allow if empty grid" option workaround

Symptoms: When tying a plugin to a button, there’s no “Allow if Empty Grid” option as given when the button type is a transaction.

E76091 - Create a new Validation Trx for PO PutAway

E76091     5/5/2015

Create a new Validation Trx for PO PutAway

Symptoms: When using PO.PutAwayValidateItem the user gets prompted to select a lot for the validation even if the lot is not specified as a Return Value. A new PutAwayValidateItem validation should be created to remove the Lot number. New Validation: PO.PutAwayValidateItemByBin

E76424 - Create New Voucher Methods to Create Header and Detail with Update and Delete for a Macola ES Voucher

E76424     5/5/2015

Create New Voucher Methods to Create Header and Detail with Update and Delete for a Macola ES Voucher

Symptoms: Create New Voucher Methods to Create Header and Detail with Update and Delete for a Macola ES Voucher

E76844 - The OrderS::Pack_Level field used to store a zero into DataMason’s EDI database. Fix it to properly pass the right “Pack_Level”.

E76844     5/5/2015

The OrderS::Pack_Level field used to store a zero into DataMason’s EDI database. Fix it to properly pass the right “Pack_Level”.

Symptoms: The OrderS::Pack_Level field used to store a zero into DataMason’s EDI database. Fix it to properly pass the right “Pack_Level”.

E78060 - Provide an incremental search option for all grids

E78060     5/5/2015

Provide an incremental search option for all grids

Symptoms:Add and option to the grid and process grid settings page that allows incremental searching on any column on the grid. This option will allow users to locate records by typing the initial characters of the desired cell's display value. This enables end-users to locate the desired records quickly when Grid Views display a large amount of data.

E78061 - Add the ability to split a grid into 2 parts

E78061     5/5/2015

Add the ability to split a grid into 2 parts

Symptoms: [jnicol 05/04/2015 21:47 (GMT -04:00)]using the column header right-click provide that ability to split the grid into 2 parts horizontally or vertically. This will give the ability to view 2 parts of the grid at the same time.

Resolved Issues 90

B52090 - Transaction should check for a closed period before writing distributions

B52090     5/5/2015

Transaction should check for a closed period before writing distributions

Symptoms: When performing a transaction the given period should be validated to confirm if it is an open or closed period.

B60526 - Binned/lotted item that will go negative due to rounding issues when using fractional qty per ratio across multiple lots

B60526     5/5/2015

Binned/lotted item that will go negative due to rounding issues when using fractional qty per ratio across multiple lots

Symptoms: A standard function was added to Form Studio (CalcuateQuantityRatio) so that a quantity and ratio could be passed in and use the Macola company decimal positions along with a consistent a rounding function when using multiple bins and lots per transaction

B66690 - assign a user permission to Documents, to enable them to add Items

B66690     5/5/2015

assign a user permission to Documents, to enable them to add Items

Symptoms: When assigning Agility Menu Options in agility/User setup, There is a residual title of System from previous versions these options are not assignable and are confusing to the user setup. The anticipation is that you can set these by user but actually uncheck after saving.

B67266 - Adding multiple items to a Product Structure in a single SQL Transaction

B67266     5/5/2015

Adding multiple items to a Product Structure in a single SQL Transaction

Symptoms: An issue can occur retrieving the next sequence number when adding multiple items to a Product Structure in a single SQL Transaction.

B67634 - Search on Agility Will not return value

B67634     5/5/2015

Search on Agility Will not return value

Symptoms: Search on Agility Will not return value To Duplicate: Setup Process Grid (Transaction Execution Style (Execute when Row Changes "Allow Addition of New Grid Rows" is checked). The First field on the grid is an Editable field. That field has a search and a validation. User Entry Parameters are as follows: Edit Control Type --"Text edit" Data Type --"Vendor" Max Lenght --15 Upper case Only --True Dialog type --Open Enabled -- True The field is also checked as "Required". There is another field on the process grid that is editable and is also required but does not have a search or validation. Behavior: If the search is used on a new row and a value is double clicked the value is not returned. If you go to the second required field and put a value in that field then return to the first field and do the search and double click on the value it is returned. In either case, there are fields that are display fields that have values assigned based on the first field and it's validation. Those display fields only get populated if a value is hand keyed and not if the search value is selected. It appears as selecting a value in the search bypasses the field validation.

B68094 - Error getting pointer for file upload SQL transaction has not been started

B68094     5/5/2015

Error getting pointer for file upload SQL transaction has not been started

Symptoms:User is in 3.0d as on 7/10 Attempts to load graphic imagine in shopfloor options at Agility Explorer-File-Options Shop Floor. Searches for image (duplicated using .bmp image) Upon selecting image file user gets error. Error getting pointer for file upload SQL transation has not been started. The image will not load.

