Build 560

Enhancements 21

E37281 - PP4 Shiprush Tests UPS - 7 Tests

E37281     6/25/2013

PP4 Shiprush Tests UPS - 7 Tests

E37282 - PP4 Shiprush Tests FedEx - 7 Tests

E37282     6/25/2013

PP4 Shiprush Tests FedEx - 7 Tests

E37284 - QA Agility Transaction Test for the Inv Trx Screen

E37284     6/25/2013

QA Agility Transaction Test for the Inv Trx Screen

E37286 - PP4 Shiprush Tests USPS - 3 Tests

E37286     6/25/2013

PP4 Shiprush Tests USPS - 3 Tests

E37509 - QA PP3 EDI Regression test including Serial #'s

E37509     6/25/2013

QA PP3 EDI Regression test including Serial #'s

E49020 - Add the ability to confirm ship kit components

E49020     6/25/2013

Add the ability to confirm ship kit components

Symptoms: Add a boolean property to the ConfirmShip object that gives the option to automatically confirm ship kit component items

E51128 - Add Receiving Tables and Object Methods to consolidate receivers on multiple Lot Scans

E51128     6/25/2013

Add Receiving Tables and Object Methods to consolidate receivers on multiple Lot Scans

Symptoms: Add Receiving Tables and Object Methods to consolidate receivers on multiple Lot Scans

E51135 - Add new PO Receiving Table Creates

E51135     6/25/2013

Add new PO Receiving Table Creates


E51180 - Expose Wisys.PkgTrx.QtyAdjust in Form Studio

E51180     6/25/2013

Expose Wisys.PkgTrx.QtyAdjust in Form Studio

Symptoms:Expose Wisys.PkgTrx.QtyAdjust in Form Studio

E51857 - Agility Billing Process Grid - Add Cmt_1, Cmt_2, Cmt_3 as editable fields

E51857     6/25/2013

Agility Billing Process Grid - Add Cmt_1, Cmt_2, Cmt_3 as editable fields


E51940 - Form Studio Needs to differentiate between legacy and new forms as of release 559

E51940     6/25/2013

Form Studio Needs to differentiate between legacy and new forms as of release 559

Symptoms:In the old forms if a field is populated from another form via formula, the populated field should not execute any validations. However, with the release of 559 validations began firing upon the population of the field. This change is put in place to limit this new functionality to only the new forms. The different forms are identified by a subtype in the wsprocess table. Legacy forms are subtype "1" while new forms are "4".

E51973 - Expand Agility OE Order Line Change object transaciton

E51973     6/25/2013

Expand Agility OE Order Line Change object transaciton

Symptoms: Expand the Agility OE Order Line Change object transaction by exposing all available properties that can be modfied on a booked OE order line

E52165 - Help About does not display the current Build

E52165     6/25/2013

Help About does not display the current Build

Symptoms: Help About needs to display three builds - The Client, the database, and the Server

E52327 - New Pkg method to Clean up all open empty Shipments by username

E52327     6/25/2013

New Pkg method to Clean up all open empty Shipments by username


E52543 - Expand Wisys Validation Objects

E52543     6/25/2013

Expand Wisys Validation Objects

Symptoms: Expand functionality in the Wisys Validation Object library

E52715 - Create a switch that would allow items to be moved between boxes in PP4 if so desired

E52715     6/25/2013

Create a switch that would allow items to be moved between boxes in PP4 if so desired


E53054 - Capture the Shipping Object Ship function to confirm ship an LTL shipment within form studio

E53054     6/25/2013

Capture the Shipping Object Ship function to confirm ship an LTL shipment within form studio

Symptoms: capture the Shipping Object Ship function to confirm ship an LTL shipment within form studio.

E53386 - Auto Update Setting in wsCompaniesUpdater table

E53386     6/25/2013

Auto Update Setting in wsCompaniesUpdater table

Symptoms: Implemented the new Version detection and Client Auto Update in the 560 Build to Agility Explorer, Agility DS, PickPack 3.0, Shop Floor WC, Pocket ES FS, Pocket ES Server

E53707 - Agility Explorer: Import projects: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.

E53707     6/25/2013

Agility Explorer: Import projects: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.

