Client Auto Updater to update clients to latest code on the server on each workstation login
Symptoms: Develop a new service and silent mode installer for Wisys Client Updater with Installaware Studio Admin. Needed features: +Improve the End-User Experience +Use Silent Installs for Automated Software Distribution
PocketES Connect 9190 enhancement Allow users to ignore any DataWedge customizations and carry on with remote session
Symptoms: After a cold boot customer might get a DataWedge related pop-up saying: "Existing preferences found. Please run [Pocket ES Connect Config] under: Start -> Programs and press SAVE in order to re-synchronize them". Even though after performing those steps they are operational, it is not very efficient.
Data Import Services for ProcessGrids needs to comply with UAC Control when importing Excel spreadsheets
Symptoms: Data Import Services Needs to comply with UAC Control by exposing a way for standard user accounts to be able to import Excel spreadsheets without the need of been local administrators.
Product Updater enhancement Change the success message on the Updater Renew to indicate an action took place
Symptoms: Product Updater enhancement Change the success message on the Updater Renew to indicate an action took place. From: "WiSys Product Updater is up to date." To: "WiSys Product Updater is now up to date." Requested by [ahayner]
New Order Validation object for Form Studio
Symptoms: Create a Form Studio General OE Order Number validation object (OE.CommonValidateOrderNo) with the following return fields: oe_po_no, status, ship_via_cd, cus_no, ship_to_name, bill_to_name, shipping_dt, ord_dt, discount_pct, mfg_loc, formatted ord_no
Expose the AllowInactiveIfWarn property option on the Agility LineImport object
Symptoms: Expose the AllowInactiveIfWarn property on the Agility Wisys.OE.LineImport class. This will allow inactive items to be inserted on an OE Order Line if the oectlfile flag is set to Warn. Currently the object prevents you from including inactive items.
Form Studio Rounding Function
Symptoms: Two rounding functions have been added. A standard rounding function that rounds the number based on the passed in value. A Macola Roudning Default function that rounds a number based on the number of decimals positions defined in the Macola company file.
Check for Parent Customer as EDI Customer to create entries in the OrderP or OrderL tables in EDI
Symptoms: Wisys looks at the EDI TRADE table for TP_PARTID to match to Macola Sales Order OEORDHDR_SQL.CUS_NO. If there's a match, the ASN (TPID, et al) is written to the ASN, ORDERP, and ORDERL tables. If there’s no match, no asn data is written to the EDI database. As the code exists now, each ship to must exist in the trading partner id in EDI. A modification is requested to lift this requirement as follows: As each order is evaluated for EDI the customer number will be validated against the EDI Trade table. If the customer number is found in the Trade table the order will be added to the ASN. If the customer number is not found in the EDI Trade table a check will be made to determine if the customer has parent customer by reading the par_cus_no column in the arcusfil_sql view. If found the parent customer from this column will be validated against the EDI Trade table. If found the order will be added to the ASN, if not this order will be skipped. Notice that the customer number on the order will have priority over the par_cus_no value.
Would like Agility to save the last window position and size from last closed session by user
Symptoms: Agility always opens to full screen and users have to resize and move to where they want it on their desktop. Would like it to remember the last position and size from last session and open in same.
PocketES Connect 9190 fix for Microsoft authentication error code 0x80090304 on Windows CE 7
Symptoms: Fix for Microsoft authentication error code 0x80090304 on Windows CE 7 []. Issue duplicable on our test Windows Server 2012 R2. When trying to connect to Windows Server 2008/2012 via RDP the authentication error 0x8009304 pop-up.
Customer phone number in FEDEX/UPS Shipments should come from the Alt Address if used in Order Entry
Symptoms:dbeer 03/12/2013 18:26 (GMT -04:00)] Customer wants the phone number from the Alternate Address (cusaltadr_sql) table to carry over to the phone number in the ShipRush screen like the ship to address does. In the event there is no alternate address on the order, the phone number from the arcusfil_sql should be used.
create access to the Trailer field in the confirm ship process before the ASN is generated
Symptoms:[rpeabody 11/27/2013 13:28 (GMT -06:00)] When a shipment is scanned the trailer number is not known and the gun has no provision to enter the trailer number. Because the shipment is created on the gun there is no way place to find the trailer number. If the trailer number was on the BOL screen, the trailer number could be entered before the ASN is generated. Customer is being required to include the trailer number in the ASN but has no where to enter it once the shipment is created. Need the ability to print the trailer number on the BOL after the shipment has been created if the trailer number wasn't know at the time of original creation. They want to enter the trailer number when the truck shows up.
