Error launching data extractor
[eaguirre 01/27/2011 10:15 (GMT -05:00)] The data extractor is getting installed, but in a folder that does not correlate with the Window Menu Shortcut Path. On a 64 bit machine, it is getting installed in C:\program files (x86)\Wisys\Data Extractor… But when I launch the menu from Windows Start Programs, it is looking for the EXE in C:\program files\Wisys\Data Extractor…
Pocket ES Server Mem Leak (Nice Label / Custom Forms
Pocket ES Server / Custom Forms with Nice Lbel Printing After printing large datasets in Nicelabel Pocket ES Server seems to grow exponentially in size. Only physically exiting Pocket ES Server seems to drop the memory footprint down to a reasonable size. Example: Printed over 20 individual serial numbers out of a custom inventory receiving 10 separate times application and Pocket ES went from around 60 MB in memorey to over 700 MB. Only exiting will level out the system memory.
When using Form Studio for PO Receipt, the receiver return variable appears to only allow screen variables
[eaguirre 04/18/2011 19:19 (GMT -04:00)]When using Form Studio for PO Receipt, the receiver return variable appears to only allow screen variables (@variable). Would like to be able to store the receiver to a standard variable so as not to take up a field on the screen.
Report Pop Production on pulled order must have OE status at 4
Functionality in Macola does not require that an order in OE be at a status of "4" when reporting production on a pulled item. The order in order entry can be at a status of "1". I think our object should follow the same rule as Macola in this instance. [asonnenschein 01/17/2012 17:22 (GMT -06:00)]
Printing with PKG*** WHEN the package is floating
[eaguirre 01/23/2012 10:11 (GMT -05:00)]This issue is for floating packages, I am not sure how it is working when the package is linked to a shipment. • In Macola ES database, it prints the label under all circumstances, whether the customer is flagged, un-flagged, All turned or and ALL turned off. • In Progression database, it is somewhat the opposite. It only works if ALL Customers is turned on. Despite the query (1) returning the correct customer, the query (2) to check to see if the customer has a label to print ALWAYS uses customer 000000000000. (FYI, query (2) does not even run for ES) 1. select top 1 wsPKGLin.Item_no,oeordhdr_sql.cus_no From wsPKGlin inner join oeordhdr_sql on wspkglin.ord_no = oeordhdr_sql.ord_no where wspkglin.Ord_no = '00209664' 2. exec sp_executesql N'select D.DocNumber, D.PromptFor, c.customer as RecType, c.Carrier, c.DocumentName, D.Orientation, c.seqNo, d.CalcCarton,D.UseDefault, D.fullPath from wsDocumentCustomer c inner join wsDocuments D on D.DocumentName = c.DocumentName and D.DocType = c.DocType where D.DocType = @DocType and c.customer = ''all'' and c.Tabletype = 0 union select D.DocNumber, D.PromptFor, c.customer as RecType, c.Carrier, c.DocumentName, D.Orientation, c.seqNo, d.CalcCarton,D.UseDefault, D.fullPath from wsDocumentCustomer c inner join wsDocuments D on D.DocumentName = c.DocumentName and D.DocType = c.DocType where D.DocType = @DocType and c.customer = @customer and c.Tabletype = 0 order by c.seqNo',N'@customer char(20),@DocType char(30)',@customer='000000000000 ',@DocType='PKGCTN
PrintDocType: PKG** Does not support inner packs
[eaguirre 01/29/2012 15:43 (GMT -05:00)]Regarding our discussion on last week regarding the PKG** print object call. When checking for Item/Customer, your SQL query does not take into account INNER PACKS, therefore I cannot use that object to do a simple carton label . Below is your script and it is followed by my suggested script that does handle inner packs. --Current Script select top 1 wsPKGLin.Item_no,oeordhdr_sql.cus_no From wsPKGlin left outer join oeordhdr_sql on wspkglin.ord_no = oeordhdr_sql.ord_no inner join wsPKG on wspkg.PKG_ID = wsPKGLin.PKG_ID where wspkg.PKG_No = @pkgNo --Proposed Script Select top 1 IsNull(OuterPkgLin.Item_no, innerPkgLin.Item_no) item_no, oeordhdr_sql.ord_no from wsPKG OuterPkg left outer join wsPKGLin OuterPkgLin on OuterPkg.PKG_ID = OuterPkgLin.PKG_ID left outer join wsPKG innerPkg on OuterPkg.PKG_ID = innerPkg.ParentID left outer join wsPKGLin innerPkgLin on innerPkg.PKG_ID = innerPkgLin.PKG_ID left outer join oeordhdr_sql on IsNull(OuterPkgLin.Ord_no, innerPkgLin.Ord_no) = oeordhdr_sql.ord_no where OuterPkg.PKG_No = @pkgNo
Non Accelerated version of Updater throws error with Do Not accelerate download checked
[awilson 02/02/2012 10:27 (GMT -05:00)Steps to duplicate: Run product updater with "Do not accelerate download" checked. Returns error Update Files-Method: GetFileFromServerNonaccelerated. Click OK. Updater will spin but will not complete.