Symptoms: Retrofit to Agility Explorer (WiSys.Uploader.dll) the fix from Product Updater import to avoid: Update Projects Error: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean. [fperez 05/23/2013 09:10 (GMT -06:00)]

E54049 - Expose Wisys.Shipping.Ship method to FormStudio/Pocket ES

E54049     6/25/2013

Expose Wisys.Shipping.Ship method to FormStudio/Pocket ES

Symptoms: Expose Wisys.Shipping.Ship method in FormStudio and Pocket ES

E54135 - Expand the Pkg Update to include Tareweight, Length, Width & Height

E54135     6/25/2013

Expand the Pkg Update to include Tareweight, Length, Width & Height


Resolved Issues 51

B27260 - First time Product Updater runs after renew the Form is off the screen

B27260     6/25/2013

First time Product Updater runs after renew the Form is off the screen

[eaguirre 01/26/2011 14:43 (GMT -05:00)]After refreshing the product updater, you get the impression that nothing happened, but the Product Updater form is 'hidden' from the screen in the bottom right.

B36993 - Import Project Agility Control

B36993     6/25/2013

Import Project Agility Control

Agility for a 64 bit PC defaults to the "Program Files" directory rather than the "Program Files (x86)" - John needs to add an entry type of OS as 32bit or 64bit [bhollinger 01/19/2012 10:42 (GMT -05:00)]

B43163 - Incorrect Lot Number being generated in Serial Lot Builder using IM Setup when static value contains leading spaces

B43163     6/25/2013

Incorrect Lot Number being generated in Serial Lot Builder using IM Setup when static value contains leading spaces

Symptoms: When the static value of a Serial/Lot number has leading spaces, the Serial Lot Builder using the Macola IM Setup option is incorrectly generating the lot number. The leading space is being removed and an extra value is being added to the numeric portion.

B48106 - All GAC dll's and plug ins are being captured creating very large project export dll's

B48106     6/25/2013

All GAC dll's and plug ins are being captured creating very large project export dll's

Symptoms: The problem is that we need to be able to release the dll in change to the process so that the captured dll space can be released. [bhollinger 12/18/2012 14:13 (GMT -05:00)]

B49964 - Data Type Customer in Progression is padding zeros's on Alpha customer numbers

B49964     6/25/2013

Data Type Customer in Progression is padding zeros's on Alpha customer numbers


B50032 - Package Transfer Object with inner packs is not updating wsPKG correctly

B50032     6/25/2013

Package Transfer Object with inner packs is not updating wsPKG correctly

Symptoms:Using the Package Transfer object with inner packs is creating a inconsistency between Bin at wspkg and wspkglin . For example, if I have a PALLET with child CARTON's, the transfer is done correctly as far as the items in the cartons. The bin_no at the carton layer is updated correctly to the destination bin, but he bin_no at the pallet layer, remains the source bin_no.

B50259 - Private flag needs to default to true on a Save As for Layouts

B50259     6/25/2013

Private flag needs to default to true on a Save As for Layouts


B50270 - Problems with the WiSys Lot number

B50270     6/25/2013

Problems with the WiSys Lot number


B50271 - After update, the pull item are filled with full stock, it’s NOT based on the work order reported quantity.

B50271     6/25/2013

After update, the pull item are filled with full stock, it’s NOT based on the work order reported quantity.


B51275 - Store a reliable Last Run timestamp on every system that runs Product Updater

B51275     6/25/2013

Store a reliable Last Run timestamp on every system that runs Product Updater

Symptoms: Product Updater is not storing in a reliable and consistent manner the Last Run timestamp on every system. [fperez 03/20/2013 10:11 (GMT -06:00)]

B51511 - Standardize all Product Updater’s dialogs to XtraMessageBoxes

B51511     6/25/2013

Standardize all Product Updater’s dialogs to XtraMessageBoxes

Symptoms: Some of the dialog boxes in the Product Updater are not using the same look and feel of the main application. Please standardize and enforce the skin and the usage of the DevExpress XtraMessageBox. [fperez 03/26/2013 14:23 (GMT -06:00)]

B51661 - Item Validations to include a search of the wisys bulk conversion table

B51661     6/25/2013

Item Validations to include a search of the wisys bulk conversion table

Symptoms:Wisys has a new table called wsPkgBulkConv, which contains bulk size UPC codes for Macola items. within the table there is a UPC_cd, item_no and pkg_qty. The validation should check for a matching upc_cd and return the item_no and quantity per package.

