Build 567.2

Enhancements 9

E98868 - Generate Next Bol No when inserting into OEBOLFIL

E98868     1/7/2019

Generate Next Bol No when inserting into OEBOLFIL

Symptoms: Auto generate the next bol no when doing an insert into the oebolfil rather than requiring the value be passed in. Add Public method Wisys.OE.OECTLFIL.GetNextBOLNumber()

E117262 - POP Order Report Flag and Releasing Dependent Orders

E117262     1/7/2019

POP Order Report Flag and Releasing Dependent Orders

Issue: Add the ability to control the POP Order Reporting flag and the Release dependent orders option at the time of creating and releasing POP Orders New optional properties Wisys.POPTrx.CreateOrder class Wisys.POPTrx.CreateOrder.OrderReportingFlag Wisys.POPTrx.CreateOrder.ReleaseDependentWorkOrders New optional property Wisys.POPTrx.ReleaseOrder Wisys.POPTrx.ReleaseOrder.ReleaseDependentWorkOrders Agility Explorer POP Order "Release" actions will now release Dependent Orders based on setting - Macola\System\Company\Package Settings\Manufacturing\Production Order setup\Extra\Release Dependent Orders

E121922 - Make Option to not have to Dowwnload and/or Install Product Updater.

E121922     1/7/2019

Make Option to not have to Dowwnload and/or Install Product Updater.

Symptoms: Allow users to ability to not install Runtime programs at the time of update (Crystal, .NET, NiceLabel) Solutions: A prompt has been added telling the user that runtimes will be install and prompting them Y/N

E126182 - NEW - Wisys Agility Label Editor (AL)

E126182     1/7/2019

NEW - Wisys Agility Label Editor (AL)

New Standard Functionality: Wisys Agility Label Designer and Document Management Label Integration - Can be opened from Agility Designer, Agility Form Studio, Agility Explorer Document Manager and the exe file found at C:\Program Files (x86)\WiSys\Bin\Wisys.LabelDesigner.exe - Standard out of the box labels have been released with 567.2 and can be imported in the Agility Explorer > Document Manager > Import by selecting the wsDistDocuments_AL.xml, wsPkgDocuments_AL.Xml and wsPltMgmtDocuments_AL.xml

E130875 - Integrate Form Studio Validation into SAP environment

E130875     1/7/2019

Integrate Form Studio Validation into SAP environment

Symptoms: Integrate Form Studio validation into SAP environment Solution:

E130936 - NEW - Standard labels for new Ability Labels to replace NL available

E130936     1/7/2019

NEW - Standard labels for new Ability Labels to replace NL available

Symptoms: NEW Agility Labels - Create Labels in Agility Label to replace NL labels. The Agility Label documents are available in XML import files _wsDistDocuments_AL.XML *wsSTDLabel-AL *wsPORCVG-AL _wsPkgDocuments_AL.XML *UCC128-AL - done *wsLaberlCarton2_AL *wsLabelCarton3_AL *wsLabelPallet2_AL *wsLabelPallet3_AL wsPltMgmtDocuments_AL.XML *wsLabelPOPallet_AL *wsLabelPOPPallet_AL *wsLabelStdPallet_AL

E132950 - Add AIAG Option To Form Studio Forms

E132950     1/7/2019

Add AIAG Option To Form Studio Forms

Symptoms: Add AIAG option to Form Studio Forms. A new AIAG Item property is now available on Text / Numeric fields in Form Studio. Setting the Text / Numeric AIAG property to True will allow scans of barcodes that contain a prefix character. The AIAG property works in conjunction with the handheld level option that turns on AIAG. Solution:: Code changed to allow this option to properly react to leading characters

E141949 - Agility Mobile changes for wearable device WT41N0

E141949     1/7/2019

Agility Mobile changes for wearable device WT41N0

Symptoms: Make modifications to Agility Mobile login screen and Agility Mobile Options screens to open and scroll/size correctly when using the -LS option