Agility Printer Definition not functioning as intended-pick tickets go to preview not to printer
[dbeer 12/14/2011 10:20 (GMT -05:00)] Symptom: Setting the printer output to printer and selecting a printer for the output in the Agility Printer Definition screen for the Pick Ticket form and then printing the pick ticket, the output still goes to the print preview screen first. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Agility --> System Manager --> Printer Definition 2. Expand Picking --> Pick Tickets and select the Pick Ticket form defined 3. On the right set the DocType PrinterOutput = PRINTER 4. Below that, set the Printer Definition to the printer the ticket should print to 5. Agility --> Order Processing --> Picking --> WMS Pick Management 6. check the box for an order line and click the PICK TICKET button to print the pick ticket 7. Output is still directed to the print preview window
Regression on filter columns - checkbox and datetime
[fperez 03-03-2011 10:47 (GMT -06:00)] Agility Design Studio: The first issue [1] is observed (randomly but very frequent) while previewing a Grid component that has a filter column with a Filter Type set to Checkbox with default values N for unchecked and Y for checked. What happens is that somehow the N value is missing from the SQL query the first time you preview the component. The checkbox has been designed to be unchecked by default. The second issue [2] is observed the first time one previews the same Grid component that has a filter column with a datetime field. During design mode that date was changed from the default 1/1/1753 to something more recent i.e.: 1/1/2010 and then saved. When you preview the Grid component you get the error “String was not recognized as a valid DateTime”.
Agility pick ticket error when printing batch
Please take a look and review Agility for memory leaks. After daily usage of Agility the memory foot print will grow until the application fails. These appears to be made worse by went printing mutliple crystal reports. [jlenkey 24-02-2012 12:16 (GMT -05:00)]
WiSys Objects Issue with Deleting Header/Comments
[blester 02/24/2012 12:37 (GMT -05:00)] Order Header comments are not deleted when deleting the Order via WiSys object calls User Just ran into an issue when deleting an order using the WiSys objects. It appears that when you delete an order using the WiSys objects it does not delete the header comments stored in OELINCMT_SQL. It does correctly delete comments associated with line items. My first test, I entered an order using the WiSys objects and inserted header comments, then attempted to delete the order using WiSys and the header comments remained. My second, I entered an order using Macola Progression and added header comments, then attempted to delete the order using WiSys and the header comments remained. My third, I entered an order using Macola Progression and added header comments, then deleted the order using Macola Progression and the header comments were deleted correctly.
PO receivers using objects -average cost not being updated when zero qty on hand and $0 Cost
[blester 03/06/2012 13:02 (GMT -05:00)] Average Costing - PO Receipt Create a PO for an item with 0 QTY on hand using average costing. Set the Cost to 0 on the PO Line. Receive the PO Line The IMINVLOC Average Cost should update to 0.
OE Billing Object does not recognize change to FRT Acct #
[asonnenschein 03/09/2012 13:04 (GMT -06:00)] I created a view. Changed the account number for the Freight, Used the OE Billing Object. The billing object changes the freight account back to the default account and does not recognize the change. I also changed the account in macola and then tried using the OE Billing Object and the billing object changed it back to the default of the freight account.
lost the ability to replicate pallets in pick pack.
[dbeer 03/19/2012 10:20 (GMT -04:00)] Steps to Duplicate: 1. Create new shipment in Pick Pack. 2. Select Pallets Only 3. Add a new pallet to the shipment 4. Click the Replicate button on the first pallet created and the error attached will occur.