B68313 - Allow FS Lookups to sort results based the SQL vs the return column

B68313     5/5/2015

Allow FS Lookups to sort results based the SQL vs the return column

Symptoms: Add a new option in Form Studio Lookups to sort the lookup results by the SQL select cause vs the return column. In form studio using any query with an order by in a lookup sql statement runs in the profiler through sql correctly, but returns a different order in the recordset on the form he following query returned exp date out of order on the screen, yet this is the query captured in the profile. any order by can be added and viewed in the profiler, however the data does not present in the sorted order. This is the case in both 561 and 562 Select imlsmst_wv.ser_lot_no As 'SerialLot', imlsmst_wv.bin_no As 'BinNo', imlsmst_wv.qty_on_hand As 'QtyonHand', imlsmst_wv.exp_dt As 'ExpDate' From imlsmst_wv Where imlsmst_wv.qty_on_hand <> 0 And imlsmst_wv.item_no = 'BIKEPP' And imlsmst_wv.loc = 'MA' Order By imlsmst_wv.exp_dt

B68380 - invalid state code on ups order

B68380     5/5/2015

invalid state code on ups order

Symptoms: When an order is shipped within the US but billed to a third party that is international, the code tries to validate the state code.

B68508 - Error checking if customer is valid for EDI

B68508     5/5/2015

Error checking if customer is valid for EDI

Symptoms: After a 561 update the customer was experiencing a "Error checking if customer is a valid EDI customer: Integrate ASN: Error checking for parent customer:CheckForParentCustomer:Customer Not found" when trying to ship an order. The order is a non-edi order and the customer is a non-edi customer. To work around, a generic customer_id was placed in the parent_id field.

B68627 - synergy sales task window does not keep position settings

B68627     5/5/2015

synergy sales task window does not keep position settings

Symptoms: must resize browser window in each agility session

B69182 - Alerts don't work when there is a space in the column name.

B69182     5/5/2015

Alerts don't work when there is a space in the column name.

Symptoms: When a column name is bracketed because it has a space in it, the column does not work in the alerts section of the grid.

B69462 - Write shortages to the IMSHTFIL_SQL when releasing POP orders

B69462     5/5/2015

Write shortages to the IMSHTFIL_SQL when releasing POP orders

Symptoms: Add support for writing shortages to the IMSHTFIL_SQL when releasing POP orders

B70031 - Cycle Count issue with the unit cost for on the fly bin additions

B70031     5/5/2015

Cycle Count issue with the unit cost for on the fly bin additions

Symptoms: When adding a binned item as an extra tag, in our Cycle/Physical Count forms, for a bin that does not exist produces a bin record with no cost upon post. The same procedure done through Macola using an extra tag uses the frozen cost from that location to produce a cost . To duplicate use demobikes and create a batch with one item 112004. Create an extra tag in Macola and count through Macola. When at the extra tag enter in 112004 as the item and then enter a new bin(one that produces the message "this bin does not exist would you like to add it?") enter the count for the new bin. After posting notice that the new bin record has a cost associate with it through IM Multi-Level Item View. Now create a second batch with the same item. Do not create any extra tags in Macola. Using the Cycle/Physical Count by Item form. Start counting the items for each bin. When done add a new record for a bin that does not exist. The program will ask if you want to add the new bin. Enter the count for the new bin. Upon posting of this batch, notice that the cost on the Bin record is zero. Also on an sql profile of the process you can see that we do obtain a frozen cost from the location record, but the record being updated to the iminvbin_sql is zero.

B70427 - PP4 Backout shipment is not removing the invoice number from UDF15 field-error when trying to rebill

B70427     5/5/2015

PP4 Backout shipment is not removing the invoice number from UDF15 field-error when trying to rebill

Symptoms: PP4 when a user backs out shipment and invoicing has been done, it writes invoice number to the wspkglin.UDF15 field. The backout shipment is not removing the invoice number form UDF15 field and when they try to rebill, they recieve an error that the invoice number is a duplicate. Part of this is because they set the number back so that it generates the same number as the original shipment. To work around this they remove the invoice number from UDF15 field and it will process.

B70450 - Update to SDK Architecture

B70450     5/5/2015

Update to SDK Architecture

Symptoms: Update SDK object architecture to better support web/multi-threaded environment

B70930 - Transaction editor -- moving steps up and down

B70930     5/5/2015

Transaction editor -- moving steps up and down

Symptoms: When adding SQL Scripts to a transaction, if there is more than one SQL script in the transaction list, the up and down arrow buttons that allow the user to rearrange the scripts in the list are disabled. SQL Scripts are the only transaction type the buttons are disabled for.