Enhancements to Serial Lot Builder
Symptoms:[dbeer 04/25/2013 10:15 (GMT -04:00)] Please add functionality to our serial lot builder to allow the following: 1. Julian Day (3 digit day of the year: 001 through 365) 2. Separator character between sections. For example: Shop Order #-julian day-buyer/planner or 006357-192-ABC. End user should be able to enter the character they want to use as a separator. 3. Ability to use portions of a date (Day, Month, Year). Currently it looks like this feature would work but it always puts in the 8 character date no matter what portion you choose. Remarks: Workflow
If dimensions are not populated for FedEx shipments, stop the shipment and require dimensions to be entered
Symptoms: FedEx is going to be requiring that all packages have dimensions and thus calculate pricing based on volume instead of weight. Add a flag to Agility - Options - Pick Pack to 'Require Dimensions'. If this flag is turned on, the confirm shipping object will reject any wspkg package that does not have dimensions and prevent the confirm ship from going through.
Failed to release lot:ProcessSQL:String or Binary Data would be truncated
[dbeer 02/28/2012 22:29 (GMT -05:00)] To Duplicate: 1. Create a Domain User ID greater than 12 characters 2. Set up a transaction to pass a user id greather than 12 characters and an error stating String or Binary Data would be truncated This occurs in Agility and also with a Pocket ES login name The database field is 50 characters long and we should support user names longer than 12 characters.
Product Updater error Exception not handled when supplying bad password at initial SQL Server credentials form.
Symptoms: Product Updater error Exception not handled when supplying bad password at initial SQL Server credentials form. Steps to reproduce: After giving bad credentials to the "SQL Server Credentials" form you will get an error dialog then when clicking OK you get an exception. Object reference not set to an instance of an object at frmSQLConnect::btOK_Click
PocketES Connect 9190 fix Error 2.17.1 when starting up
Symptoms: Error when starting up: Message text unavailable. Resource file 'Microsoft.VisualBasic resources' not found. Error Point: 2.17.1 Steps to reproduce it: Try to configure Pocket ES Connect 9190 but remove the default integer value or leave the field empty at the Splash Screen delay. Or save the file but manually remove the value for the Delay node and leave it empty like: <Delay />
Product Updater error Removes your favorites
Symptoms: Product Updater error Removes first favorites. Steps to reproduce: Place IM Inventory Master in your Agility Favorites at the root level and without been contained in a directory. Force a re-import of the Inventory Project (P.ON.IM Views.xml) [Additional] Retrofit fix into wisys.uploader.v4.1.dll for Agility's manual Import Project feature to be in sync.
Physical Count by Item Form allows the user to scan an alphanumeric value into the quantity field
Symptoms: The Physical Count by Item Agility WMS Form allows the user to scan an alphanumeric value into the quantity field. When an invalid character is entered into a numeric field a validation error will be displayed.
PO.ReceiptValidatePOItemReceiving does not filter out 'b' type orders
Symptoms: The PO Item Receiving form uses this validation to validate on Item on a purchase order. The validation does not filter out 'B' po_type orders and the lookup grid then includes Blanket orders. When a Blanket is selected it allows the receipt.
add drop ship names don’t appear to be coming in 3.0C
[ahayner 11/26/2013 10:45 (GMT -06:00)] When Mike goes to the shipping tree to ship an order that has a drop ship address associated with it, the drop ship name, etc do not show as the "Ship From". John was on a G2M with Mike and Ann today and saw the issue - he will investigate. Other related problem - Mike can go to PP3 to change drop ship data (he removed a phone # on the Amazon account (acct 6706) and the phone # then did not appear on the PP4/ship rush shipping screen. However, the phone # still appears in the drop ship table in PP4. Symptoms:trying to add drop ship names and they don’t appear to be coming in.
WMS Settings - Inventory Transactions settings need to update the wsSettings table in both ES and Progression
Symptoms: In Progression, the Issue/Receipt accounts setup under WMS Settings updates the SYACTFIL table. In ES, this setup updates the wsSettings table. The new IM Issue and IM Receipt icons built in form studio only use the wsSettings table and are unable to assign account numbers during transactions.