B51699 - PO.ReceiptValidatePOItem and PO.ReceiptValidatePOItemReceiving have an incorrect mapping to the move_to_loc

B51699     6/25/2013

PO.ReceiptValidatePOItem and PO.ReceiptValidatePOItemReceiving have an incorrect mapping to the move_to_loc

Symptoms:PO.ReceiptValidatePOItem and PO.ReceiptValidatePOItemReceiving have an incorrect mapping to the move_to_loc. The stk_loc should be returned.

B51751 - Validation lookups crowd the screen with multiple return fields, but the saved layouts are not saving for deployment

B51751     6/25/2013

Validation lookups crowd the screen with multiple return fields, but the saved layouts are not saving for deployment

Symptoms:Validation lookups crowd the screen with multiple return fields, but the saved layouts are not saving for deployment, resulting in having to do this after deployment. Also, opening or changing the search on that field is affecting the validation lookup, like wires got crossed. hard to explain, but can duplicate 100%.

B51917 - Remove Windows Registry access from UpdateCurrentBatch and MoveRegistry at Product Updater

B51917     6/25/2013

Remove Windows Registry access from UpdateCurrentBatch and MoveRegistry at Product Updater

Symptoms: Remove Windows Registry access from UpdateCurrentBatch and MoveRegistry at Product Updater.

B52213 - Unable to import project's XML into SQL Server 2000 using Product Updater

B52213     6/25/2013

Unable to import project's XML into SQL Server 2000 using Product Updater

Symptoms: Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'true' to a column of data type bit.

B52214 - Unable to import project's XML into SQL Server 2000 using Agility Explorer

B52214     6/25/2013

Unable to import project's XML into SQL Server 2000 using Agility Explorer

Symptoms: When trying to import the project's XML via Agility Explorer -> Utilities -> Agility Projects -> Import Project. Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'true' to a column of data type bit.

B52265 - Write D Audit Records when deleting an Order Header record

B52265     6/25/2013

Write D Audit Records when deleting an Order Header record

Symptoms: When Deleting an Order Header record a D audit record should be written to the oehdraud_sql

B52267 - The Wisys/Shiprush Weight Screen should auto-populate the carton dimensions from wsPKG

B52267     6/25/2013

The Wisys/Shiprush Weight Screen should auto-populate the carton dimensions from wsPKG

Symptoms:The Wisys/Shiprush Weight Screen should auto-populate the carton dimensions from wsPKG in PP4. This saves a ton of time from having to re-key this information for every carton.

B52291 - Transfer is updating the last cost on the Item Location Record

B52291     6/25/2013

Transfer is updating the last cost on the Item Location Record

Symptoms: Inventory Costing is Average Cost. An Item in a location has a Different Average Cost and Last Cost. When using the FS to do a transfer between bins, the last Cost is being updated to the average Cost.

B52318 - Agility Date Validation is available in DS but it is not functional

B52318     6/25/2013

Agility Date Validation is available in DS but it is not functional

Symptoms: Create a SQL Script Link the SQL Script to a Date Validation as an in field entry Profile the field as you tab through the field and no script is run [bhollinger 04/14/2013 17:16 (GMT -04:00)]

B52321 - Last layout is getting lost after project import on Agility Explorer

B52321     6/25/2013

Last layout is getting lost after project import on Agility Explorer

Symptoms: Last layout is getting lost after project import on Agility Explorer.

B52323 - The frt_amt field in wspkgshipment is only populated for Shiprush shipments. Needs to be populated for LTL shipments as well.

B52323     6/25/2013

The frt_amt field in wspkgshipment is only populated for Shiprush shipments. Needs to be populated for LTL shipments as well.

Symptoms:[eaguirre 04/15/2013 10:12 (GMT -04:00)]The frt_amt field in wspkgshipment is only populated for Shiprush shipments. Needs to be populated for LTL shipments as well.

B52363 - Last layout is getting lost after project import on Product Updater

B52363     6/25/2013

Last layout is getting lost after project import on Product Updater

Symptoms: Last layout is getting lost after project import on Product Updater

B52473 - Scrap reporting is not including the scrap percentage

B52473     6/25/2013

Scrap reporting is not including the scrap percentage

Symptoms: SFC Scrap reporting is not including the scrap factor when backflushing the components . Macola does apply the scrap percentage to the scrapped qty.

B52540 - SF Activity Transaction a DBNULL error can occur if the iminvloc.mult_bin_fg is NULL

B52540     6/25/2013

SF Activity Transaction a DBNULL error can occur if the iminvloc.mult_bin_fg is NULL

Symptoms: During SF Report Production Transaction a DBNULL error can occur if the iminvloc.mult_bin_fg is NULL for a backflushed item.