B71997 - The BOL number on the ASN from Wisys does not match the value being printed on the BOL when a Mfg ID is used.

B71997     5/5/2015

The BOL number on the ASN from Wisys does not match the value being printed on the BOL when a Mfg ID is used.

Symptoms: When the Mfg ID is filled in Agility - File - Options - Pick Pack - General screen, we will generate a VICS compliant BOL number which is the Mfg_ID (padded with zeros to 8 characters) + the BOL # from the wspkgshipment table (padded with zeros to 9 characters) and then use that result to calculate a check digit for the 18th character. This value is only written to the ASN table in the EDI database. Because of that, we have no way to print this value on any paperwork that will most likely be printed before that value is calculated for the ASN. Please add a new field to the wsPkgShipment table called VICSBOL_No and begin to calculate and write this value to that field when the wsPkgShipment record is created.

B72257 - In-Transit Create Header Object gives error Method 'Wisys.IM.Imtrnhdr.Insert' not found Requires Order_type to be blank

B72257     5/5/2015

In-Transit Create Header Object gives error Method 'Wisys.IM.Imtrnhdr.Insert' not found Requires Order_type to be blank

Symptoms: When using the In-Transit Create Header transaction object on a button in a grid, the error Method 'Wisys.IM.Imtrnhdr.Insert' not found. object not set to an instance of an object. Happens when all default parameters are associated properly. The error does not happen if a blank space is placed in the Order_type field in the Object Properties tab. The order_type field should not be required in the object.

B72512 - unable to print out of agility with nicelabel 6 after 563 update

B72512     5/5/2015

unable to print out of agility with nicelabel 6 after 563 update

Symptoms: The 563 update was not updating the nicelabel runtime. That has been corrected however a print generic document for a nicelabel 6 label does not output a label. to duplicate create a label using Nicelabel 6. Put that label in a user defined document. Create a grid with a button. Add the Print DocType Generic and fill in all parameters needed. Try to print the document. All transacts correctly, however the label does not output.

B72580 - ShipRush installed in WiSys shows ShipRush Version 9 when actual 10

B72580     5/5/2015

ShipRush installed in WiSys shows ShipRush Version 9 when actual 10

Symptoms: ShipRush version shows Version 9 installed when it is actually 10

B72611 - Agility Mobile validation errors can be too long and do not fit on screen

B72611     5/5/2015

Agility Mobile validation errors can be too long and do not fit on screen

Symptoms: Agility Mobile validation errors can be to long and do not fit on screen

B72645 - Timeout message when confirm shipping

B72645     5/5/2015

Timeout message when confirm shipping

Symptoms: Timeout can occur when confirm shipping due to an inefficient join on the oehdrhst_sql table. This message may be seen when a line is invoiced many times due to partial shipments.

B72721 - Problems using variables in an If.Then.Else with stored Procedure

B72721     5/5/2015

Problems using variables in an If.Then.Else with stored Procedure

Symptoms: The project has a process grid, an SQL Script and a SQL Stored Procedure. The stored procedure has an input and an output. Whatever the input is, that is what the output is. The the SP has an INPUT Parameter of @inval and and Output Paramter @retval. The input comes from a list of orders(process grid). An is an M or some other letter. The customer wants the if else condition to say if the @retval is M the run an update(the sql script).

B72834 - OE to PO Purchase order receiving / PO to OE not updating properly

B72834     5/5/2015

OE to PO Purchase order receiving / PO to OE not updating properly

Symptoms: PO Receipt Object Property - OeToPoShipGreaterThanOrdered is not pushing the amount to OE line Qty to ship if this is setup to True. If the amount is greater than the PO Qty, it is not updating back to the order when OEToPoTrxUpdateQtyToShip is also setup update.

B73003 - system is formatting it with ‘$’ andcan’t seem to turn that off

B73003     5/5/2015

system is formatting it with ‘$’ andcan’t seem to turn that off

Symptoms: Fields cannot be formatted in a pivot grid. All fields come across as $ fields it the word cost or price is in the field name. The customer would like to be able to format the columns on a pivot grid. to duplicate this simply create a pivot grid with column names as cost and price. Notice you cannot change the format using the formatting ICONs at the top of the screen.

B73087 - Backspace Key Does Not work in Agilty Mobile Login Screen

B73087     5/5/2015

Backspace Key Does Not work in Agilty Mobile Login Screen

Symptoms: When making a mistake typing the user name on the Agility Mobile Login Screen, if the backspace key is pressed to correct the mistyped character, it takes the user back to the company selection screen. If the company is reselected, the mistyped characters are still present in the login name field.