Persistent DataWedge Settings after cold boot
Symptoms: WiSys Agility WMS installation installs DataWedge on the MC9190. Currently this install is going to the Program Files\DataWedge directory and the settings are not persistent on a cold boot or battery change. Install to the \Application directory to make persistent.
Form Studio POP Backfill does not use the POP staging bin set up on the handheld.
Symptoms: Attempting to use the 4.0 version of the POP Backfill and with binned components. Get one of two errors. 1. Error from validation when the item is entered saying "Bin. Ser/Lot Items exist on BOM" 2. If the validation doesn't stop entry, you get a "CheckRules: Bin: Not supplied" error on the components when you try to finish the transaction
PO.Receipt.ValidatePOItemReceiving validation returns blanket orders.
Symptoms: The PO Item Receipt Form uses the PO.ReceiptValidatePOItemReceiving object. The object returns a grid of orders when there are more than one order with the item selected. The grid of orders that is returned by the validation includes Blanket(B po_type) orders. The grid should not return b type orders for receiving against.
Enable Checkbox assigned to document not honored when access is set to private
Symptoms: Steps to duplicate This report is an example all reports act the same way. Setup the Document wsPOPReport under File /Options/Documents according to the attached screenshot. Using the POP Report FG form, report a qty of any item.(You must have a POP order available to report against) Observe the printer selection box that comes up. File /Options/Documents set the same document to have public access Using the POP Report FG form, report a qty of any item.(You must have a POP order available to report against) observe that the dialog box does not appear.
Raw Error Message is supressed when the iminvtrx exceeds its retry limit
Symptoms: Inserts into the iminvtrx record occur in an internal retry loop. After exceeding the maximum number of retries the error message is suppressed and is replaced with a general message stating that the maximum number of retries has been exceeded. The exception error message should be included.
SerialLotXML Issues with Package Add
Symptoms: Issue #1 When attaching multiple FROM Bins in the serialLotXML application in Agility, only the first location record is being transferred to SHIP Bin. Issue #2 While in the SerialLotXml application, even though there is qty remaining to allocate a bin/lot to, it allows you to exit the screen and still creates the packages, but the quantity does not match up to the qty in the packages. The app should now allow you to exit until you have allocated sufficient qty.
No Put Away on Recommendations option in Agility is not honored by WMS Pick Mangement in Agility
Symptoms: Agility -- File -- Options -- WMS -- Picking and Shipping -- No Put Away on Recommendations option flag is not honored by the WMS Pick Management Program in Agility. The put away bins when the Option for Recommend bin, serial/lot flag is also used, should be excluded from the allocations.
Transaction button doesn't refresh when processing form for top row of a grid.
Symptoms: In a grid with multiple rows with a transaction button which adds data to a new table and a second button which opens a grid component using that new table: Select the top row and do the first transaction to add data to the other table. Until you click off the top row, the second button stays inactive (doesn't refresh the sql data to determine if there is viable data in the second component grid).
Agility PO Rcvg grid does not work with Rcvg Inspection Items
Symptoms: PO Receiving grid in Agility fails when receiving a multi binned item that is set for Receiving Inspection. When selecting an R/I line for receiving, you receive the error - "Bin requires an entry. Do you want to correct the value?" When you enter in the bin and try to process, you receive - "Failed: CheckRules :Bin Trx Not Allowed, Not Turned On: 35385.02"
Qty to Ship not calculating correctly in Pocket ES Shipping form
Symptoms: Agility -- File -- Options -- WMS -- Picking and Shipping -- General -- Default quantity to ship quantity. When checked, this setting is confusing customers as to what value should show on the form for the quantity. Modify the name of this setting to "Default quantity to quantity remaining" and add an additional setting to this section called "Qty Remaining Based on Qty to Ship". The form in Agility WMS will then base what to set this value on the form to based on these two flags.
Receipt using Agility Receipt Builder does not record the correct cost in IMRECHST_SQL after the receipt.
Symptoms: When using PO Receipt builder in Agility on a PO with UOM Ratio on the PO line, the receiver record does not record the correct cost based on the Purchase UOM, rather records the INV stock ratio cost.