E145527 - FS/AM - Add Option To Commit Transaction Prior To Printing

E145527     1/7/2019

FS/AM - Add Option To Commit Transaction Prior To Printing

Symptoms: A new option on Print Document Selection screen has been added that will allow you to commit transactional data prior to printing a document. Solution:

Resolved Issues 41

B86996 - PO Line import not populating expected cost for non-inventory items

B86996     1/7/2019

PO Line import not populating expected cost for non-inventory items

Symptoms: Non-inventory item using the PO Line Import to create line and pass item with value in the expected_cost but when imported, the cost imports at 0. Solution: Corrected to pass cost to exp_unit_cost when creating line

B93905 - AccountsReceivableTables.CustomerProgression Insert Object Reference Error

B93905     1/7/2019

AccountsReceivableTables.CustomerProgression Insert Object Reference Error

Symptoms: When calling AccountsReceivableTables.CustomerProgression Insert an Object Reference Error can occur.

B98687 - OE to PO qty backordered is not updated when receiving less than qty ordered

B98687     1/7/2019

OE to PO qty backordered is not updated when receiving less than qty ordered

Symptom: OE to PO qty backordered is not updated when receiving less than qty ordered. Solution: Code revised to populate qty_bkord correctly. Updated 567.2 Wisys.xMatAdj.v4.1.dll

B109607 - Form Studio - Opening a form from a form closes connection

B109607     1/7/2019

Form Studio - Opening a form from a form closes connection

In Form Studio, when calling a child form from, after the child form is closed the connection to the parent form is closed and additional transactions following that action can not happen. Opening a child form in Form Studio will cause any existing transactions on the parent form to commit. When the child form is opened it will execute under its own transaction. The child form's transaction will be committed when closed. Upon returning to the parent form a new transaction is created and opened for additional transaction processing.

B111696 - Form Studio - Startup SQL functionality

B111696     1/7/2019

Form Studio - Startup SQL functionality

Form Studio Startup SQL Events: The button to move an event down the list was not working. Startup SQL Events were being processed in the order added, not according to their saved sequence SQL Events that referenced a field value that was previously set by another startup SQL Event can now be used as a SQL parameter

B113882 - FS ItemAddToPackage serial/lot collection should update imlsmst comments

B113882     1/7/2019

FS ItemAddToPackage serial/lot collection should update imlsmst comments

Symptom: Comments not being written when set in the ItemAddToPackage transaction Solution: The FS Transactions ItemAddToPackage and ItemAddToFloatPackage use the serial lot collection screen and now write the comment values back to the imlsmst comment columns

B117448 - AP Voucher batch header doesn't match transactions

B117448     1/7/2019

AP Voucher batch header doesn't match transactions

Issue: When you add additional records to an existing AP Batch, the number of transactions (no_of_trx) and the batch balance (batch_bal) doesn't include the values from last voucher. When batch is posted the last voucher doesn't post correctly to the vendor account.

B125879 - Import documents delete option removes all other reports defined for that doc type

B125879     1/7/2019

Import documents delete option removes all other reports defined for that doc type

Symptoms: When importing documents (AE/File/Options/Documents/Import) the import "Remove all Current Documents Before Importing" does precisely that, it removes ALL reports that are defined. Including non-standard custom reports.

B127149 - Analytics - need refresh button

B127149     1/7/2019

Analytics - need refresh button

Symptoms: No ability to refresh analytic dashboard without closing and reopening Solution: Refresh icon has been added to the blue File Bar in the right corner

B127693 - Unconfirm Ship uses location cost instead of line cost

B127693     1/7/2019

Unconfirm Ship uses location cost instead of line cost

Symptoms: When unconfirm shipping an item (Cost Method = Standard and Cost To Use When Posting = Line Item), the debit GL record is incorrectly using the item's standard cost from the inventory location rather than the order line cost. The credit record uses the line cost which can result in an out of balance GL if you change the standard cost between a confirm shipping and unconfirm shipping the item.