B73159 - Shop Floor Labor being calculated incorrectly when using Standard Rate and Backflushing Labor

B73159     5/5/2015

Shop Floor Labor being calculated incorrectly when using Standard Rate and Backflushing Labor

Symptoms: When reporting Shop Floor production using our object, the backflush labor is not calculated correctly. The wage amount and direct cost are being accumulated. Also, when entering labor, we are always using the current rate even if Macola is set up to use the Standard rate.

B73160 - Setaddress: Invalid To County Code: TH

B73160     5/5/2015

Setaddress: Invalid To County Code: TH

Symptoms: Create a FedEx order to Thiland, Try shipping through shiprush. The code tw2 can be entered into the country field, but it cannot come from Macola because it is more than 2 characters long.

B73498 - When shipping using the LTL button and a seal number is entered in the BOL screen, it is not being saved in the database

B73498     5/5/2015

When shipping using the LTL button and a seal number is entered in the BOL screen, it is not being saved in the database

Symptoms: When the LTL button is used in Pick Pack to confirm ship an order and data is entered into the Seal # field on the BOL screen, this information is not being saved to the wspkgshipment record in the database.

B73552 - Expose the PkgUpdate.Weight property in Form Studio

B73552     5/5/2015

Expose the PkgUpdate.Weight property in Form Studio

Symptoms: Expose the PkgUpdate.Weight property in Form Studio

B73695 - Printing form to dot matrix 8.5x8.5 - will not us proper paper size

B73695     5/5/2015

Printing form to dot matrix 8.5x8.5 - will not us proper paper size

Symptoms: Reports print fine from Crystal but when passed through WiSys will not correctly print form size.

B73754 - preventing users from modifying layouts

B73754     5/5/2015

preventing users from modifying layouts

Symptoms: Custom Layouts can be erased using the File > Reset to Default File Menus by any user regardless of security rights on who created layout

B73881 - Search on an edit field in a grid causes the validation not to fire

B73881     5/5/2015

Search on an edit field in a grid causes the validation not to fire

Symptoms: When an edit field is defined on a process gird and it has a lookup and validation attached to it that refreshes other columns in the grid, if the end user uses the lookup to get a value for the edit field and then does NOT tab off the field but simply clicks another row or edit field, the other fields in the grid for the new item selected are not refreshed. They will refresh if the value is manually entered into the edit field or the end user tabs off that field after using the lookup.

B73965 - Zip Codes populating incorrectly in the wsPkgShipment table for LTL shipments

B73965     5/5/2015

Zip Codes populating incorrectly in the wsPkgShipment table for LTL shipments

Symptoms: Zip Codes populating incorrectly in the wsPkgShipment table for LTL shipments. The wskgshpment.Ship_From_Zip value is NULL and the wsPkgShipment.Ship_To_Zip has the company/location Zip value in it that should be populating in the Ship_From field. This is only an issues with LTL shipments. UPS and FedEx are updating wspkgshipment.ship_from_zip and wspkgshipment.ship_to_zip properly [krussell 01/13/2015 06:59 (GMT -06:00)] Also not populating the ship_from_address fields

B74179 - Options - WMS - Inventory Trx-Acct Number entry - Issue & Receipt Acct setup

B74179     5/5/2015

Options - WMS - Inventory Trx-Acct Number entry - Issue & Receipt Acct setup

Symptoms: Options - WMS - Inventory Transactions - Account Numbers - Issue & Receipt account setup - Remove button does not work - No way to edit alias once setup - lookup on cost center and cost unit do not work

B74222 - ShipRushobject was not able to create any version of the Shiprush Object Cannot create Active X component Error Point 1

B74222     5/5/2015

ShipRushobject was not able to create any version of the Shiprush Object Cannot create Active X component Error Point 1

Symptoms:Our code for determining the ShipRush version bypasses ZRush_shipRush9.ocx . When a client is updated to 563 and they have ShipRush version 9 Pick Pack responds with ShipRush not installed.

B74233 - Expose Hold Reason property in Imlsmst class

B74233     5/5/2015

Expose Hold Reason property in Imlsmst class

Symptoms: Expose Hold Reason property in Imlsmst class

B74252 - Display additional blocking session information when a MacLock record is encountered

B74252     5/5/2015

Display additional blocking session information when a MacLock record is encountered

Symptoms: Display additional blocking session information when a MacLock record is encountered. The Blocking SPID, Host Name, Login Name, and Program Name will be displayed.