USPS does not write back to Macola
Symptoms: When shipping in Agility Pick Pack via USPS, if the option to write back freight is turned on in Agility Options, it is not doing so. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Create a Ship Via code in Macola for USPS. 2. Map the Ship Via code in Agility Options to a USPS service and prepaid freight 3. Make sure the Agility Option to 'Always Write Freight' is turned on. 4. Create a sales order in Macola using the USPS ship via code with prepaid freight 5. Print the pick ticket 6. Create a shipment for that sales order in Agility Pick Pack 7. Ship the shipment using USPS 8. Observe the freight amount is not written back to the Macola order
Validation update IM.CountValidatePackageNo should include Bin No being counted
Symptoms: The Bin No should be included as an incoming parameter of the IM.CountValidatePackageNo validation. If the Bin No being counted does not match the Bin No of the Package, no tag no should be returned by the validation which would prompt the creation of an extra tag. Currently the existing Tag No for the Item and the Bin No associated to the Package is being returned.
Search criteria missing when adding a customer to a carton document in Agility Document Management
Symptoms: When selecting the green plus sign to add a customer to a private document in Agility Document Management, the search filter criteria is missing at the top of the screen. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Open Agility -- File -- Options -- Documents -- Shipping -- Cartons -- select a label and change to private if it is not already a private document 2. Change the 'Document is assigned to these' drop down to 'Customers' and select the Green Plus sign 3. Observe the search filter criteria is missing from the top of the screen 4. Click next and you will get the search criteria in the grid if you have enough customer records 5. Try using the starts with or the contains to look up a customer number and it will never find any customers even if you use the exact customer number.
Child Window search does not allow "Contains" search even though Filter Option set to "Contains" child setup
Symptoms: Child Window search does not allow "Contains" search even though Filter Option is set to "Contains" in the grid child setup when linked to a top level grid view 1) Create top Level Parent Grid view 2) Create child level grid view with Filter style set to "Contains" a) Open stand alone child level grid. Enter filter and will work with a contains criteria 3) Link child level grid to top level grid b) Open top level linked grid. On child level, enter "contains" criteria and it will not work. Only works as a "Starts with" criteria. Duplicated in 561
Agility Pick Pack allows a confirm ship of an order that is already at status 9
Symptoms: When a customer splits an order across two shipments and the first shipment is shipped and invoiced in Agility but not posted, that order sits at a status 9 in Macola. If there is a second shipment with an additional item from that same order, Agility Pick Pack allows that shipment to be confirm shipped and then subsequently throws an error stating: iBilling:PostBillingUpdates: UpdateOEPDSHDR: ProcessSQL :Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.oepdshdr_sql' with unique index 'Ioepdshdr_sql0'. The statement has been terminated. WiSys should not allow the second shipment to confirm ship. Steps to Duplicate: 1) Create an order in Macola with two lines on the order. 2) Build a shipment for this order in Agility Pick Pack and add both lines from the order to the shipment. 3) Add a 3rd line to the original order for a new item in Macola. 4) Build a 2nd shipment in Agility Pick Pack and add the item from the 3rd line of the same order for the shipment created in step 2. 5) Confirm Ship the first shipment created in step #2 above. 6) Invoice the shipment from step #5 above. DO NOT POST. 7) Open the 2nd shipment created in step #4 and confirm ship in Agility Pick Pack 8) Observe error noted above
Post Trx message doesn't always pop up after transacting many lines on a process grid.
Symptoms: In a Process Grid using IM Transfer object. If I put the transaction in an “If…Then” statement to handle serial numbers, it doesn’t report the post transaction notes. If I create 2 different buttons that only do the correct transaction without an “If…Then”, it does show the post transaction notes. In the attached document is a project file that can demonstrate. The "Transfer" button is the "If/then" button.
Wisys is adding extra HL Order loops to Data Masons EDI Tables
Symptoms: Wisys is writing to the EDI.Orderl and EDI.orderP tables and incrementing the Order_no field even when there is only 1 Macola order on the shipment. The ASN should have only 1 HL O loop per Macola order but because of the way Wisys is writing to the tables we are getting multiple HL O loops. This causes problems for some of our trading partners because they are expecting only 1 HL O loop. There should only be multiple HL O loops if there are multiple Macola orders on the shipment.
BinAdjustment Objects validates using IMINVLOC and should only validate against IMINVBIN
Symptoms: When using the BIN Adjustment object to create a negative adjustment because IMINVBIN has qty and IMINVLOC is zero, the object checks IMINVLOC and reports an error that Location qty would go negative even though we are only adjusting the bin. The object validation needs to only check IMINVBIN for negative results.