B52647 - SFWCR 3rd Shift Employee clock in/out issue

B52647     6/25/2013

SFWCR 3rd Shift Employee clock in/out issue

Symptoms: 3rd shift employees periodically receive the following error when trying to log out of a job the following morning: Error "Elapsed time cannot be greater than 24 hours. JobStartDate: 1/21/2013 6:23:00 AM Start Minutes:8 End Time: 1/22/2013 7:44:51 AM Total Minutes = 1521

B52800 - New Roundnig Method for emulating Macola Item Conversion to Stock Ratios

B52800     6/25/2013

New Roundnig Method for emulating Macola Item Conversion to Stock Ratios

Symptoms: When a PO is receives the WiSys objects round to Stock based on the company Inventory number of decimals and the PO Purchase to Stock Ratio. The conversion method need to be duplicated for other object calls such as adding items to packages that are in Stock.

B52851 - Reverse Time reporting is not reversing overhead in SFC Reporting Object

B52851     6/25/2013

Reverse Time reporting is not reversing overhead in SFC Reporting Object

Symptoms: In this scenario, they are using a Form Studio application to do Shop Floor Reporting of Time. When they report time against an operation, the overhead is being processed correctly, but if they made a mistake and need to reverse the time, the negative time transaction is not reversing the overhead.

B52942 - PP4 Views for reports/forms need to be developed for Progression

B52942     6/25/2013

PP4 Views for reports/forms need to be developed for Progression

Symptoms: Current views for PP4 tables do not work for Progression clients - this impacts development of Bills of Lading and Packing Lists

B53017 - Package or Inventory Transfer will overwrite an existing imlsmst_sql.mfg_batch_no

B53017     6/25/2013

Package or Inventory Transfer will overwrite an existing imlsmst_sql.mfg_batch_no

Symptoms: Package or Inventory Transfer will overwrite an existing imlsmst_sql.mfg_batch_no in the To Location's IMLSMST_SQL table.

B53121 - wsPkgsl exp Dt Not being populated for Floating Packages

B53121     6/25/2013

wsPkgsl exp Dt Not being populated for Floating Packages


B53205 - AddToFloatPackage is making up its own data, specifically pertaining to Bin

B53205     6/25/2013

AddToFloatPackage is making up its own data, specifically pertaining to Bin

Symptoms:If the passing parameter for BIN is blank or null the AddItmToFloatPackage is somehow (I have no idea how) "making up" a Bin and then gives you an incorrect error message that the Bin does not exist for that particular item/Loc/Bin. I can dupe this 100%. [eaguirre 05/15/2013 13:48 (GMT -04:00)]I think the it is defaulting to the stage bin in wssettings_sql.

B53214 - Agility Pick Tickets do not ask if pick ticket printed OK before marking the lines as printed.

B53214     6/25/2013

Agility Pick Tickets do not ask if pick ticket printed OK before marking the lines as printed.

Symptoms: When printing pick tickets using Agility WMS Pick Management, the system does not prompt the user if the pick ticket printed OK before marking the lines. Thus if the printer is jammed or the wrong printer is selected, the order lines are marked as printed and there is no opportunity to correct the printer issue and retry. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Open WMS Pick Management in Agility 2. Select the check box for an order and lines for printing. 3. Click the Pick Ticket Button 4. The pick ticket prints and marks the lines without prompting the user if it printed correctly and subsequently giving them the chance to select No and try again.

B53237 - Address line repeats on UPS label

B53237     6/25/2013

Address line repeats on UPS label

Symptoms: Address line repeats on the UPS and FedEx label in ShipRush Steps to Duplicate: 1. Verify address is entered correctly under profiles in ShipRush 2. Verify both settings in Agility-->APS Options-->General-->Shipping Label Contact Reference are set to 'None' 3. Ship a UPS or FedEx Shipment and see the address line duplicated on the label

B53264 - Unconfirmship not resetting Order Status if negative line item exists on the order

B53264     6/25/2013

Unconfirmship not resetting Order Status if negative line item exists on the order

Symptoms: When Unconfirm shipping all shipped lines on an order and a negative line exists the Order Header Status will remain at a "7". This is occurs because the negative line item is being seen as selected for shipping.