B129606 - WsPreload Nullable object must have a value error

B129606     1/7/2019

WsPreload Nullable object must have a value error

When using a SQL script to insert rows directly into the wspreload table and all nullable columns are set to NULL a Nullable object must have a value error can occur when building the Bin Serial Lot Collection from the wsPreload table.

B130773 - All order lines must ship option is not saving when making more than one change in Ship Pack Options.

B130773     1/7/2019

All order lines must ship option is not saving when making more than one change in Ship Pack Options.

Symptom: All order lines must ship option is not saving when making more than one change in Ship Pack Options. Solution: Code was changed to allow this setting to correctly write.

B131041 - FS/AM SF Material Issue not returning ctl no in Progression

B131041     1/7/2019

FS/AM SF Material Issue not returning ctl no in Progression

Symptoms: A SF Material Issue or Material Return transaction is not returning the CTL No in Progression based systems. Solution:

B133782 - AE - OE Order Header Change Obj Trx - Audit Not Written

B133782     1/7/2019

AE - OE Order Header Change Obj Trx - Audit Not Written

Symptoms: The OE Order Header Change object does not create audit records as expected.. A grid which uses this object transaction to update ship dates on the order header, but no header audit records are created. Solution: The AE Order Header Change object was not setting the username to Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.OrderHeader. Also, updated the Wisys.OE.OrderEntryTables.OrderHeader.Update method to prevent multiple audit writes where the Order Header is being updated in multiple places. Code updated 567.2 WIsys.OE.v4.1.dll

B134514 - Role setup - would like copy function for role

B134514     1/7/2019

Role setup - would like copy function for role

Symptoms: Need ability to copy and existing role so they can add or remove additional components to role Solution: Copy function has been add to the "New Role" button. When a user selects New Role, a drop down to "copy From" has been added.

B134684 - Shop Floor - Qty Complete incorrect when backflushing labor on M Count Point

B134684     1/7/2019

Shop Floor - Qty Complete incorrect when backflushing labor on M Count Point

The Quantity Complete is being doubled when reporting a SF Activity transaction on an M Count Point that contains backflush labor.

B137407 - OE confirm ship when the items do not allow backorders

B137407     1/7/2019

OE confirm ship when the items do not allow backorders

If a customer no backorderable customer is short shipped and an item is set to be not back orderable, Wisys retains an allocation record in iminvtrx_sql. This allows you to scan/ship individual quantities as a shipment is built. A new property option has been added to Confirm Shipping (Wisys.OeTrx.ConfirmShip.ClearNonBackorderAllocation) that allow you to clear allocations for Customers and Items that do not allow backorders.

B137428 - Confirm Bill allows you to select the same serial number multiple times

B137428     1/7/2019

Confirm Bill allows you to select the same serial number multiple times

Symptoms: Confirm Bill allows you to select the same serial number multiple times. It should check to see if the serial number has been allocated. Solution: When a serial item is confirm billed an allocation record is written and the qty_allocated is updated on the imlsmst. Confirm bill will now check the imlsmst_sql.qty_allocated column to see if the serial number has already been allocated. If it has, an error will be returned preventing you from re-using the serial number.

B138194 - Landed Costs are not received in the same order as Macola

B138194     1/7/2019

Landed Costs are not received in the same order as Macola

PO Landed Costs are not received in the same order as Macola which causes issues when viewing receivers and entering AP Vouchers. Macola sorts and processes the landed cost codes alphabetically.