B74286 - Add an option in the Agility OE Line Create to default the Line Discount from the Order Header Discount

B74286     5/5/2015

Add an option in the Agility OE Line Create to default the Line Discount from the Order Header Discount

Symptoms: In the Agility Line Create you currently must set the line discount property for each line item that is created. Add an option in the Agility OE Line Import to default the Line Discount from the Order Header Discount

B74412 - If focus is still on the filter row, button execution can cause error and incorrect behavior

B74412     5/5/2015

If focus is still on the filter row, button execution can cause error and incorrect behavior


B74413 - Date defaults from grid to a form not working always default to today's date

B74413     5/5/2015

Date defaults from grid to a form not working always default to today's date


B74421 - CloseWisysConnection Error - This SQLTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable

B74421     5/5/2015

CloseWisysConnection Error - This SQLTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable

Symptoms: The error "This SQLTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable" can occur when calling the CloseWisysConnection when not in a sql stransaction. This can occur when performing a Wisys object transaction using OpenWisysConnection/CloseWisysConnection using a SQL Transaction. Then calling a Wisys object transaction not in a SQL Transaction. When calling the CloseWisysConnection(NoTransaction) a return value of -1 is returned and the error message "This SQLTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable"

B74727 - unable to ship to AE Armed forced in shiprush

B74727     5/5/2015

unable to ship to AE Armed forced in shiprush

Symptoms: ShipRush using SmartPost does not send the state to the shiprush panel when shipping APO or FPO addresses. A military address will have an address field that is typically a PO Box and A city that is either FPO or APO, and state that is the Military country code ie. AE and a zip code. A typical FPO address may be something like City: FPO, State: AE and zip: 09609 The ship to country would be the US. These addresses have a ship to country of US. The reason for the US country code is that these shipments are sent either to California or New York and then distributed to the Military addresses. To duplicate this Create a ship to address for a customer as described above. Set a ship via code to be FedEx SmartPost and create an order using this ship via code. Ship the order through FedEx and notice that the state code is blank , and highlighted when entering the ShipRush Panel. You can then enter the AE in the state field and the shipment will ship.

B74744 - ASN table seems to have 460 abandoned records with PH in BOL_ID

B74744     5/5/2015

ASN table seems to have 460 abandoned records with PH in BOL_ID

Symptoms: Abandoned PH records in the edi database in ASN table

B74751 - OE Order Header validate that total salesperson commission is equal to 100

B74751     5/5/2015

OE Order Header validate that total salesperson commission is equal to 100

Symptoms: OE Order Header CheckRules should validate that the total salesperson commission is equal to 100.

B74899 - back out the shipment and then ship again, the qty-to-ship for those non-inventoried items gets doubled in oeordlin_sql, which in turn messes up their billing.

B74899     5/5/2015

back out the shipment and then ship again, the qty-to-ship for those non-inventoried items gets doubled in oeordlin_sql, which in turn messes up their billing.

Symptoms: to duplicate turn on OE to PO in OE setup. and set non-stocked non-controlled items to auto select for billing. create an order with one actual item and one non-stock non-controlled item. print the pick ticket and then go into Pick Pack and Ship and ship the actual item. notice that the lines do select as expected. Unship the shipment and then re-ship it. Notice that the qty_to_ship doubles on the non-stocked non-controlled item. This performs the same way using a non-inventory item. This does not happen unless OE to PO is turned on.

B75156 - PO receiving object returns wrong qty remaing with negative receipt on overreceived PO

B75156     5/5/2015

PO receiving object returns wrong qty remaing with negative receipt on overreceived PO

Symptoms: Po Receiving object is returning the wrong qty remaining when someone over receives an item and then does a negative receipt for the same item.

B75176 - Change Device Setup label from Stage Bin to POP Stage Bin

B75176     5/5/2015

Change Device Setup label from Stage Bin to POP Stage Bin

Symptoms: Change Device Setup label from Stage Bin to POP Stage Bin

B75182 - Triggering an 856 when order is in status 7

B75182     5/5/2015

Triggering an 856 when order is in status 7

Symptoms: Pick Pack > Process > Integrate ASN will not work to show order after blank PH shipment record removed from the ASN table. Issue is the customer id is being padded in query ' 3188' passed and will not pull. if changed to '3188' pulls data

B75362 - Pick Pack - Dimension Issue 3.0d on 2/26/15

B75362     5/5/2015

Pick Pack - Dimension Issue 3.0d on 2/26/15

Symptoms: Required Pkg Dimensions : “UPS and/or FedEx” user is not prompted for Size when adding Carton • Carton – defined without size • Sizes – multip sizes defined under carton. Add Carton to Pick Pack – Does not prompt for carton size Select UPS/FedEx shipper and receive message “There is a package on this shipment that has missing dimensions. You must correct this using the following screen before shipping will continue.”