Validate the material adjustment override account number against the syactfil_sql package valid flags (Progression only)
[blester 03/21/2012 11:43 (GMT -04:00)] Add functionality to validate account numbers based on flags in SYACTFIL_SQL per module. John stated that this should take place in Wisys.distribution
WIP Error on Reporting POP Production was a check for Material that was looking at Available instead of On Hand
I have a database built and can duplicate this error for orders: POP Order 17071 - Item 44-F40-12 POP Order 17073 - Item 26-ST45-SA0 [bhollinger 03/21/2012 13:10 (GMT -04:00)]
Service Items - Update OE Order Line default values when adding line item
[blester 03/22/2012 17:19 (GMT -04:00)] Updates for service item defaults when creating an OE order 1. Tax Schedules are not defaulting to order header if not schedule is included on the arsrvfil record 2. item_release_no is not defaulting to 1 3. qty_bkord_fg is being set to N 4. orig_price should be 0 5. prc_cd_orig_price should be 0
Even though flag to prevent concurrent multi shipments of an order is on, we still allow it if shipment is shipped but order not posted
[eaguirre 03/28/2012 11:55 (GMT -04:00)]Even though flag to prevent multi shipments of an open order is on, we still allow it if previous shipment is shipped but order not yet posted. We need to make sure the order is posted prior to allowing a new shipment.
IM Transaction - JobHist should use the Override Account number when provided
[blester 04/02/2012 14:31 (GMT -04:00)] JobHist is not using the override account numbers when set. Peform an IM Transaction with an associated Job Number. Set the override account number to an account other than the default for the transaction. JobHist will set continue to use the default material cost or control file account number when inserting the record.
Add Calculator to Button Action not visible in Form Studio Anymore
The ability to add a calculator to a handheld application is missing from form studio. Application that have a button already are fine. The action is simply missing from the action menu on buttons currently. [jlenkey 16-04-2012 13:45 (GMT -04:00)]
Memory Leak- Crystal Reports called Mutiple Times from Process Grid
When calling crystal reports from a process grid mutliple times. (Once for every row processed). Agility will eventually randomly crash while trying to complete the process. This only happens when Crystal reports is enabled.
Supress Printing if no Record causes Errors in Agility
In the event you have a report with the report option set to "Supress Printing if no Record" and the Agility crystal report is set to print to printer . It displays : Error displaying Crystal Report: CrownExmaple.rpt: Showreport: Attempted to divide by zero. Error Point=17: Report path & name C:\documents and settings\temp\application\data\wisys\agility\docs\crownexample.rpt: archive If the runtime is called to screen no error message occrus and the runtime is blank. This is correct. Can we supress or resolve this issue? Steps to replicate. Take the existing Agility PO and set the report option to Supress Printing if no record. Create a process grid to show reports. Upload it back into agility and set to print to printer. Pass the order number through as example 00000 and it will display that message. [jlenkey 16-04-2012 17:37 (GMT -04:00)]
Update status of oepdshdr_sql after billing/invoice, Populate tot_tax_cost when non taxable, update pre_select_status after billing
1. Update the status in oepdshdr_sql after Billing and Advance to Invoice 2. tot_tax_cost - update 3.Wisys put (or left) the value ‘1’ in the order header pre_select_status. Macola put ‘7’. The order had been confirm shipped
Wisys.Oe.OrderLineChange and Update method is not setting the qty_bkord_fg
[eaguirre 04/30/2012 15:51 (GMT -04:00)]The Wisys.Oe.OrderLineChange object is not setting the correct values in bkord_fg if the changed qty_to_ship is set to less than the qty_ordered and the customer allows backorders.l
Agility Audit Trail Error messages to be displayed to users when Audit disabled
Please add an option in Agility to display error to the foreground even when the audit transaction flag isturned off. Essentially if a SQL script or stored proceedure returns an error message it is displayed in the Aduit trail. Please return the values to a POP window like Object transaction failures do.
OEORDLIN Update method may perform an allocation for imordbld records on a non-corresponding line no
If an order with multiple line items exist including a line item(s) with imordbld records and the OEORDLIN.Update method is called an allocation on the IMORDBLD items can occur when processing a non-corresponding line item.
IM Reorder Advice - Vendor not found error will occur during PO Create if vendors are left justified
[blester 05/07/2012 09:12 (GMT -04:00)] Agility - IM Reorder Advice - Vendor not found error will occur during PO Create if vendors are left justified select RightAligned from EbcPropTypes WHERE TypeName = 'crdcode'
A next_doc_no parameter is being included in select statements in the xMatAdj.cImctlfil object when unnecessary
[blester 05/24/2012 15:55 (GMT -04:00)] A Next_doc_no parameter is being included in select statements in the xMatAdj.cImctlfil object when unnecessary. This is evident when doing an inventory receipt transaction.
OE Object add missing audit file entries on Confirm Ship, Billing, and Advance to Invoice
[blester 05/29/2012 09:09 (GMT -04:00)] Review OE Order Header and Order Line Inserts/Updates and add any missing Audit file entries OE Header Audit record not being written for a status change of 7, 8, & 9