Confirm Ship transaction returns incorrect validation when shipping same lot number from 2 different bins
Symptoms: When using the Confirm Ship transaction in form studio, attempting to ship the same item with same lot number from 2 different bins returns a "CheckRules" error that the bin header and ser/lot details don't match. It appears to be adding all instances of the serial lot number for that order and comparing to the bin quantity for the transaction bin.
Unhandled exception occured. Invalid argument value of 8 is not an index
Symptoms: Attempting to do PO receipts on HH with serialized numbers using the WMS Serial/Lot Builder and gets error "Unhandled exception occured. Invalid argument value of 8 is not an index" User does not have an issue when doing PO receipts with non serialized numbers.
Add option in OE to default the qty to ship if less than the qty available
Symptoms: Add a new OrderLines.Add overload that gives the option to default the Qty To Ship if it's less than the Qty Available. A new property (DefaultQtyToShipIfLessThanAvailable) has also been exposed in the Agility OE Order Line Import.
When using design studio the post trx message will not return the Order Created
Symptoms:create button that creates an order. Flag the button to Post TRX Message. Define the message to return the order created (@order_created). The post trx does not show return the order created. [asonnenschein 02/02/2015 10:00 (GMT -06:00)] When there is more than one line created for the order the order number is not returned for the message. It does work if only one line is created for the order.
Padding feature in Design Studio for an Edit Field does not appear to work
Symptoms: When trying to use the padding feature in Design Studio for an EDIT Field on a Process Grid, it doesn't appear to do anything. Steps to Duplicate: 1. Find an edit field such as the serial/lot field on the OE Confirm Ship/Bill grid in Agility 2. Edit the field in the grid in Design Studio and try configuring the padding section for that field to fill with leading zeros. 3. Test in the grid and observe nothing happens.
Issue Posting macola Tags where bins do not collect properly
Symptoms: When writing from the CreateExtraTag business object the object creates the extra tag with a "P" in the extra tag field. When creating an extra tag in Macola, that field is Null when in Progression and a 'C' when in ES. In order to make our data match Macola's data this field should be null when creating an extra tag.
After updating, he goes into SFWCR and gets a message that there are files to update but when he runs updater nothing to update
Symptoms: When the Client Access feature in Agility - Options - WMS - Enterprise is set to 'Prevent if update required', SFWCR reports that there are components to be updated even though the workstation is current and client updater reports zero files to update. All legacy applications should be tested to be sure this check works (POP Desktop, POP Pick Tickets, Pick Pack 3, OE Pick Tickets)
Crystal Error when printing label in SFWCR in 562
Symptoms:[awilson 06/12/2014 10:28 (GMT -04:00)]User gets error when reporting in SFWCR build 562 PrintDocuments:PrintDocuments: the type initializer for Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports Engine Report Document threw an exception,. Default Printer Name 2
AddFloatPackagesWithItems Does not add the wspkgsl record
Symptoms: AddFloatPackagesWithItems does not add the wspkgsl record even though a lot number is provided. Public Function AddFloatPackagesWithItems(ByVal sPkgType As String, ByVal sBinNo As String, ByVal sItemNo As String, ByVal sLoc As String, ByVal dQtyTotalOrder As Double, ByVal dQtyPerPackage As Double, ByVal bAllowPartialPackages As Boolean, ByVal sSerialLotNumber As String, ByRef sRtnErrMsg As String) As Integer
When unreceiving, landed cost not entered in Macola iminvtrx table of reversing entry
Symptoms: Landed costs are not entered in the iminvtrx table on a PO Unreceive transaction 1) Po Receiving App - Receive in an item that has landed cost associated to it 2) UnReceive same item – Landed cost is not written to iminvtrx_sql.landed_cost field 3) Re Receive item – Landed cost is written with re – receipt
Display the Form Type in the Form properties section of Form Studio
Symptoms: Form Studio will now display the Form Sub Type in the form properties section. The two form types are Legacy Form and Agility Form. A warning message will also be displayed when copying a Legacy form indicating "You are copying a Legacy Form Studio Form. Some functionality may not be present in Legacy Forms that is found in Agility Form Studio Forms."
A Form Studio form's visible flag may not default correctly
Symptoms: A Form Studio form's visible flag may not default correctly when creating a new form or importing a new form. When first opening a project then creating a new form, the visible flag will default to false. Importing a form may not correctly set the form's visible flag.