B75498 - RMA Receiving is restricted to Action Types of C

B75498     5/5/2015

RMA Receiving is restricted to Action Types of C

Symptoms: Update RMA Receiving to support all action types

B75573 - Data Import Process for Agility changes single quotes to double

B75573     5/5/2015

Data Import Process for Agility changes single quotes to double

Symptoms: to duplicate create a project with an import from a spreadsheet. In one of the fields on the spreadsheet enter any text with an apostrophe(single quote) I used 1' X 1' box upon import the single apostrophe ' becomes a double apostrophe. " My example became 1" X 1" box

B75741 - When the Serial/Lot issue method is set to Earliest Expiration we are not setting the Issue Priotiy field correctly

B75741     5/5/2015

When the Serial/Lot issue method is set to Earliest Expiration we are not setting the Issue Priotiy field correctly

Symptoms: The imlsmst_sql.issue_priority was being set to a null date if the Expiration Date was not explicitly set

B75772 - When Installing Wisys for the first time on a computer, Wisys administrator is not created

B75772     5/5/2015

When Installing Wisys for the first time on a computer, Wisys administrator is not created

Symptoms: When installing Wisys for the first time on a machine, Agility is not checking to see if there is an existent Wisys User as Administrator. The wsUser table shows empty. This problem was replicated in both Progression and ES.

B76123 - Cycle Count - Update Extra_1 field when counting and adding a new bin

B76123     5/5/2015

Cycle Count - Update Extra_1 field when counting and adding a new bin

Symptoms: The Extra_1 field should be updated with 'C" when counting and adding a new bin

B76280 - Calling the Material Receiving Disposition Post method in Progression results in a column does not belong to table error

B76280     5/5/2015

Calling the Material Receiving Disposition Post method in Progression results in a column does not belong to table error

Symptoms: Checkrules:validation error poinshdr read column tot_matl_rev does not belong to table When using the PO Mat Rev Disposition object in a Progression database, It trys to validate a field called tot_matl_rev in the poinshdr_sql table. The actual field name in this table is tot_mat_rev. this was duplicated using the following query in a Process grid. The grid has a button using the PO Mat Rev Disposition Transaction Object with the appropriate object properties filled in. The error produced is "error: CheckRules:Validation Error:cPoinshdr:Read:Column 'tot_matl_rev' does not belong to table."

B76338 - Agility Pick Ticket application is not writing OE Audit records

B76338     5/5/2015

Agility Pick Ticket application is not writing OE Audit records

Symptoms: Agility Pick Ticket application is not writing OE Header / Line Audit records when printing pick tickets

B76399 - OE ReleaseOrderFromHold should not throw an error if it is not on hold

B76399     5/5/2015

OE ReleaseOrderFromHold should not throw an error if it is not on hold

Symptoms: OE ReleaseOrderFromHold should not throw an error if it is not on hold. It should do nothing and return a success status

B76414 - Partial Delivery Flag - not using Exact customer flag

B76414     5/5/2015

Partial Delivery Flag - not using Exact customer flag

Symptoms: Pick Pack partial options are available as a global for hard and soft. The customer needs this for global company policy and it is working properly. But they also have some customers that they need a hard stop on for allowing Partial shipments. If they ship partials, they get find. PP4 is not using the Exact partial flag. Setup Pick pack to first look to the Exact partial flag on the ar customer record and then use the overall Wisys rules for Partial shipments.

B76416 - Selling UOM Conversion not working for Package qty to the EDI tables-cause incorrect 856

B76416     5/5/2015

Selling UOM Conversion not working for Package qty to the EDI tables-cause incorrect 856

Symptoms: Selling UOM conversion not working with the Package qty to convert to selling UOM down to the EDI OrderP/OrderL tables-cause incorrect 856. When OrderP/L qty being created, needs to look to the oeordlin_sql UOM conversion ratio to calculate to match the order.

B76422 - Add the definition of Paper Size as an Advanced Option to Printer Selection

B76422     5/5/2015

Add the definition of Paper Size as an Advanced Option to Printer Selection

Symptoms: Add an Advanced button in the forms Printer Definition Setup to configure a documents Paper Size based on the selected Printer.

B76426 - Added Properties to Stored Procedures should update captured transactions in transaction edit

B76426     5/5/2015

Added Properties to Stored Procedures should update captured transactions in transaction edit


B76560 - SkipCreditCheck property is not available in the Agility OE Order Line Create Line object

B76560     5/5/2015

SkipCreditCheck property is not available in the Agility OE Order Line Create Line object

Symptoms: The SkipCreditCheck property is not available in the Agility OE Order Line Create Line object

B76673 - The Form Studio ShipmentCreate object does not have a parameter for trailer number

B76673     5/5/2015

The Form Studio ShipmentCreate object does not have a parameter for trailer number

Symptoms: Enforcing trailer and pro number fields required on handheld. The Form Studio ShipmentCreate object does not have a parameter for trailer number so the form cannot be modified to honor the setup flag that says trailer number is required.