B138290 - Unable to move a carton to a pallet in Pick Pack shipping tree

B138290     1/7/2019

Unable to move a carton to a pallet in Pick Pack shipping tree

Symptoms: Unable to drag and drop a carton onto a pallet in Pick Pack Shipping Tree Solution:

B139720 - Assigning a form studio view to a user in Agility Options - User Access

B139720     1/7/2019

Assigning a form studio view to a user in Agility Options - User Access

Symptoms: Newly created Form Studio views are available to assign to users via Agility Options > User Access > User Processes > Device Options. However, they are not available to assign to users via Agility Options > User Access > Processes > Device Options Solution:

B140312 - changing the skin setting to any value in the drop down list, nothing changes with the appearance of AE

B140312     1/7/2019

changing the skin setting to any value in the drop down list, nothing changes with the appearance of AE

Changing the Skin in Agility Options does not have an effect on the AE skin. This has been removed as it is not an available option

B142005 - OE Order Line Create uses request_dt parameter to set the req_ship_dt

B142005     1/7/2019

OE Order Line Create uses request_dt parameter to set the req_ship_dt

Symptoms: AE Order Line Create object maps the request date to the req_ship_dt field when creating an Order Line Solution: Code was changed to correctly map this field. It was incorrectly mapped.

B142063 - OE Convert Quote does not convert SF Feature Options

B142063     1/7/2019

OE Convert Quote does not convert SF Feature Options

Symptom: Converting a quote to an order using the OE Convert Quote object fails when a SF feature option is on the quote. Solution: wisys.oe.v4.1.dll Added support for adding SF Feature Options in Order Entry. Add support for converting quotes that contain Kits, Features or SF Feature options.

B142407 - Shop Floor - Reporting on Y count with Backflush labor is incorrect

B142407     1/7/2019

Shop Floor - Reporting on Y count with Backflush labor is incorrect

Symptoms: When reporting on Y count points that use backflush labor the trx_qty_complete is doubled.

B142863 - Backing Out Pick Pack Shipment with Auto Select Non-Stocked/Non-Controlled Items

B142863     1/7/2019

Backing Out Pick Pack Shipment with Auto Select Non-Stocked/Non-Controlled Items

Symptoms: If a order includes a non-stocked/non-controlled item is shipped in multiple shipments in Pick Pack, and the Agility Option to auto select Non-Stocked/Non-Controlled items is enabled, only one shipment can be backed out. Attempts to backout additional shipments for this order will fail stating the non-stocked/non-controlled item has not been shipped. Solution:

B143352 - I Type Order tot_dollars calculation does not include tax, misc, & freight amounts

B143352     1/7/2019

I Type Order tot_dollars calculation does not include tax, misc, & freight amounts

Symptoms: I Type orders are not including the tax, misc, & freight amounts in the tot_dollars calculation. Solution: Objects updated to include I type orders.

B143857 - asn did not create properly because of more than 104 unique suffix needed for the BOL edi rule

B143857     1/7/2019

asn did not create properly because of more than 104 unique suffix needed for the BOL edi rule

Symptom: ASN did not create properly because of more than 104 unique suffix needed for the BOL edi rule. EDI integration shows shipment but gives error message that there are more package numbers than suffixes. Solution: The number of suffixes now available in our code is 720.

B143884 - FS Load Wisys Build And Licensing Information on Info screen

B143884     1/7/2019

FS Load Wisys Build And Licensing Information on Info screen

Symptoms: Form Studio should load the Wisys Build And Licensing Information when clicking on File | Info

B145876 - Agility grid - button - Post Trx Message locks activity

B145876     1/7/2019

Agility grid - button - Post Trx Message locks activity

Symptom: Using a Process grid with a button that contains an object transaction and an SQL Script and having a Post Trx Message on that Button prevents SQL script in the detail of that Button to not commit until the Post Trx message is accepted. Solution: The cause of this error was related to timing. the post trx message was displayed after all object calls and the SQL script execution happens after the object execution is finished. The Post Trx Message was moved to display to the end of all button execution.

B145914 - Clock Card transaction recorded twice

B145914     1/7/2019

Clock Card transaction recorded twice

Clock Card transaction is being recorded twice.

B145918 - MCCRWFIL_SQL Overtime Calculation Incorrect

B145918     1/7/2019

MCCRWFIL_SQL Overtime Calculation Incorrect

When reporting Labor in SF Work Center Reporting And logging in to Direct Jobs and Indirect Jobs. If the hours accumulated of Direct entries does not add up to 8 then no overtime rate is used even though the total hours including Indirect exceed over 8 hours

B145923 - Progression OE Feature component qty per incorrect on IMORDBLD

B145923     1/7/2019

Progression OE Feature component qty per incorrect on IMORDBLD

Progression OE Feature items are being added to the imordbld table with a qty per factor x100. Feature components should not use Progressions x100 factor.