B53266 - un confirm ship grids display negative qtys and should not

B53266     6/25/2013

un confirm ship grids display negative qtys and should not

Symptoms: Agility Unconfirm ship grid displays negative quantitiy items

B53525 - Update to the Unsupported Credit Limit Method message

B53525     6/25/2013

Update to the Unsupported Credit Limit Method message

Symptoms: Previous message read - Unsupported credit limit method, must be 'N' or 'L'. All four credit limit methods are now supported. Message should be updated to read - Unsupported credit limit method, must be 'B', 'L', 'N', or 'T'

B53749 - Product Updater attempts to install the file U25IDAutomation.dll almost on every update

B53749     6/25/2013

Product Updater attempts to install the file U25IDAutomation.dll almost on every update

Symptoms: Product Updater attempts to install the file U25IDAutomation.dll almost on every update. Steps: Perform an update and notice U25IDAutomation.dll on the list of files to download. Perform another update inmediatelly and still U25IDAutomation.dll wants to be installed.

B53813 - Form Studio/Pocket ES not assigning bin on a Transfer for a lotted non-binned location to a binned location

B53813     6/25/2013

Form Studio/Pocket ES not assigning bin on a Transfer for a lotted non-binned location to a binned location

Symptoms: When doing an a Transfer in Form Studio/Pocket ES for a lotted item from a non-binned location to a binned location the Bin numbers is not being set.

B53929 - Product Updater reports Could not load file or assembly ADODB

B53929     6/25/2013

Product Updater reports Could not load file or assembly ADODB

Symptoms: Could not load file or assembly 'ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. When clicking View -> Last Update.

B53956 - PO Receiving - Item with Purchase UOM should default the qty for the Flat Bin and Serial/Lots

B53956     6/25/2013

PO Receiving - Item with Purchase UOM should default the qty for the Flat Bin and Serial/Lots

Symptoms: When doing a PO Receipt for an item with a Purchase UOM the qty should be calculated for the Flat Bin and Serial/Lot entries.

B53963 - Product Updater reports Object reference not set exception at frmMain::UpdateFiles()

B53963     6/25/2013

Product Updater reports Object reference not set exception at frmMain::UpdateFiles()

Symptoms: Product Updater reports Object reference not set exception at frmMain::UpdateFiles()

B54081 - Error converting a quote in Progression when Item Notes are not copied

B54081     6/25/2013

Error converting a quote in Progression when Item Notes are not copied

Symptoms: A SQL Error can occur when calling the Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.ConvertQuoteToOrder method against a Progression DB. The error will occur when setting the CopyItemNotes parameter to false.

B54133 - New Object Method to print Ship Rush pdf files for reprinting labels

B54133     6/25/2013

New Object Method to print Ship Rush pdf files for reprinting labels


B54139 - system appears to use the purchasing unit of measure cost to move the stocking unit of measure into the final stock

B54139     6/25/2013

system appears to use the purchasing unit of measure cost to move the stocking unit of measure into the final stock

Symptoms: Receiving Inspection - When an item with a Purchasing UOM is received via WiSys and Receiving Inspection is done in Macola, the incorrect cost (cost * purchase uom) is being used to update the inventory location cost

B54386 - Agility split screen shrinks main window after minimizing Agility and returning to full screen

B54386     6/25/2013

Agility split screen shrinks main window after minimizing Agility and returning to full screen

Symptoms: When first opening an Agility screen that has a main and detail window it comes up split. If Agility screen is minimized and then returned, the main window is very short and requires user to drag the separator down to get back to the original split view. This happen repeatedly in all split screen applications.

B54463 - Show custom Agility layouts cannot be turned off

B54463     6/25/2013

Show custom Agility layouts cannot be turned off

Symptoms: Show custom layouts in view and show custom layouts in menu can not be turned off

B54590 - Expose the Job Number property on the Inventory Transaction Issue Object inside of visual form studio

B54590     6/25/2013

Expose the Job Number property on the Inventory Transaction Issue Object inside of visual form studio

Symptoms:Expose the Job Number property on the Inventory Transaction Issue Object inside of visual form studio

B54608 - Add Confirm Shipped Shipments to VCR buttons in Pick Pack Tree

B54608     6/25/2013

Add Confirm Shipped Shipments to VCR buttons in Pick Pack Tree

Symptoms:Add Confirm Shipped Shipments to VCR buttons in Pick Pack Tree

B54628 - When Adding a Package using SerialLotXml feature you can only use one From Bin

B54628     6/25/2013

When Adding a Package using SerialLotXml feature you can only use one From Bin

Symptoms:When Adding a Package using SerialLotXml feature you can only use one From Bin. That is a significant limitation.