B76704 - parent band ctns with CTN under are not creating the OrderP/L tables correctly

B76704     5/5/2015

parent band ctns with CTN under are not creating the OrderP/L tables correctly

Symptoms: Shipment is created with standard cartons. Cartons are then banded together for UPS. This creates a child relationship with the BND package and the original CTN package. When the OrderP/L is created it is not writing down the package records correctly (sometimes dropping lines, sometimes adding lines) but qty is never correct. it is also only writing down one of the ups tracking numbers to the packages so the ASN that are generated are all incorrect.

B76705 - OECTLFIL object not setting the Price Code Cost Type

B76705     5/5/2015

OECTLFIL object not setting the Price Code Cost Type

Symptoms: The OECTLFIL object is not setting the Price Code Cost Type

B76785 - The ship_weight column in the ASN table is now a summary of the weight in the OrderP records which used to come from our oebolfil

B76785     5/5/2015

The ship_weight column in the ASN table is now a summary of the weight in the OrderP records which used to come from our oebolfil

Symptoms: The old way of getting the Weight for the ASN was slightly different from the total weight in the orderp table.

B76887 - Error on Agility Mobile during PO Receipt of Rcvg Insp item.

B76887     5/5/2015

Error on Agility Mobile during PO Receipt of Rcvg Insp item.

Symptoms: Macola ES allows 50 characters in cicmpy for vendor name, however, POINSHDR table only allows 40 characters for vendor name when receiving an inspection item. If the vendor name is greater than 40 characters, Agility Mobile PO Receiving form returns the following error on save: "Post: POINSHDR Insert - cPoinshdr:Insert:cmdInsertFromItemVendor:ProcessSQL:String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated."

B77010 - Project/job number not carrying over to GBKMUT from RMA Receiving and Inventory Transfer Transactions

B77010     5/5/2015

Project/job number not carrying over to GBKMUT from RMA Receiving and Inventory Transfer Transactions

Symptoms: The Project/job number is not carrying over to GBKMUT from RMA Receiving and Inventory Transfer Transactions

B77060 - Form Studio Designer - Remove unused Agility control option

B77060     5/5/2015

Form Studio Designer - Remove unused Agility control option

Symptoms: Form Studio Designer - Remove unused Agility control option

B77146 - SF order parent order filled in when creating new shop order

B77146     5/5/2015

SF order parent order filled in when creating new shop order

Symptoms: When sfordfil_sql is created it is populating the par_ord_no with the ord_no when the order is created.

B77356 - Expose Package Add method in Form Studio that allows passing the Package No

B77356     5/5/2015

Expose Package Add method in Form Studio that allows passing the Package No

Symptoms: Expose Package Add method in Form Studio that allows passing the Package No

B77363 - Scrap Code value passed through the PO rec Ins Disposition

B77363     5/5/2015

Scrap Code value passed through the PO rec Ins Disposition

Symptoms: PO Receiving Dsiposition Object Error: Failed: CheckRules:Validation Error:cReasonCode:Read:Read:ReturnSingleRow :Incorrect syntax near '.'.

B77442 - CheckRules Error Converting Quotes to Orders with Tax Schedule

B77442     5/5/2015

CheckRules Error Converting Quotes to Orders with Tax Schedule

Symptoms: CheckRules Error Converting Quotes to Orders with Tax Schedule. ConvertQuoteToOrder: CreateOrderHeaderFromQuote: CheckRules:Must enter tax schedule or tax code

B77781 - OE Convert Quote to Order - qty to ship not converted properly if there is BO on item

B77781     5/5/2015

OE Convert Quote to Order - qty to ship not converted properly if there is BO on item

Symptoms: AE OE Convert Quote to Order object is not converting the qty_to_ship from quote correctly if the Qty Available is less than zero.

B77918 - Fix data passed to [Parent_Item_No] at table [wsPKGLin] to write the proper parent item code for kit items

B77918     5/5/2015

Fix data passed to [Parent_Item_No] at table [wsPKGLin] to write the proper parent item code for kit items

Symptoms: Fix data passed to [Parent_Item_No] at table [wsPKGLin] to write the proper parent item code for kit items.

B77955 - Error executing Agility transactions Processtrxposttrs failed to creat instance of transaction object Wisys Agility Win. Agility View Window

B77955     5/5/2015

Error executing Agility transactions Processtrxposttrs failed to creat instance of transaction object Wisys Agility Win. Agility View Window

Symptoms: In System Utilities, View All Agility Components, user is unable to double click or right click to "Preview". Error is thrown "Error executing Agility transactions Processtrxposttrs failed to creat instance of transaction object Wisys Agility Win. Agility View Window"

B78375 - not honoring the Exact flag that prevents partial delivery of orders

B78375     5/5/2015

not honoring the Exact flag that prevents partial delivery of orders

Symptoms: Partial ship check looks at the qty to ship and should look at the qty to order Partial to ship appears to be looking at the qty to ship vs qty to order. Example, qty to order = 5, qty to ship = 2. If they ship 2, no error, if they ship 1, error for partial ship notallowed based on the exact flag opens.

B78576 - RMA Receiving support for Progression

B78576     5/5/2015

RMA Receiving support for Progression

Symptoms: Add support for RMA Receiving in Progression environments

B78961 - User options - processes and devices EMPTY

B78961     5/5/2015

User options - processes and devices EMPTY

Symptoms: User Processes screen does not resolve the menu tree. To duplicate Agility/Options/User/processes Notice the screen is blank.

B79097 - when adding a second item to a pallet, the process gets a SQL timeout

B79097     5/5/2015

when adding a second item to a pallet, the process gets a SQL timeout

Symptoms: This issue was not able to be duplicated locally but could be reapted at reflectix. The switch for Prevent Multiple Shipments per Order could be shut off and the timeout did not occur. Check it and the timeout happened. John found an issue in our code and applied an immediate fix. This dev task is for purposed of documenting the issue.

B79502 - PO Receipt of RI Item should first default to the Material Cost Type Accounts

B79502     5/5/2015

PO Receipt of RI Item should first default to the Material Cost Type Accounts

Symptoms: A PO Receipt of a Receiving Inspection item should first default to the Material Cost Type accounts. It currently defaults to the Inventory Location accounts.

B79503 - Agility OE Line Create add the ability to automatically add kit components

B79503     5/5/2015

Agility OE Line Create add the ability to automatically add kit components

Symptoms: Agility OE Line Create add the ability to automatically add kit components

B79686 - OE Order Import Grid Create Orders Error - CheckRules:JobCode:Object not set to and instance of an object

B79686     5/5/2015

OE Order Import Grid Create Orders Error - CheckRules:JobCode:Object not set to and instance of an object

Symptoms: OE Order Import Grid Create Orders Error - CheckRules:JobCode:Object not set to and instance of an object

B79745 - Close trailer custom using the standard confirm ship object receiving "Error Getting BOL Data from Shipment table:GetBOLInfo:wsPKGShipment:RegurnRecordsByLoadCode:SQL transaction has not been started. The BOL process has been halted.

B79745     5/5/2015

Close trailer custom using the standard confirm ship object receiving "Error Getting BOL Data from Shipment table:GetBOLInfo:wsPKGShipment:RegurnRecordsByLoadCode:SQL transaction has not been started. The BOL process has been halted.

Symptoms: confirm ship object receiving "Error Getting BOL Data from Shipment table:GetBOLInfo:wsPKGShipment:RegurnRecordsByLoadCode:SQL transaction has not been started. The BOL process has been halted.

B80579 - Add check to prevent multiple unconfirm ships on a single line

B80579     5/5/2015

Add check to prevent multiple unconfirm ships on a single line

Symptoms: Add check to prevent multiple unconfirm ships on a single line

B80705 - EDI Integration Issues

B80705     5/5/2015

EDI Integration Issues

Symptoms: [rcortes 06/26/2015 16:29 (GMT -04:00)] ASNs are not showing integrated in the Integrate ASN Process Screen

B80904 - Agility Explorer fix and speed up loading time after selecting a company

B80904     5/5/2015

Agility Explorer fix and speed up loading time after selecting a company

Symptoms: Agility Explorer fix and speed up loading time after selecting a company.

B81262 - FS - Add PkgQtyAdjust.PkgLinTrxActionOverRide property

B81262     5/5/2015

FS - Add PkgQtyAdjust.PkgLinTrxActionOverRide property

Symptoms: FS - Add PkgQtyAdjust.PkgLinTrxActionOverRide property

B81884 - Expose ByPassAddressCheck property to Shipment related pkg objects in Form Studio

B81884     5/5/2015

Expose ByPassAddressCheck property to Shipment related pkg objects in Form Studio

Symptoms: Expose ByPassAddressCheck property to Shipment related pkg objects in Form Studio