B146083 - Undershipping items in stand alone carton when shipped with cartons on pallets

B146083     1/7/2019

Undershipping items in stand alone carton when shipped with cartons on pallets

When shipping a portion of an order line in a Carton on a Pallet, and a portion of the same order line in a stand alone carton, the qty in the stand alone carton does not get issued to the order. If Undership warnings are set, you will be presented with this warning.

B146276 - OE Distributions occur when Post Cost of Goods Sold turned off in Macola

B146276     1/7/2019

OE Distributions occur when Post Cost of Goods Sold turned off in Macola

Symptom: Cost of Goods Sold Distributions are written to the imdisfil, gbkmut, amutak, and amutas when Post Cost of Goods Sold is turned off in Macola Solution: The following transactions were effected. Credit Memos, I Type orders, Confirm Ship, Unconfirm Ship, Confirm Bill, Unconfirm Bill. We no longer create these distributions in this setup scenario.

B146623 - PS.PalletBuilderValidateItem validation fails with "Item Number Not Found" when item exists

B146623     1/7/2019

PS.PalletBuilderValidateItem validation fails with "Item Number Not Found" when item exists

Using PS.PalletBuilderValidateItem validation object, the system returns "Item Number Not Found" when the item exists in Item Master and Inv Location if there are no existing packages of status 'N' in the system. This was due to a possibility that a null value would be returned by wspkg.status. The query where clause was updated to resolve this issue.

B146732 - PO Receiving - Std Cost Cost adjustment recording aantal on variance account with incorrect sign

B146732     1/7/2019

PO Receiving - Std Cost Cost adjustment recording aantal on variance account with incorrect sign

Issue: Using Standard Cost, with cost adjustment, the PO Purchase Price Cost Variance is writing the gbkmut.aantal and amutas.aantal fields based on the positive/negative cost variance . It is now populated based on the positive/negative transaction quantity. Solution: Correct to follow same as Macola

B146740 - Keyboard input for Agility Mobile in Laptop/tablet mode is not synced correctly with the screen position

B146740     1/7/2019

Keyboard input for Agility Mobile in Laptop/tablet mode is not synced correctly with the screen position

When running Agility Mobile in Laptop/Tablet mode, the on-screen keyboard pops up, but using mouse or tapping on the screen does not tap in the same place on the keyboard. There were inherent scaling issues with the original keyboard. The legacy keyboard has been replaced with a new virtual keyboard.

B148081 - Expose the new Object Proerty on the OE Confirm Ship Object and change OE Confirm Ship Grid in OE Views

B148081     1/7/2019

Expose the new Object Proerty on the OE Confirm Ship Object and change OE Confirm Ship Grid in OE Views

If a customer no backorderable customer is short shipped and an item is set to be not back orderable, Wisys retains an allocation record in iminvtrx_sql. This allows you to scan/ship individual quantities as a shipment is built. A new property option has been added to Confirm Shipping (Wisys.OeTrx.ConfirmShip.ClearNonBackorderAllocation) that allow you to clear allocations for Customers and Items that do not allow backorders.

B150135 - Added error trap for LPCTLFIL read in xmatadj

B150135     1/7/2019

Added error trap for LPCTLFIL read in xmatadj

Symptoms: If the lpctlfil table is missing (can happen in Progression) no error was returned and error caused SF code to be skipped. fixed in 567.2 (p)and 568 Solution:

B150501 - SF Labor reporting calculates incorrect hours when crossing days over night

B150501     1/7/2019

SF Labor reporting calculates incorrect hours when crossing days over night

Symptoms: Clock in Start Job at 11:00 pm end job and clock out 7:00 am Following Day Solution: